The Roaring Twenties - Revere Local Schools / Overview

American History

The Roaring Twenties

The United States seeks postwar normality and isolation. The standard of living soars amid labor unrest, immigration quotas, and the scandals of the Harding administration.

1 Copyright ? by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

American History

The Roaring Twenties


Why did political, economic, and social tensions characterize the 1920s?

LESSON 1 The Business of America LESSON 2 Postwar Issues LESSON 3 Changing Ways of Life LESSON 4 The Twenties Woman LESSON 5 Education and Popular Culture LESSON 6 The Harlem Renaissance

2 Copyright ? by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

American History

LESSON 1 The Business of America

Consumer goods fuel the business boom of the 1920s as America's standard of living soars.

3 Copyright ? by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

American History

LESSON 1 The Business of America Struggles for Peace

? Amid weak economy, strikes, and riots, Americans want peace and quiet ? President Warren G. Harding voices public desire for "normalcy"

Legislating Peace

? Hosts Washington Naval Conference; invites major powers, not Russia ? Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes proposes disarmament, others agree ? 1928, Kellog-Briand Pact nations renounce war as national policy

High Tariffs and Reparations

? Fordney-McCumber Tariff raises taxes on U.S. imports to 60%

? Britain, France cannot repay U.S.

? Germany defaults; Dawes Plan--U.S. investors lend reparations money ? Britain, France repay; resentment on all sides

4 Copyright ? by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

American History

LESSON 1 The Business of America

Harding's Domestic Policies and Problems

? Harding favors limited government role in business, social reform

Economic Policies

? Harding cut the federal budget and reduced taxes for the wealthy ? Harding hoped his actions would help buisnesses grow and strengthen the economy ? Set of Bureau of Budget to help government run more efficiently

Harding's Cabinet

? Has capable men in cabinet--Hughes, Herbert Hoover, Andrew Mellon ? Also appoints Ohio gang--corrupt friends who cause embarrassment

5 Copyright ? by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company



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