Date: _____________ Teaching Team: ________________________________

ELL Students: _____________________________________________________________________________

O=objective, A=activity, M=materials, A/T=adaptations/ technology, P= Positioning

Color Codes: ESOL Strategies *Evaluation Key Experiences

Time↓ Used Throughout the day: 1,2,3,6,19 EQ&N 1 C&L 1,2,3 SoS 4

______Breakfast: Children work on language, feeding, social and self-help skills.

P: _______________________________________________________________________________________

A/T: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


______Greeting Time: 14, 21, 23 C&L 1,2,3,4,5 Mo 1,4 Mu 1,2,3,4 SR 1,2,3,6 SoS 1,2 T 1

O: Children develop an awareness of self and others participate in music/language and social activities using a variety of materials and devices.

P: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________________________________

M: Music: _________________________________ Props: _________________________________________

I Love You Ritual (s): ________________________, _________________________, ______________________

A/T: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

*E: Use of observation to determine mastery of skill


______Small Group Time: An opportunity for adults to introduce various concepts, activities, and sensory materials to children. 5, 7, 8, 9, 18, 20 C&L 1,2,3 CR 1,2, EQ&N 1,2,3 EO 1,2,3 SoS 1,2,3,4 S 3,4 T 1,2,3,4

|Group I:______________ |Group II:__________________ |

|P: _______________________________________________ |P: _________________________________________________ |

|O/A:______________________________________ |O/A:_______________________________________ |

|M: _______________________________________ |M: _________________________________________ |

|A/T: ______________________________________________ |A/T: ________________________________________________ |

|___________________________________________________ |_____________________________________________________ |

|*E: Provide individual assistance during the lesson, observing mastery of |*E: Provide individual assistance during the lesson, observing mastery of |

|concepts. |concepts. |

_____ Work Time: 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 20 ****Take key notes C&L 1,2,3 CR 1,2, EQ&N 1,2,3 EO 1,2,3 SoS 1,2,3,4 S 3,4 T 1,2,3,4

O/A: Children move about or are positioned to explore materials in the Island and Spa areas of the classroom.

M: An opportunity for children to explore cause-effect and choice making through sensory and switch operated toys, appliances, devices and multimedia software on the computer.

Specific ideas: ______________________________________________________________________

*E: Teacher will provide individualized pupil assistance, observation, and use question and answer technique to assess mastery of concepts.


______Lunch: Children work on language, feeding, social and self-help skills. EQ&N 1 C&L 1,2,3 SoS 4

P: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A/T: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


______Outside Time: Children experience different movements/sensations. 5, 9, 20 Mo 1,2,3 Sp 1,2 T 3 SR 3,6

P: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A: ______________________________________________________________________________________

M: ______________________________________________________________________________________

A/T: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

______Rest/Quiet Time: Children are positioned comfortably to rest or interact quietly with an adult.

_____Large Group Time: Children come together for music and movement activities.

14, 18, 22, 21, 23 T 2,3,4 S 1,2 M 1,2 Mo 1,2,3, *E: Solicit child’s response

P: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

O/A: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

M: _______________________________________________________________________________________

A/T: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

_____Story Time: Adults read storybooks in a variety of interactive modes; children participate by turning pages, using voice output devices, making choices with pictures. 14, 15, 16 C&L 1,2,3,4,5 CR 3 EO 1 SR 1,2,3

|Story: ____________________________________ |Story: _____________________________________ |

|P: _______________________________________________ |P: ________________________________________________ |

|O: ______________________________________ |O: ________________________________________ |

|A/T: ____________________________________________ |A/T: ______________________________________________ |

|*E: Solicit child’s response |*E: Solicit child’s response |

_____Closing Circle: Children come together for closing of the day’s activities

O: Recall today’s events, plan for tomorrow, prepare to transition from school to home

A: Children converse about the day, plan for tomorrow and sing community building songs and finger plays.

5, 7, 22, 23 C&L 1,2,3,4,5 Mo 1,4 Mu 1,2,3,4 SR 1,2,3,6 SoS 1,2 T 1 *E: Observation



TP/teacher proximity, VP/verbal prompt, GP/gestural prompt, PhP/physical prompt, PhA/physical assistance, HH/hand over hand, D/demonstration, PC/picture cards, LB/language boards, IS/individual schedule, OS/object schedule, VOD/voice output device, PB/physical boundary, P/positioning, Other: _________________


F=feeder seat, K=Kaye chair, SL=sidelyer, PS=prone stander, SS= supine stander A=held by adult, P=prone, R= Rifton chair, C= chair, T= toddler chair, Co= Corner chair, __________________________________________________________________________________________________



**See Student Positioning Chart for use of adaptive equipment during each activity.

Please keep the Infant and Toddler Key Experiences with this Lesson Plan

Things to Remember: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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