Lisa Brown Kindergarten Lesson Plan
Lisa Brown Kindergarten Lesson Plan
February 16th—February 20th
--at word family
*8:00 Pledge of Allegiance in Hallway
| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
| |Complete review [Zz] handwriting| Journals color “In My Hat” |L-blends cut and glue review |Complete What’s it worth? Cut |Centers |
|8:03—9:00 |and phonics packet. |book. Marker boards. |page. |and glue. Choose the correct | |
|Calendar | | | |word page. | |
| |Small Group Reading |Small Group Reading | |Small Group Reading | |
| | | |Small Group Reading | |Small Group Reading |
| |Calendar |Calendar | |Calendar | |
| | | |Calendar | |Calendar |
|9:00—10:30 |Introduce –at word family. Play|Introduce blends: bl, fl, and |Review –at word family. |Review –at word family talk |*Spelling Test |
|Phonics/Letter |jumping game to make at words. |cl. Chant out the l-blends on |Introduce ABC order put –at |about the configuration of the |Question: Who can make a |
|Recognition/Reading |Read “A Bat Named Pat.” Write |the blends chart. Use chart |words on board in ABC order. |words. Introduce blends gl, pl, |sentence with a spelling word? |
| |–at words on board. Write |paper to write words that begin |Explain the dictionary and how |and sl. Chant out the l-blends | |
| |sentences on marker boards using|with bl, fl, and cl. Complete |it works. Have students write |on the blends chart. Use chart |Computer Lab 10:00—10:30 |
| |–at words from the board. |cl- cut and glue page and bl, |words in personal dictionary. |paper to write words that begin |Activity: (letter |
| |Complete |cl, and fl sorting page. |Make at rhyming wheel. |with gl, pl, and sl. Complete |recognition) Success Maker: |
| |-at cut and glue and spell and |Question: Who can come up with |Question: |gl, pl, and sl, sorting page and|math and reading skills |
| |write. |words that begin with an | |configuration station page. | |
| |Question: |l-blend? (fl,cl,bl |What is ABC order? |Question: Who can come up with | |
| |How many –at words can you come | | |words that begin with an | |
| |up with? | | |l-blend? (pl, sl, gl) | |
|Objective |* Blend and segment onsets and |* Blend and segment onsets and |* Blend and segment onsets and |* Blend and segment onsets and |* Blend and segment onsets and |
| |rimes of single-syllable spoken |rimes of single-syllable spoken |rimes of single-syllable spoken |rimes of single-syllable spoken |rimes of single-syllable spoken |
| |words. |words. |words. |words. |words. |
| |* solate and pronounce the |* solate and pronounce the |* solate and pronounce the |* solate and pronounce the |* solate and pronounce the |
| |initial, medial vowel, and final|initial, medial vowel, and final|initial, medial vowel, and final|initial, medial vowel, and final|initial, medial vowel, and final|
| |sounds (phonemes) in |sounds (phonemes) in |sounds (phonemes) in |sounds (phonemes) in |sounds (phonemes) in |
| |three-phoneme |three-phoneme |three-phoneme |three-phoneme |three-phoneme |
| |(consonant-vowel-consonant, or |(consonant-vowel-consonant, or |(consonant-vowel-consonant, or |(consonant-vowel-consonant, or |(consonant-vowel-consonant, or |
| |CVC) words.1 (This does not |CVC) words.1 (This does not |CVC) words.1 (This does not |CVC) words.1 (This does not |CVC) words.1 (This does not |
| |include CVCs ending with /l/, |include CVCs ending with /l/, |include CVCs ending with /l/, |include CVCs ending with /l/, |include CVCs ending with /l/, |
| |/r/, or /x/.) |/r/, or /x/.) |/r/, or /x/.) |/r/, or /x/.) |/r/, or /x/.) |
| |* Recognize and produce rhyming |* Recognize and produce rhyming |* Recognize and produce rhyming |* Recognize and produce rhyming |* Recognize and produce rhyming |
| |words. |words. |words. |words. |words. |
| |* Distinguish between similarly |* Distinguish between similarly |* Distinguish between similarly |* Distinguish between similarly |* Distinguish between similarly |
| |spelled words by identifying the|spelled words by identifying the|spelled words by identifying the|spelled words by identifying the|spelled words by identifying the|
| |sounds of the letters that |sounds of the letters that |sounds of the letters that |sounds of the letters that |sounds of the letters that |
| |differ. |differ. |differ. |differ. |differ. |
|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |
| |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |
| |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Independent practice |
| |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |Blooms Taxonomy: |
| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |*Identify |
| |*Formulate |*Formulate |*Tell |*Formulate |*Formulate |
| |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |
| |*Marker boards |*Marker boards |*Thumbs up-Thumbs down |*Thumbs up- Thumbs down |*Observation |
| |*Work sheet |*Thumbs up-Thumbs down |*Observation |*Work sheet |*Spelling Test |
| | |*Work sheet |*Work sheet | | |
|Standards |RF.K.3.D;RF.K.2.D; |RF.K.3.D;RF.K.2.D; |RF.K.3.D;RF.K.2.D; |RF.K.3.D;RF.K.2.D; |RF.K.3.D;RF.K.2.D; |
| |RF.KF2.C; RF.K.2.A |RF.KF2.C; RF.K.2.A |RF.KF2.C; RF.K.2.A |RF.KF2.C; RF.K.2.A |RF.KF2.C; RF.K.2.A |
|10:30—10:40 | Daily |Daily |Daily |Daily |Daily |
|Interactive Writing |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |
| |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |
| |class something they want them |class something they want them |class something they want them |class something they want them |class something they want them |
| |to know. The teacher writes it |to know. The teacher writes it |to know. The teacher writes it |to know. The teacher writes it |to know. The teacher writes it |
| |on chart paper. Modeling |on chart paper. Modeling |on chart paper. Modeling |on chart paper. Modeling |on chart paper. Modeling |
| |letters, letter sounds, writing |letters, letter sounds, writing |letters, letter sounds, writing |letters, letter sounds, writing |letters, letter sounds, writing |
| |on lines, emphasizing proper |on lines, emphasizing proper |on lines, emphasizing proper |on lines, emphasizing proper |on lines, emphasizing proper |
| |spacing and punctuation. |spacing and punctuation. |spacing and punctuation. |spacing and punctuation. |spacing and punctuation. |
|Standards |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |
|10:40—11:20 |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |
|11:20—12:15 |Review ways to make 2—7. Review|Review ways to make 8. Students|Review ways to make 8. Review |Review ways to make 8. Review |Review ways to make 8. Use mats|
|Math |shapes, solids. Introduce ways |model ways to make 8 using mats.|what a number represents. |what a number represents. |and manipulatives to show ways |
| |to make 8. Model ways to make |Review numbers and what a number|Introduce the signs , and = |Review , and = to. Play |to make 8. Review , and = |
| |8using mats. Students model |represents. Compare numbers |to by using the alligator poem. |alligator game with cards. |to. Complete less than greater |
| |ways to make 8. Complete a |using words less than or greater|Compare numbers holding up |Complete alligator assessment. |than assessment. |
| |subtraction page. |than. Play card game comparing |alligator signs. Students in | | |
| |Question: Who can show me a way |numbers. |pairs will play the alligator |Question: What number is equal |Question: |
| |to make 8? |Question: Which number is less |game with cards and alligators. |to 4? |Mrs. Smith has some candy and |
| | |than 5? |Complete alligator assessment. | |Mrs. Brown takes 6 pieces. Now |
| | | |Question: Which number is | |Mrs. Smith only has 4. How many|
| | | |greater than 7? | |pieces of candy did Mrs. Smith |
| | | | | |have to start with? |
|Objective |*Compare two numbers between 1 |*Compare two numbers between 1 |*Compare two numbers between 1 |*Compare two numbers between 1 |*Compare two numbers between 1 |
| |and 10 presented as written |and 10 presented as written |and 10 presented as written |and 10 presented as written |and 10 presented as written |
| |numerals. |numerals. |numerals. |numerals. |numerals. |
| |*Identify whether the number of |*Identify whether the number of |*Identify whether the number of |*Identify whether the number of |*Identify whether the number of |
| |objects in one group is greater |objects in one group is greater |objects in one group is greater |objects in one group is greater |objects in one group is greater |
| |than, less than, or equal to the|than, less than, or equal to the|than, less than, or equal to the|than, less than, or equal to the|than, less than, or equal to the|
| |number of objects in another |number of objects in another |number of objects in another |number of objects in another |number of objects in another |
| |group, e.g., by using matching |group, e.g., by using matching |group, e.g., by using matching |group, e.g., by using matching |group, e.g., by using matching |
| |and counting strategies. |and counting strategies |and counting strategies |and counting strategies |and counting strategies |
|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |
| |*Modeling, |*Modeling, |*Modeling, |*Modeling, |*Modeling, |
| |*Independent Work |*Independent Work |*Independent Work |*Independent Work |*Independent Work |
| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |
| |*Explain |*Explain |*Explain |*Explain |*Explain |
| |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |
| |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |
| |*Marker Boards |*Marker Boards | | |*Marker Boards |
|Standards |.C.6;.C.7 |.C.6;.C.7 |.C.6;.C.7 |.C.6;.C.7 |.C.6;.C.7 |
|12:15—12:40 |Rest |Rest |Rest |Rest |Rest |
|12:40—1:05 |Introduce Presidents of the |Review Abe and what we discussed|Introduce George Washington. |Introduce Thomas Jefferson. Read| Review the presidents. Read |
|Social Studies/ |United States. Discuss what the|from the previous day. Read |Read “Meet George Washington.” |“A Picture Book Of Thomas |“I Want To Be President.” |
|Science |president does. Discuss who the|“Abe Lincoln’s Hat.” Discuss. |Discuss. |Jefferson.” Discuss. |Discuss |
| |current president is. Introduce |Question: Why did Abe Lincoln |Question: What coin is George |Question: What coin is Thomas |Question: |
| |National Symbols of American |have a tall hat? |Washington on? |Jefferson on? |What do you think the job of the|
| |Democaracy. Introduce Abraham | | | |President is? |
| |Lincoln. Read “A Picture book | | | | |
| |of Abraham Lincoln.” Discuss. | | | | |
| |Question: Who is the current | | | | |
| |President of the United States?| | | | |
|Objective |* Identify the name and picture |* Identify the name and picture |* Identify the name and picture |* Identify the name and picture |* Identify the name and picture |
| |of the current president of the |of the current president of the |of the current president of the |of the current president of the |of the current president of the |
| |United States and current |United States and current |United States and current |United States and current |United States and current |
| |governor of Arkansas |governor of Arkansas |governor of Arkansas |governor of Arkansas |governor of Arkansas |
| |* Recognize National symbols |* Recognize National symbols |* Recognize National symbols |* Recognize National symbols |* Recognize National symbols |
| |that represent American |that represent American |that represent American |that represent American |that represent American |
| |Democracy: American Flag, Bald |Democracy: American Flag, Bald |Democracy: American Flag, Bald |Democracy: American Flag, Bald |Democracy: American Flag, Bald |
| |Eagle, Statue of Liberty, White |Eagle, Statue of Liberty, White |Eagle, Statue of Liberty, White |Eagle, Statue of Liberty, White |Eagle, Statue of Liberty, White |
| |House, and U.S. Constitution. |House, and U.S. Constitution. |House, and U.S. Constitution. |House, and U.S. Constitution. |House, and U.S. Constitution. |
| |* Discuss the rights and |* Discuss the rights and |* Discuss the rights and |* Discuss the rights and |* Discuss the rights and |
| |responsibilities of being a good|responsibilities of being a good|responsibilities of being a good|responsibilities of being a good|responsibilities of being a good|
| |citizen (e.g., respect others, |citizen (e.g., respect others, |citizen (e.g., respect others, |citizen (e.g., respect others, |citizen (e.g., respect others, |
| |cooperate, share) |cooperate, share) |cooperate, share) |cooperate, share) |cooperate, share) |
| |* Identify voting procedures by |* Identify voting procedures by |* Identify voting procedures by |* Identify voting procedures by |* Identify voting procedures by |
| |participating in a classroom |participating in a classroom |participating in a classroom |participating in a classroom |participating in a classroom |
| |voting process (e.g., which book|voting process (e.g., which book|voting process (e.g., which book|voting process (e.g., which book|voting process (e.g., which book|
| |to read, what game to play) |to read, what game to play) |to read, what game to play) |to read, what game to play) |to read, what game to play) |
| |* Identify the appropriate |* Identify the appropriate |* Identify the appropriate |* Identify the appropriate |* Identify the appropriate |
| |procedures for the daily |procedures for the daily |procedures for the daily |procedures for the daily |procedures for the daily |
| |recitation of the Pledge of |recitation of the Pledge of |recitation of the Pledge of |recitation of the Pledge of |recitation of the Pledge of |
| |Allegiance: • standing up |Allegiance: • standing up |Allegiance: • standing up |Allegiance: • standing up |Allegiance: • standing up |
| |straight • placing the right |straight • placing the right |straight • placing the right |straight • placing the right |straight • placing the right |
| |hand over heart • removing hats |hand over heart • removing hats |hand over heart • removing hats |hand over heart • removing hats |hand over heart • removing hats |
| |• observing location of the flag|• observing location of the flag|• observing location of the flag|• observing location of the flag|• observing location of the flag|
|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |
| |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |
| |*Discussing |*Discussing |*Discussing |*Discussing |*Discussing |
| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |
| |*Tell |*Tell |*Compare |*Compare |*Tell |
| |Assessment: |Assessment |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |
| |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |
|Standards |C.4.K.3; C5.K.1; C.5.K.2; |C.4.K.3; C5.K.1; C.5.K.2; |C.4.K.3; C5.K.1; C.5.K.2; |C.4.K.3; C5.K.1; C.5.K.2; |C.4.K.3; C5.K.1; C.5.K.2; |
| |C.5.K.3; C.5.K.4 |C.5.K.3; C.5.K.4 |C.5.K.3; C.5.K.4 |C.5.K.3; C.5.K.4 |C.5.K.3; C.5.K.4 |
|1:05—1:20 |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |
|1:20—2:00 |1:18—1:58 |1:18—1:58 |1:20—2:00 |1:20—2:00 |1:20—2:00 |
|Prep. Time |Art |Music |Library |P.E. 1 |P.E. 2 |
| |Mrs. Busack |Mrs. Carr |Mrs. Trafford |Coach Setzer |Coach Setzer |
|2:00—2:50 | Write about Abraham Lincoln. |Make log cabin picture. |Write about George Washington. |Complete pledge of allegiance |Paint Picture of the President. |
|Continue | | | |book mark. | |
|Social Studies/ | | | | | |
|Science | | | | | |
|2:50—3:10 |Snack |Snack |Snack |Snack |Snack |
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