Lesson Plan with Technology Integration

Lesson Plan with Technology Integration

Teacher Name: Michael Mullins

Lesson Title: Career Exploration (Based on Skills)

Target Grade/Subject: 6th Grade-Keyboarding MS-Semester 2 class with twenty-two students. ELL modification/watch include: ELL FLEP 1 Bosnian, ELL Level 3 Spanish, ELL Level 4 Spanish, ELL M1 Spanish, ELL M1 Vietnamese, ELL M2 Bengali. SPED modification/watch: 3 students. Three of the ELL/SPED are pulled from class once every two week for reading remediation.

Length: 225 minutes (2-1/2 Blocks)


• CE.12-Demonstrate knowledge of career opportunities

• Eng 6.6-Write narratives, descriptions, and explanations

• Eng 6.7-Edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure


• NET-S: 1-6

CTE Course Competency:

• 6150.023-Investigate careers

Essential Questions: How do classes in middle and high school prepare you for future jobs and careers?


Differentiate between a job and a career

Research careers based on keyboarding skills

Tools and Resources

• Video Beam

• Computers

• Internet Access

• PBWiki set up for class

• Microsoft Word

• School Space/Virtual Share for document transfer

• Eight tables for eight groups to initiate first communication


Technology/Classroom Arrangement and Management Strategies:

• Computer Lab with necessary applications

• Internet connectivity loss students will work on Keyboarding Lesson.

• Power outage, class discussion on group dynamics and careers

Prerequisite technology skills needed by students:

1. Using the Internet to search Virginia Career View website for jobs/careers relating to keyboarding.

2. Experience with entering text, pictures, and links in a wiki and identifying tools on the toolbar.

3. Using planning strategies to organize ideas

4. Revise writing for clarity and original authorship

5. Using editing skills and tools for proper spelling and grammar

6. Group dynamics to assist others that are lacking in the above skills

Lesson Development

Focus and Review of previous work/knowledge:

Teacher says, “Today we are concentrating on jobs/careers in which this class provides some of the skills necessary to succeed.”

Anticipatory set:

Day 1

1. Open up a classroom discussion: “Explain or give examples of bad experiences in previous group activities.” “What could be some classroom rules to that we could put in place to eliminate these issues.” Use the video beam and PowerPoint to create a list. This is an overview of the collaborative norms in the words of a sixth grader.

2. “As a classroom group, we will utilize these rules in the next question.” “What is the difference between a job and a career?” Teacher will type answers on video beam using PowerPoint.

3. “Did everyone follow the rules that we put in place?” I will point out how some in the class did not participate because the work required here was too small for the entire class to participate. I will emphasize that the groups you will be working in are much smaller and need everyone’s participation.

4. Provide the rubrics to grading and discuss project and the grading

5. Assign groups and place them at assigned tables. This time I numbered each person 1-3 from an alphabetical list of the class. I reviewed the list and liked the outcomes, in the past I have sorted my classes by student number to assign groups, but I always review to make sure I like the outcome.

6. Introduce the new wiki page. Show the class how to access the wiki from School Space using a Video Beam for the demonstration. Show the students the folders for each career and review the ways to create new wiki pages within these folders

Day 2

1. Review group rules

2. Demonstrate creating a final wiki page and upload files/images to the wiki page.

Instructional Activity:

• See Above Anticipatory set

• Provide each group with career to research

o Data Keyers, Receptionist and Information Clerks, Medical Secretaries, Medical Records and Health Information Technicians, Executive Secretaries, Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks, Medical Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Secretaries (Legal), Court Clerk, and Office Clerk

• Demonstrate the link provided and identifying links within the site

Guided practice and checking for understanding (student activities):

• Group discussion of group dynamics, rules, job vs. career, review of rules

• Discussion about grading rubric and assignment

Independent practice (student activities):

Day 1

• Group determines group members’ responsibilities based on 25 item list from the grading rubric Student works on 25 item list on Microsoft Word and edit proofreads work prior to placing on wiki

• Student creates new page on wiki (first name last initial) and places in group folder

• Copy and pastes work from their Microsoft Word document on to own or group wiki page

Day 2

• Group edits and reviews individual work on individual wiki

• Group creates new wiki as name of the career and placing in Career Folder

• Copy and paste information in main page and searches for appropriate pictures and videos

• Edits and formats final wiki

• Finalizes presentation roles

Day 3

• Present to career to class on the Video Beam


Students will present their wiki using the video beam in class. Students and teacher will ask questions about their assigned career.

Teacher will end the assignment with probing questions about the differences between a job and a career. The teacher will open a class discussion on the need for job experience to develop values and ethics towards a career, and in some cases developing skills and/or experience towards a career.

• What is a job?

• What is a career?

• What is the difference between a job and career?

• Job experience leads to develop what type of values?

• Job experience leads to developing what type of ethics?

Finally, the teacher will lecture the need for developing a school-related skill like keyboarding for entering either the job or career force.

Evaluation Procedure

Assessment of objectives: Student will be given two rubrics and an explanation of the collaborative and project-based rubrics to grading this lesson. Teacher will create a classroom wiki using PBWiki. The students will have writing privileges to create their own page to complete their portion of the assignment. Then student will compile the information into a main page for editing and formatting purposes. The main page and student individual pages will be graded using the collaborative and project-based rubrics.

Rubric: See links given on wiki.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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