Differentiated Lesson Based on Student Readiness

Differentiated Lesson Based on Student Readiness

|Part 1 |

|Grade Level |3rd |

|Curricular Area |Math |

|Established Goals |Students will solve problems by reading and interpreting data in bar graphs and |

| |pictographs. |

|Standard(s) |Math M3D1. Students will create and interpret simple tables and graphs (Georgia |

|Include as many standards as are applicable for your|Performance Standard) |

|lesson. | |

|Local |National, students will compare different representations of the same data and |

|State |evaluate how well each representation shows important aspects of the data. |

|National | |

|High-Quality Curriculum : |

|What I want my students to KNOW |Pictograph use pictures to show data. Bar graphs use bars to show data. |

|What I want my students to UNDERSTAND |Data can be understood when it is displayed in charts or graphs. |

|What I want my students to be able to DO |Read and interpret a pictograph and a bar graph |

| |Compare pictograph and bar graph |

|Essential Questions |How do you use a pictograph? How do you use a bar graph? |

|Part 2: Assessment to Inform Differentiated Instruction |

|( |

|Diagnostic Assessment(s) |KWL Chart, Pretest on pictographs and bar graphs prior to lesson |

|Summative Assessment(s) |Students will complete activity from their math textbook. “How do read and construct |

| |graphs?” They will be given paper and a set of data (points scored by a football |

| |team). They will be asked to graph the data, give it a title and answer questions |

| |about the data. Teacher will model on chart paper to assist students in completing. |

|Ongoing Assessments(s) |Quick responses to review questions after reading, discussion and understanding of |

| |text |

| |Interpret and read data in graphs on-going activities |

| |Rubrics for student self-assessment of Performance task |

| |Ticket-out-the-door, daily assessment |

|Instructional Elements Being |Content |

|Differentiated |Pre-teaching the vocabulary to the students before the lesson so that ESOL student can|

| |understand the lesson, Using 21st Century tools for Content delivery and |

| |Pacing and dedicating more time to high-relevance task |

| |Process |

| |Using tiered activities |

| |Providing web quest task directions along with text |

| |Giving students who struggle a model to go by |

| |Product-Using varied resource options |

|Rationale for Differentiation Plan |Allows students to work successfully on skills, goals and objectives at their own |

| |readiness level. Allows students to work in ways that are efficient to them. |

| |Differentiation method also allows target instruction according to readiness and |

| |interest. |

|Part 3: Learning Plan |

|Student Readiness |

|Learner Variances Being Addressed |Variance in the student ability and readiness |

| |Variance in the class (grouping) |

| |Variance in instructional methods (technology) |

|Grouping Structures |Whole group, small group, paired |

|Lesson Materials/Equipment/Software |Math Textbook, chart paper, teacher tube video, computer, web quest, PowerPoint |

| |application on sorting. |

|Steps for conducting the lesson: |

|Introduction |Goals, Task, Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions |

| |To hook and motivate students, interactive PowerPoint |

|Progression |-Teacher will briefly review previous days lesson on Tally Marks (5 minutes) |

| |-Review vocabulary (5 minutes) |

| |-Teacher will show a video on how to read and interpret bar graphs explaining the |

| |process and prompting student interactions through inquiry. (10 minutes) |

| |-Teacher will draw an example of a bar graph and a pictograph and explain to the |

| |students that pictographs and bar graphs are similar ways to show information, but |

| |pictographs use pictures or symbols to represent amounts. The pictures or symbols are |

| |usually related to the topic of the data. (15 minutes). |

| |-Students and teacher will complete activity on reading bar graphs and pictographs and|

| |how to read bar graphs and pictographs from math textbook. (15 minutes) |

| | |

| |-Teacher will let students who are still struggling with the concept go to computers |

| |and play interactive PowerPoint presentation on sorting and graphing to help them |

| |understand: |

| |Data can be understood when it is displayed in charts or graphs. |

| |Pictograph and bar graphs make it easy to compare data. (10 min.) |

| | |

| |Vocabulary: bar graph, y-axis, x-axis, data, Taught previous day |

|Closing |Ticket-out-the-door, Quick responses to review questions or drawings. |

|Integration of Research-Based Practices |Technology used, computers and web quest application, LCD projector, PowerPoint |

|Integration of technology |presentation. |

|Collaboration with members of a professional |Data from teacher observations, student work samples, and student progress reports |

|learning community |will be used to inform instruction. |

|Working with families and communities to support | |

|student learning | |

|Data-informed instruction | |

Differentiated Based on Student Interest

|Part 1 |

|Grade Level |3 |

|Curricular Area |Math |

|Established Goals |Construct and interpret pictographs, using scale increments of 1, 2, 5, and 10. |

|Standard(s) |Math M3D1. Students will create and interpret simple tables and graphs (Georgia |

|Include as many standards as are applicable for your|Performance Standard) |

|lesson. | |

|Local |National, represent data using tables and graphs such as line plots, bar graphs, and |

|State |line graphs; |

|National |National, represent data using tables and graphs such as line plots, bar graphs, and |

| |line graphs; |

|High-Quality Curriculum |

|What I want my students to KNOW |Pictographs make it easy to compare and display data. |

|What I want my students to UNDERSTAND |Data can be organized in various ways. They can make a pictograph from a table or |

| |tally chart |

|What I want my students to be able to DO |Organize and display data in charts, tables, |

| |Construct and interpret pictograph |

|Essential Questions |How do you make a pictograph? |

|Part 2: Assessment to Inform Differentiated Instruction |

|Diagnostic Assessment(s) |Student interest survey, prior to lesson, |

| |Pretest on pictographs, prior to lesson |

|Summative Assessment(s) | Students will be paired and given bags of assorted Fruit Loop cereal. They will make |

| |a pictograph by displaying and organizing the cereal on paper according to color red, |

| |green, orange, purple, yellow. They will answer questions related to the graphs. |

|Ongoing Assessments(s) |Quick responses to review questions after reading, discussion and understanding of |

| |text |

| |Construct and organize data in pictographs on-going activities |

| |Rubrics for student self-assessment of Performance task |

| |Ticket-out-the-door, daily assessment |

|Instructional Elements Being Differentiated |Content-Encouraging independent use of wiki web site for assignments |

| |Process-Using a range of materials to motivate and engage students |

| |Product-Using computer program for review and extension |

|Rationale for Differentiation Plan |Students are challenged at their individual levels by having access to materials that |

| |support instruction and motivate them. By having access to a website for review and |

| |to extend areas of interest, students will be highly motivated to learn the |

| |information presented during the unit. |

|Part 3: Learning Plan |

|Student Interest |

|Learner Variances Being Addressed |-Variance in instructional method and product-Encouraging |

| |independent use of wiki web site for assignments |

| |-Variance in Student Interest-Using a range of materials to motivate |

| |and engage students, Using 21st Century tools for Content delivery |

| |-Variance in instructional method, Using computer program for |

| |review and extension |

|Grouping Structures |Whole group, small group, paired |

|Lesson Materials/Equipment/Software |Math Textbook, chart paper, teacher tube video, computer, web quest, PowerPoint |

| |application on sorting. Graphing computer game. |

|Steps for conducting the lesson: |

|Introduction |Goals, Task, Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions |

| |To hook and motivate students, interactive PowerPoint |

|Progression |-Teacher will briefly review previous days lesson on How to read and interpret |

| |pictographs (5 minutes) |

| |-Review vocabulary (5 minutes) |

| |-Teacher will show a video on how to make pictographs, explaining the process and |

| |prompting student interactions through inquiry. (10 minutes) |

| |-Teacher and students will plan an interactive game on graphing from that will be |

| |displayed on an interactive white board for class to view. (10 min.) |

| |-Students and teacher will complete activity on page 226 of math textbook, How do you |

| |make a pictograph? In this activity the students are given a set of data written in |

| |number form and in tally marks. They will use the data to create a pictograph by using|

| |symbols of choice according to their interest. Students will also choose a partner to |

| |complete activity. (15 minutes) |

| | |

| |-Teacher will let students who are still struggling with the concept go to computers |

| |and play interactive game on making pictographs and graphing to help them understand:|

| | |

| |Data can be organized in various ways |

| |Pictographs make it easy to compare and display data. (10 min.) |

|Closing |Ticket-out-the-door, Quick responses to review questions or drawings |

| | |

|Integration of Research-Based Practices |Technology used, computers and web quest application, LCD projector, PowerPoint |

|• 5. Integration of technology |presentation. |

|• 6. Collaboration with members of a professional |Data from teacher observations, student work samples, and student progress reports |

|learning community |will be used to inform instruction. |

|• 7.Working with families and communities to support| |

|student learning | |

|• 8. Data-informed instruction | |

Differentiated Lesson Based on Student Learning Profile

|Part 1 |

|Grade Level |3rd |

|Curricular Area |Math |

|Established Goals |Construct and interpret bar graphs, using scale increments of 1, 2, 5, and 10. |

|Standard(s) |Math M3D1. Students will create and interpret simple tables and graphs (Georgia |

|Include as many standards as are applicable for your|Performance Standard) |

|lesson. | |

|Local |National, represent data using tables and graphs such as line plots, bar graphs, and |

|State |line graphs; |

|National | |

|High-Quality Curriculum |

|What I want my students to KNOW | Bar graphs make it easy to compare and display data. |

|What I want my students to UNDERSTAND |Data can be organized in various ways. They can make a bar graph to show data they |

| |collect |

|What I want my students to be able to DO |Organize and display data in charts, tables, |

| |Construct and interpret bar graphs |

|Essential Questions |How do you make a bar graph? |

|Part 2: Assessment to Inform Differentiated Instruction |

|Diagnostic Assessment(s) |All about me student Questionnaire, |

| |Pretest on bar graphs, prior to lesson |

|Summative Assessment(s) | Students will do a group Performance task by collecting data from classmates. They |

| |will be given a list of the names of the students in all third grade classrooms. They |

| |will ask each student to name their favorite Ice cream flavor and record the data. |

| |They will then compile the data to make a group graph. |

| |They may also choose to view a video on habitats and make a graph to display habitats |

| |and animals. |

|Ongoing Assessments(s) |Quick responses to review questions after reading, discussion and understanding of |

| |text |

| |Construct and organize data in bar graphs on-going activities |

| |Rubrics for student self-assessment of Performance task |

| |Ticket-out-the-door, daily assessment |

|Instructional Elements Being Differentiated |Content |

| |Teaching in varied modes, examples, visual, verbal, and kinesthetic Using video and |

| |audio to accompany text |

| |Process |

| |Providing work alone or work with a peer options |

| |leveled strategies and grouping |

| |Providing task that allow exploration and expression |

| |Product |

| |Using group assignments designed to tap the learning preferences of each student in |

| |the group |

|Rationale for Differentiation Plan |Differentiation plan supports growth for students with varied learning preferences by |

| |benefiting students who need visual and audio materials and tools and movement and |

| |discussions. It also allows more student participation. |

| | |

|Part 3: Learning Plan , Student Learning Profile |

|Learner Variances Being Addressed |Variance in instructional method, content and product- Using a range of materials to |

| |motivate and engage students, Using 21st Century tools for Content delivery |

| |-Variance in Student profile- providing task that allows exploration and expression. |

| |Encouraging independent use of wiki web site for assignments |

| |-Variance process and product Using computer program for review and extension |

| |Providing work alone or work with a peer options |

| |leveled strategies and grouping. Using group assignments designed to tap the learning|

| |preferences of each student in the group |

|Grouping Structures |Whole group, small group, paired, individual |

|Lesson Materials/Equipment/Software |Math Textbook, chart paper, teacher tube video, computer, web quest, PowerPoint |

| |application on sorting. Graphing computer game. |

|Steps for conducting the lesson: |

|Introduction |Goals, Task, Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions |

| |To hook and motivate students, Goals, Task, Enduring Understandings, Essential |

| |Questions |

| |To hook and motivate students, interactive PowerPoint, Video |

|Progression |-Teacher will briefly review previous days lesson on How to construct and interpret |

| |pictographs (5 minutes) |

| |-Review vocabulary (5 minutes) |

| |-Teacher will show a video on how to make bar graphs, explaining the process and |

| |prompting student interactions through inquiry. (10 minutes) |

| |-Teacher and students will plan an interactive game on graphing from web site that |

| |will be displayed on an interactive white board for class to view. (10 min.) |

| |-Students and teacher will complete activity on page 228 of their math textbook. . |

| |“How do you make a bar graph?” They will be given paper and a set of data (points |

| |scored by a football team). They will be asked to graph the data, give it a title and |

| |answer questions about the data. Teacher will model on chart paper to assist students|

| |in completing. |

| |(15 minutes) |

| |-Teacher will let students who are still struggling with the concept go to computers |

| |and play interactive game on making bar graphs and graphing to help them understand: |

| |Data can be organized in various ways |

| |Bar graphs make it easy to compare and display data. (10 min.) |

| |They can make a bar graph to show data they collect |

|Closing |Ticket-out-the-door, Quick responses to review questions or drawings |

|Integration of Research-Based Practices | |

|Integration of technology |-Technology Integration-computers and web quest application, LCD projector, PowerPoint|

|Collaboration with members of a professional |presentation, Wiki application |

|learning community |-Data Informed Instruction- teacher observations, student work samples, and student |

|Working with families and communities to support |progress reports will be used to inform instruction. |

|student learning |-Working with families-Wiki application to post parent concerns and keep parents |

|Data-informed instruction |informed about the progress of students. |

| |-Collaboration with PLC- Working with and eliciting support from the Student support |

| |team, principals and team teachers |


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