Lesson Plan: Analyzing primary sources. Grade 9

Lesson Plan: Analyzing primary sources. Grade 9

# of Days: 1

Prior Knowledge Secondary Sources vs. Primary Sources

Lesson Objective(s) -SWBAT examine primary sources for their validity and limitations using the OPVL strategy. -SWBAT use contextual clues in primary sources to make claims on the values and limitations of primary sources.

Lesson Assessment OPVL analysis worksheet


Materials Needed Poster, Copies of Photographs (Primary sources), OPVL Analysis worksheet


Learning Task 5 Background knowledge recap 10 Teacher Model 15 Class Analysis

15 Think Pair Share

Methods or Procedures

Recap of difference between secondary vs. primary sources. Discussion of OPVL objective.

Teacher will model the OPVL strategy by analyzing the photograph of Kanye West during the 2009 MTV Music Awards

Students and teacher will examine various examples illustrating the strengths and weaknesses. http:// martincannon.escuelacampoalegre. file/view/OPVL +Sample.pdf

Students will work in groups to analyze the OPVL analysis worksheet.

Origin - Primary or Secondary? Who created it? Who is the author? When was it created? When was it published? Where was it published? Who is publishing it? Is there anything we know about the author that is pertinent to our evaluation?

Purpose: Why does this document exist? Why did the author create this piece of work? Intent? Why did the author choose this format? Who is the intended audience? What does the document "say"? Can it tell you more than is on the surface?

Value: What can we tell about the author from this piece? What can we tell about the time period? What can we tell about any controversies from the piece? Does the author present a particular `side' of a controversy or event? What can we tell about the author's perspectives from the piece?

Limitations: What part of the story can we NOT tell from this document? How could we verify the content of the piece? Does this piece inaccurately reflect anything about the time period? What does the author leave out and why does he/she leave it out? What is purposely not addressed?


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