Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

Volume II Study Guide

Chapter I Chapter 25

1. Why is Elizabeth in “silent indignation”?

2. How does Elizabeth describe Jane’s personality?

3. Summarize Elizabeth’s view of the world.

4. Quote Elizabeth’s view of Charlotte and Rev. Collins’s marriage.

5. What is Mr. Bennet’s attitude toward Jane’s being “crossed in love”?

Chapter II

6. Describe Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner.

7. What is Mrs. Gardiner’s attitude to Elizabeth and Wickham’s relationship?

Chapter III

8. What does Mrs. Gardiner “honestly” tell Elizabeth regarding Wickham?

Chapter IV

9. Who is Miss King?

10. Who says, “Stupid men are the only ones worth knowing, after all.”?

Chapter V

11. What are Elizabeth’s observations of the marriage of Charlotte and Collins when she visits the Parsonage?

Chapter VI

12. Describe the “raptures” of Mr. Collins upon the visit to Rosings.

13. How does Sir William Lucas act in the presence of Lady Catherine?

14. What in Elizabeth’s actions astonishes Lady Catherine?

15. Describe Mr. Collins’s behavior at the card table.

Chapter VII

16. Describe Colonel Fitzwilliam.

Chapter VIII

17. What makes Darcy “a little ashamed of his aunt’s ill breeding”?

18. What about Elizabeth’s discussion of her musical ability pleases Darcy?

Chapter X

19. What are Colonel Fitzwilliam’s comments regarding primogeniture?

20. What are Elizabeth’s comments regarding Jane and Bingley’s separation?

Chapter XI

21. Summarize Darcy’s marriage proposal.

22. Summarize Elizabeth’s reaction to it.

Chapter XII

23. Summarize Darcy’s letter.

24. What is the truth of Darcy’s background with Wickham?

Chapter XIII

25. How have Elizabeth’s feelings toward Darcy changed since she read the letter?

Chapter XIV

26. Find quotations that characterize Kitty (Catherine) and Lydia.

Chapter XV

27. Contrast Mr. Collins and Elizabeth’s views of Charlotte’s marriage.

Chapter XVI

28. Why does Lydia want to go to Brighton?

29. Contrast Elizabeth and Lydia’s reaction regarding Wickham’s behavior with Mary King.

Chapter XVII

30. What is Jane’s reaction to the news regarding Wickham?

Chapter XVIII

31. Quote Mr. Bennet’s discussion of Lydia’s “expos[ing] herself.”

32. Summarize Elizabeth’s comments regarding the future of Kitty and Lydia.

Chapter XIX

33. Summarize the narrator’s comments about the Bennet marriage.

34. What does the narrator reveal about Elizabeth’s observations regarding her father as a father and husband?

Pride and Prejudice

Volume III Study Guide

Chapter I Chapter 43

1. Describe Elizabeth’s reaction upon seeing Pemberley.

2. Compare Pemberley to Rosings.

3. Describe the reactions Elizabeth and Darcy have upon seeing each other on the grounds of Pemberley.

4. Note the length of this chapter. Why might this chapter be viewed as a turning point in the novel?

Chapter II

5. Summarize Elizabeth’s less prejudicial view of Darcy.

Chapter III

6. What cutting remark does Miss Bingley make to Elizabeth?

7. Quote Darcy’s comment to Miss Bingley regarding his feelings toward Elizabeth.

Chapter IV

8. Summarize the contents of Jane’s letter to Elizabeth.

Chapter V

9. List two “moral extractions” Mary utters in reference to the Lydia affair.

Chapter VI

10. Summarize Mr. Collins’s letter regarding the Lydia affair.

11. If Mr. Bennet has an epiphany, and is to be regarded as a moral success, it is to be seen at the end of Chapter VI. Explain how his discussion of Brighton and Kitty reveals his epiphany.

Chapter VII

12. Why does Mr. Bennet say that Wickham would be a fool accept less than “Ten thousand pounds” to marry Lydia?

13. What is Mrs. Bennet’s reaction to the news of Lydia’s impending marriage?

Chapter XIV

14. What is Lady Catherine’s reaction to Elizabeth’s comment that she, Elizabeth, is a “gentleman’s daughter”?

15. Lady Catherine exclaims, “Heaven and earth! – of what are you thinking? Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?” To whom is she talking? Who is the pollutant?

16. What “little falsehood” does Elizabeth tell to her mother after meeting with Lady Catherine?

Chapter XVII

17. Quote the reason Elizabeth tells her father why she loves Darcy.

18. What comment doe Mr. Bennet make about the state of his marriage?

19. Quote Mr. Bennet’s comment regarding his “three sons-in-law.’

Chapter XVIII

20. For what does Mr. Darcy admit to admiring Elizabeth?

21. Characterize Miss Bingley’s “congratulations to her brother, on his approaching marriage.”

Chapter XIX

22. “Happy for all her maternal feelings was the day on which Mrs. Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters.” What word in the sentence best describes Mrs. Bennet’s character?

23. What does the future hold for Kitty?

24. Summarize the attitude of Lady Catherine – on the last page of the novel - toward the marriage of Darcy to Elizabeth.


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