Maths Signs & Symbols - Seomra Ranga

Maths Signs & Symbols

|+ |add / plus |

|- |take away / minus / subtract |

|± |plus or minus |

|x |multiply / times |

|÷ |divided by |

|= |equals |

|≠ |not equal to |

|≈ |roughly equal to |

|< |less than |

|> |greater than |

|≤ |less than or equal to |

|≥ |greater than or equal to |

|€ |Euro sign |

|% |per cent |

|O |degrees |

|√ |square root |

|( |angle |

|( |square |

|Δ |triangle |

|( |perpendicular to |

|// |parallel to |

|( |pi |


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