Learning Targets - SharpSchool

SMSD Remote Learning TemplateSecond Grade / ScienceWeek of:May 4-10, 2020Length of time to complete these tasks: Monday-SundayContent Area: SCIENCE: WATER CYCLELearning Standards Addressed:3.2.2.A.3 Demonstrate how heating and cooling may cause changes in the properties of materials.3.3.2.A.4 Explore and describe that water exists in solid (ice) and liquid (water) form. Explain and illustrate evaporation and condensation.3.3.2.A.7 Participate in simple investigations of earth structures, processes, and cycles to answer a question or to test a prediction.Learning TargetsWhat are the learning goals of this lesson?Students will learn the water cycle: precipitation, evaporation, condensation.Activating StrategyActivate Prior KnowledgeUse the activity below to focus your brain and get ready to learn.Think & Share: What happens to the water in a puddle? What are some different forms of water (solid-ice; liquid-water; gas-water vapor)?Teacher DevelopedLesson Knowledge and UnderstandingHere are the specific remote learning activities you should complete in this order for this subject area this week:Student LearningResponsibility-Learning, Practice or GradedPaceEstimated time each activity will take In Clever watch the Brain Pop, Jr. video, Water Cycle, under science/weather. learning10 minutesRead passage and answer comprehension questions on the water cycle.practice20 minutesComplete cut & paste activity about the water cycle.practice20 minutesComplete water cycle in a bottle experiment. learning20 minutesContinuation Ongoing LearningHere are some continued opportunities for engagement in learning...PaceEstimated time each activity will take Complete related worksheets.10 minutes ................

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