Sample Lesson Plan – Primary Level

Five Days Lesson Plan

Final Project

Yeong-Tsuey Uang

EDCI 560: Methods of Teaching Foreign/World Languages

Dr. Marjorie Hall Haley

George Mason University

December 5, 2007

EDCI 560 – Methods of Teaching Foreign/World Languages

Teacher: Yeong-Tsuey Uang School: Fairhill Elementary School

Grade: 1st Language: Chinese Level: 1st year of FLES program

Number of Students: 24 Time: 30 minutes

Date: December 05, 2007



Performance/Task-based Objectives

1. Students will be able to say names of the months in Chinese.

2. Students will be able to write the months in Chinese.

3. Students will be able to circle their birth month.


National (ACTFL)

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written or spoken language on a variety of topics.

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Virginia State

MFLI.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in the foreign language.

MFLI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written language based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media.

MFLI.4 The student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to understand as well as interpret spoken and written texts or messages in the foreign language.

MFLI.9 The student will use information acquired in the study of the foreign language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another.

Local: Local standards are aligned with state and national standards.


(A) Preparation

Lesson Outline:

Warm-up Activity: The teacher will point to the class calendar and say the name of the months in Chinese. The teacher will use the flip-page number book to review the numbers in Chinese.

Theme or Topic: My daily life: Months and Seasons

Vocabulary: 一月(January) 二月(February) 三月(March) 四月(April) 五月(May) 六月(June) 七月(July) 八月(August) 九月(September) 十月 (October) 十一月(November) 十二月(December)生日 (birthday)


Grammatical structure: My birthday is … (我的生日是…)

(B) Presentation

1) After the warm-up activity, the teacher will show the PowerPoint presentation to introduce the names of twelve months in Chinese. The teacher will use the picture in each month’s slide to let the students to connect a holiday/special event to each month.

2) The teacher will use the interactive whiteboard to let students come up to the board to practice how to write the months in Chinese. The teacher will use the flip-number book to remind the students how to write certain Chinese numbers.

3) After all the students have had the opportunities to come up to the whiteboard to practice, the teacher will hand out the worksheet to practice write the twelve months in Chinese (Appendix A).

4) The teacher will sing the Happy Birthday song (in Chinese) and circle her birthday month to introduce the word 生日.

(C) Practice

Three Modes:

Interpersonal Activities: The teacher will ask each student’s birthday while they are working on the worksheet. The students will answer in Chinese.

Presentational Activities: The students come up to the board to write the correct month in Chinese.

Interpretive Activities: The student will read the words in the PowerPoint presentation and listen to the teacher to learn how to say the names of twelve months in Chinese.

(D) Evaluation

The students’ evaluations will come from two different activities. The students will come up to the board and try to write the correct month in Chinese. And the students will do the worksheet to write down the twelve months in Chinese.

(E) Expansion/Extension

For expansion, the teacher can ask the students to raise their hand when their birth month is called. The teacher can graph the result.

(F) Methods/Approaches/Strategies:

Direct Method

Other Activities:

Follow-up: Every day at beginning of the class we will look at the calendar and say the moth, date in Chinese.

Assessment: see evaluation

Technology: PowerPoint presentation, computer, projector, Mimio (interactive whiteboard)

Materials: PowerPoint, worksheet – twelve months



Performance/Task-based Objectives

1. Students will be able to say names of the months in Chinese.

2. Students will be able to match the months in Chinese with English.


National (ACTFL)

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written or spoken language on a variety of topics.

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Virginia State

MFLI.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in the foreign language.

MFLI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written language based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media.

MFLI.4 The student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to understand as well as interpret spoken and written texts or messages in the foreign language.

MFLI.9 The student will use information acquired in the study of the foreign language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another.

Local: Local standards are aligned with state and national standards.


(A) Preparation

Lesson Outline:

Warm-up Activity: The teacher will point to the class calendar and let the student to say the name of the month in Chinese. The teacher will show a slide in which there are twelve months in both English and Chinese.

Theme or Topic: My daily life: Months and Seasons

Vocabulary: 一月(January) 二月(February) 三月(March) 四月(April) 五月(May) 六月(June) 七月(July) 八月(August) 九月(September) 十月 (October) 十一月(November) 十二月(December) 好朋友(good friend)

Verb: 是 (is)

Grammatical structure: My good friend is … (我的好朋友是…)

(B) Presentation

1) After the warm-up activity, the teacher will use the interactive whiteboard to let students come up to the board to find the “good friend” for each month (match English name with Chinese name).

2) After all the students have had the opportunities to come up to the whiteboard to practice, the teacher will play “My good friend” game. The teacher will prepare twenty four cards with twelve months in Chinese twelve months in English. The teacher will give each student a card, and ask the child who has January start to find his/her good friend. The child will go to different student and ask: “Are you my good friend?” When he/she found his/her good friend (一月), they shake hands and show their cards together. Repeat until all twelve month find their good friends.

(C) Practice

Three Modes:

Interpersonal Activities: During the game, the students will have chances to ask and answer questions in order to find their good friend.

Presentational Activities: The students come up to the board to write the correct month in Chinese.

Interpretive Activities: The student will read the words in the PowerPoint presentation and listen to the teacher and to the students’ question.

(D) Evaluation

The students’ evaluations will come from two different activities. The students will come up to the board and try to match the English and Chinese name for each month. And the students will ask and answer question in Chinese to find the good friend for the month they have.

(E) Expansion/Extension

For expansion, the teacher can ask the students to line up by months.

(F) Methods/Approaches/Strategies:

Direct Method, TPR

Other Activities:

Follow-up: Every day at beginning of the class we will look at the calendar and say the moth, date in Chinese.

Assessment: see evaluation

Technology: Computer, projector, Mimio (interactive whiteboard)

Materials: Mimio file, play cards (12 months in English, 12 months in Chinese)



Performance/Task-based Objectives

1. Students will be able to identify days of the week in Chinese.

2. Students will be able to identify today, tomorrow, and yesterday.


National (ACTFL)

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written or spoken language on a variety of topics.

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Virginia State

MFLI.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in the foreign language.

MFLI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written language based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media.

MFLI.4 The student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to understand as well as interpret spoken and written texts or messages in the foreign language.

MFLI.9 The student will use information acquired in the study of the foreign language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another.

Local: Local standards are aligned with state and national standards.


(A) Preparation

Lesson Outline:

Warm-up Activity: The teacher will point to the class calendar and let the student to say the date in Chinese. The teacher will point to the days of the week to let the students to guess what will be the days of the week in Chinese.

Theme or Topic: My daily life: Months and Seasons

Vocabulary: 星期一(Monday) 星期二(Tuesday) 星期三(Wednesday) 星期四(Thursday) 星期五(Friday) 星期六(Saturday) 星期天(Sunday) 今天(today) 明天(tomorrow) 昨天(yesterday)

Verb: 是 (is)

Grammatical structure: Today is… (今天是…)

(B) Presentation

1) After the warm-up activity, the teacher will use the PowerPoint presentation to show the days of the week, change from English to Chinese.

2) After the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will use interactive whiteboard to let the students practice by matching the days of the week in Chinese with English.

3) The teacher will hand out worksheets to let students to fill in the blanks to finish a calendar by write down the missing numbers on days of week and on dates (Appendix B).

4) The teacher will teach a rhyme about what a monkey does during the week (Appendix C).

(C) Practice

Three Modes:

Interpersonal Activities: When the teacher asks questions, the students will have the chance to answer questions.

Presentational Activities: The students come up to the board to match the season in Chinese with the picture.

Interpretive Activities: The student will read the words in the PowerPoint presentation and listen to the teacher’s explaining in Chinese.

(D) Evaluation

The students’ evaluations will come from two different activities. The students will come up to the board and try to match the days of the week in Chinese with English. And the worksheet to fill in the blanks to finish a calendar is another form of evaluation.

(E) Expansion/Extension

For expansion, the teacher can point to the calendar and ask the students what date will be tomorrow, or what date was yesterday.

(F) Methods/Approaches/Strategies:

Direct Method, TPR

Other Activities:

Follow-up: Every day at beginning of the class we will look at the calendar and say the moth, date in Chinese.

Assessment: see evaluation

Technology: Computer, projector, Mimio (interactive whiteboard)

Materials: Mimio file, worksheet



Performance/Task-based Objectives

1. Students will be able to identify seasons in Chinese based on the visual cues.

2. Students will be able to identify appropriate color of leaves for different seasons.


National (ACTFL)

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written or spoken language on a variety of topics.

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Virginia State

MFLI.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in the foreign language.

MFLI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written language based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media.

MFLI.4 The student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to understand as well as interpret spoken and written texts or messages in the foreign language.

MFLI.9 The student will use information acquired in the study of the foreign language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another.

Local: Local standards are aligned with state and national standards.


(A) Preparation

Lesson Outline:

Warm-up Activity: The teacher will point to the class calendar and let the student to say the date in Chinese. The teacher will let students to see the falling leaves outside the classroom and to use the four season’s picture in the classroom to introduce the terms of seasons in Chinese.

Theme or Topic: My daily life: Months and Seasons

Vocabulary: 春天 (Spring) 夏天 (Summer) 秋天 (Fall) 冬天 (Winter) 树 (tree)

Verb: 是 (Is)

Grammatical structure: Today is… (今天是…)

(B) Presentation

1) After the warm-up activity, the teacher will use the PowerPoint presentation to show the changes in the tree in four different seasons. The teacher will point out the changes in the leaves especially the color of the leave.

2) After the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will use interactive whiteboard to let the students to practice to match the name of season in Chinese with the right picture.

3) The teacher will let each student have different color of leaves (light green, dark green, yellow, orange, red, or brown) and let the students go to the whiteboard to clip the leaves onto the tree in different seasons. The teacher will ask each student what color of leaves they have, and which season it should be in.

(C) Practice

Three Modes:

Interpersonal Activities: When the teacher asks questions, the students will have the chance to answer questions.

Presentational Activities: The students will come up to the board to match the season in Chinese with the picture, and to put right color of leaves onto the tree in the right season.

Interpretive Activities: The student will read the words in the PowerPoint presentation and listen to the teacher’s explaining in Chinese.

(D) Evaluation

The students’ evaluations will come from two different activities. The students will come up to the board and try to match the season in Chinese with the picture. And the students will need to tell the color of the leaves and the name of the season in Chinese when they go up to the whiteboard to clip the leave onto the tree.

(E) Expansion/Extension

For expansion, the teacher can let the students to count how many leaves in each tree, and to compare which tree has the most leaves (which one has the least leaves).

(F) Methods/Approaches/Strategies:

Direct Method

Other Activities:

Follow-up: Every day at beginning of the class we will look at the calendar and say the moth, date in Chinese.

Assessment: see evaluation

Technology: Computer, projector, Mimio (interactive whiteboard)

Materials: Mimio file, paper leaves in different colors



Performance/Task-based Objectives

1. Students will be able to identify weathers conditions (sunny, cloudy, raining, windy, and snowing) in Chinese based on the visual cues.

2. Students will be able to identify appropriate clothing for different seasons.


National (ACTFL)

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written or spoken language on a variety of topics.

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Virginia State

MFLI.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in the foreign language.

MFLI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written language based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media.

MFLI.4 The student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to understand as well as interpret spoken and written texts or messages in the foreign language.

MFLI.9 The student will use information acquired in the study of the foreign language and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another.

Local: Local standards are aligned with state and national standards.


(A) Preparation

Lesson Outline:

Warm-up Activity: The teacher will point to the class calendar and let the student to say the date in Chinese. The teacher will point outside and let students say what kind of weather is today.

Theme or Topic: My daily life: Weathers and Seasons

Vocabulary: 晴天 (sunny) 阴天 (cloudy) 刮风天 (windy) 下雨天 (raining) 下雪天 (snowing) 衣服 (clothes) 冷 (cold) 热 (hot)

Verb: 穿 (wear)

(B) Presentation

1) After the warm-up activity, the teacher will use different pictures to show different months in different seasons. The teacher will point out the changes in seasons and different kind of clothing people wear in different season. The teacher will do TPR for different weather conditions.

2) After the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will use interactive whiteboard to let the students to practice to choose right kind of clothing for each season.

3) The teacher will hand out worksheet for each student to cut out and paste the right picture in the right season (Appendix D).

(C) Practice

Three Modes:

Interpersonal Activities: When the teacher asks questions, the students will have the chance to answer questions.

Presentational Activities: The students will come up to the board to match the right clothing for the right season.

Interpretive Activities: The student will read the words in the PowerPoint presentation and listen to the teacher’s explaining in Chinese.

(D) Evaluation

The students’ evaluations will come from two different activities. The students will come up to the board and try to match the clothing to the right season. And the worksheet to choose the right clothing for the right season is also a form of evaluation.

(E) Expansion/Extension

For expansion, the teacher can ask the students to talk about their choose of clothes for each season.

(F) Methods/Approaches/Strategies:

Direct Method, TPR

Other Activities:

Follow-up: Every day at beginning of the class we will look at the calendar and say the moth, date in Chinese, and ask what kind weather is that day.

Assessment: see evaluation

Technology: Computer, projector, Mimio (interactive whiteboard)

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Mimio file, worksheet


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