Warm-Up Society in the 1920s

[Pages:12]Warm-Up Society in the 1920s

The Roaring Twenties

New inventions and trends changed Americans' lives.

? Radios ? Model Ts ? Flappers

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

? Explain the influence of Jazz Age culture.

? Describe the growing importance of mass media and the

entertainment industry , and identify examples of prominent

actors , athletes, or musicians of the era.

? Explain how the works of prominent authors

reflected changing American culture.

of the 1920s

? Analyze the changing role of women in American society.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Warm-Up Society in the 1920s


Words to Know

Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. You may also use the glossary to help you.


a young woman in the 1920s who

dressed and behaved in a way that was considered

very modern

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Society in the 1920s


Lesson Question

How did American society change in the 1920s?



New Technologies of the 1920s

New inventions led to social changes .

The 1920s

Mass production

and the Model T


Moving pictures

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Society in the 1920s



The Revolutionary Moving Assembly Line

Henry Ford's moving assembly line revolutionized how products were

made by:

? reducing the amount of time needed to make cars .

? decreasing prices, making cars more affordable .

? leading to mass production in other industries.

Radio: The Great Communicator

Radio became a source of information and entertainment by


? sporting events , radio dramas , and music shows

such as the Grand Ole Opry.

? breaking news , such as Charles Lindbergh's landing in Paris.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Society in the 1920s



Popular Music of the 1920s

People listened to popular music of the day from their living rooms.

? Tin Pan Alley was the collection of popular music from New York


? Ragtime

and jazz

defined the era.

? Irving Berlin helped shape popular music.

Movies: From Silence to Sound

The movies became a popular pastime.

Silent films were replaced by " talkies ," movies with sound. ? The Jazz Singer was the first "talkie."

Connecting the 1920s to Today


? The first Academy Awards took place in 1929 . ? The Jazz Singer won a special award for revolutionizing

the film industry.

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Society in the 1920s



America Embraces Popular Icons

Charles Lindbergh : heroic pilot

Babe Ruth : baseball player

Jack Dempsey : world boxing champ

Architectural and Artistic Styles of the 1920s

Other innovations during this time period were reflected in architectural and artistic styles.

? The Art Deco style, used in the Empire State Building, symbolized wealth and elegance .


The Lost Generation

American writers of the 1920s were called the " Lost Generation ."

? They struggled to adapt to the post-World War I world.

? Some of their works show the excesses of the era.

? Some of their works are deep and introspective .

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Instruction Society in the 1920s



Ernest Hemingway (1899?1961)

? Was one of the leaders of the Lost Generation ? Wrote short stories and novels

? Is known for his succinct style and war themes

? Wrote A Farewell to Arms , which captured the Lost Generation's

sense of disillusionment

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896?1940)

? Also led the Lost Generation

? Wrote The Great Gatsby ? Portrayed the excesses of the era in his novels ? Illustrated the emptiness of the postwar world


Other American Writers of the Era

Edith Wharton Sinclair Lewis

Is best known for her works about the upper class , including The Age of Innocence Wrote popular satirical novels, including Babbitt

Willa Cather

Portrayed settlers in the Plains, as in My Antonia

? Edgenuity, Inc.


Instruction Society in the 1920s



The Changing Roles of Women

Women's roles changed during the 1920s because women:

? wanted to keep their independence after the war.

? pursued equality.

? flaunted their newfound freedoms by cutting wearing pants and short dresses.

their hair short and


Clara Bow (1905?1965)

? Was an American actress who became one of the country's biggest movie


? Was called the " It Girl "

? Embodied the beauty and physical appeal of women of the time period ? Had a difficult time transitioning to movies with sound


The new 1920s woman was called a

flapper .

? The term came from a dance called the Charleston .

? It came to describe any dramatic , stylish woman who wore short dresses .

? Edgenuity, Inc.



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