World History I - Science

Acellus? World History I

Unit 1 - Prehistory to Early Civilizations 1 Archaeological Review 2 Paleolithic Age: Border Cave 3 Agriculture and Neolithic Age 4 Catal Huyuk: Example of Neolithic Age 5 Oetzi the Iceman 6 River Valley Civilizations 7 Fertile Crescent: The Crade of Civilization 8 Empires of the Fertile Crescent 9 Contributions of Ancient Mesopotamia 10 Foundations of Judaism 11 The Persian Empire

Unit 2 - Nile River Civilizations 12 The Gifts of the Nile 13 Old and Middle Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt 14 New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt 15 Hatshepsut and Ramses II 16 Religious Practices in Ancient Egypt 17 Daily Life in Ancient Egypt 18 Contributions of Ancient Egypt 19 Kingdoms of Nubia 20 Egyptian Influence on the Kush

Unit 3 - Ancient India and China 21 Geography of India 22 Civilizations of the Indus River Valley 23 Aryan Culture 24 Foundations of Hinduism 25 Hindu Practices 26 Foundations of Buddhism 27 Buddhist Teachings 28 Buddhism Spreads Throughout Asia 29 Geography of China 30 Shang and Zhou Dynasties 31 The Birth of Chinese Philosophy 32 Culture and Ancient Belief Systems

Unit 4 - Classical Greece 33 Trade: Minoans and Mycenaeans 34 Birth of Greek City-States 35 Greek Culture 36 Athens vs. Sparta 37 Development of Democracy 38 Greek Warriors 39 War with Persia 40 The Golden Age of Athens 41 The Peloponnesian War 42 Contributions of Ancient Greece Part 1 43 Contributions of Ancient Greece Part 2 44 Rise of Alexander the Great 45 Hellenistic Age


Unit 5 - Ancient Rome 46 Early Roman Influences 47 Rise of the Republic 48 The Punic Wars 49 Citizenship in Rome 50 Rise and Fall of Caesar 51 Rise of the Empire 52 Rome's Pax Romana 53 Daily Life in Rome 54 Contributions of Ancient Rome 55 Birth of Christianity 56 Christian Apostles 57 Christian Churches 58 Fall of Rome

Unit 6 - Civilizations in the Americas 59 Early People of the Americas 60 North American Natives 61 The Olmec 62 The Maya 63 The Aztecs 64 The Inca

Unit 7 - Chinese and Indian Empires 65 Qin Shi Huangdi and the Qin Dynasty 66 Han Dynasty 67 Confucian Philosophy in China 68 Contributions of Ancient China 69 The Silk Road 70 India's Mauryan Empire 71 Asoka's Death and Regional Powers 72 India's Gupta Empire 73 Daily Life in India 74 Hinduism and Buddhism

Unit 8 - The Rise of Islam 75 Geography of Arabia 76 Foundations of Islam 77 Five Pillars of Islam 78 Diffusion of Islam 79 Compare and Contrast: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 80 Sunnis and Shiites 81 Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties 82 Muslim Culture

Unit 9 - Ancient Africa 83 Geography of Africa 84 Africa's Early People 85 People of East Africa 86 Travels of Ibn Battutah 87 West African Kingdoms 88 Gold and Salt Trade 89 African Culture and Islam

Copyright International Academy of Science 2011-2013 ? All rights reserved

Acellus? World History I

Unit 10 - East Asia 90 Chinese Dynasties: Sui and Tang 91 Contributions of the Song Dynasty 92 Chinese Agriculture and Trade 93 The Mongols 94 Kublai Khan and the Yuan Dynasty 95 Marco Polo's Expeditions 96 Mongol Manchuria


97 Geography of Japan 98 Foreign Influences in Early Japan 99 Heian Period and Fujiwaras 100 Geography of Korea 101 Early Korea 102 Southeast Asian Kingdoms 103 Rice Cultivation 104 Women in Asian Cultures

Copyright International Academy of Science 2011-2013 ? All rights reserved


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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