How to send this book - Fast Track IELTS

5293360125730006200OET HomeworkLesson 1: Nursing Writing Homework BookThis homework book is to be completed after you have undertaken the writing lesson. Work through the activities in this book and send your answers to your teacher for review.How to send this bookThe easiest way to complete this homework book is to write your answers out by hand on a separate piece of paper and to take a photograph before sending to homework@.If you have any difficulty completing your homework, please contact us as soon as possible.Additional InformationPlease try to submit your homework at least 48 hours before your next arranged class to give your teacher time to review your work.We endeavor to mark homework within 72 hours (Mon-Fri), however please note there may be some delays during peak times and close to test dates.Activity 1: Letter StructureYou should get into the habit of structuring your letter in a similar way each time using the guide below. Review the information below before writing your first letter.ParagraphInformation to include...ExampleAddressRecipient nameRecipient addressDateGeorgine PonsfordResident Community Nurse103 Light Street11/02/2018IntroductionGreetingPatient name and age/DOBDear Ms Ponsford,Re: Lionel Ramamurthy, aged 791Reason for writingPatient’s nameMain medical issue Relevant datesI am writing regarding Lionel Ramamurthy who is being discharged from Newtown Hospital on 11/02/2018 after treatment for pneumonia.2Further details about patient’s main medical conditionDISCHARGE & TRANSFER: an overview of what has happened to the patient during their admission in hospital. REFERRAL: a timeline of what has been happening to the patient during your involvement with them. DISCHARGE & TRANSFER:When Mr Ramamurthy was first admitted he… He was treated with… He has since made good progress, and he is able to… REFERRAL:This patient first presented to me on 01/10/2018 with… Three weeks later she returned to the clinic with… When I saw her today, it was clear that… 3 & 4Any other relevant information, including:Past medical historyLifestyleMedicationIt should be noted that Mr Ramamurthy is on Voltaren for osteoarthritis and …In 2007, the patient had a total hip replacement...5Any tasks that the recipient will need to doPlease monitor the patient’s compliance with medication...EndingOffer to be contacted for any queries or questions.Yours sincerelyYour professionPlease do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.Yours sincerely, Charge NurseActivity 2: OET Practice Writing ExamNow complete your first OET writing test. Follow the below instructions:Review the structure recommended in Activity 1.Write your first OET letter using the case notes on the next page.You should write your letter on a piece of paper using a pen. Then, take a photograph of the letter once you have finished. Forward a copy of the image to: homework@. You can find an instruction guide on how to do this by visiting ‘Docs & Resources’ in the student’s area.Once you have received feedback on your first writing assignment you are invited to complete more letters for further feedback.Please note: We are only able to accept one piece of homework or writing correction at a time. You must wait until you have received feedback on one assignment before sending another.Please contact us at contact@ if you are unsure of the requirements of the homework.OCCUPATIONAL ENGLISH TESTWRITING SUB-TEST: NURSINGTIME ALLOWED: READING TIME: 5 MINUTESWRITING TIME: 40 MINUTESRead the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.NOTESYou are a registered nurse working at Freemont Community Hospital. Your patient, Ms Sheila Cartwright, is being discharged today.Patient:Sheila Cartwright (Ms)Age:69 YearsMartial status:SingleFamily:NilFirst admitted: 14 April 2017, Freemont Community HospitalDischarge: 30 April 2017Diagnosis:Unstable diabetes mellitus.Small infected (left) foot ulcer.Medical history:Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus – 9 years.Medications:Glibenclamide (Glimel) 5mg daily.Metformin (Diabex) 800mg t.d.s.Amoxycillin/clavulanate (Augmentin Duo Forte, 125mg orally, b.d.)Family background:Retired at 67 from administrative position.Lives alone in own three-bedroom home.Income: small pension – much lower than pre-retirement income.Reports no relatives or close friends.Reports no outside interests.Since retirement – alcohol intake ↑, and dietary quality ↓?Periodic problems with self-administration of hypoglycaemic medication.Nursing management and progress:Medical hypoglycaemic agent (glibenclamide) to continue.Antibiotic therapy (Augmentin Duo Forte) for review at completion ofcurrent course.Ulcer daily saline dressing, monitor wound margins, observe for signs of complications, review healing progress etc.Discharge plan:Monitor medication compliance, blood sugar levels, alcohol intake,diet.Encourage moderate exercise programme.Suggest establishment of income-producing activity.Encourage establishment of social activities.Prepare a letter to the community nurse, emphasising the needs for an overall life-style plan, and suggesting involvement of community social service worker.WRITING TASKUsing the information given in the case notes, write a letter of discharge to Mrs Edith Penny, the community nurse at Freemont Community Health Centre, informing her about the patient’s conditions and her medical and social needs. Address your letter to Mrs Edith Penny, Community Nurse, Freemont Community Health Centre, Freemont.In your answer:Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences. Do not use note form.Use letter format.The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.Teacher FeedbackPLEASE NOTE: This section is for teachers only.Strengths?????????Corrections Content (Overall Task Fulfillment)# paragraph – “???Informal Language (Appropriateness of Language)# paragraph – “???Incorrect Information (Comprehension of Stimulus)# paragraph – “???Layout/Format (Presentation Features)# paragraph – “???Punctuation (Presentation Features)# paragraph – “???Spelling (Presentation Features)# paragraph – “???Sentence Structure (Linguistic Features)# paragraph – “???Prepositions (Linguistic Features)# paragraph – “???Word choice (Linguistic Features)# paragraph – “???Articles (Linguistic Features)# paragraph – ???Tenses (Linguistic Features)# paragraph - ???OVERALL COMMENTS… ................

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