Ch. 12: Crusades and Culture in the Middle Ages

Ch. 12: Crusades and Culture in the Middle


Your Task...

In partners, create a list of twenty major events that occurred in the world before AD 1500 (use the first 11 chapters of the textbook). Make sure that your completed list is in chronological order.

Each event should consist of the following: -Date -Location -2 sentence summary of what happened

*Save your document in Class Projects in the 2018-2019 World History folder. Save as your names.

Your Task...

Using the research activity from yesterday, create a class timeline by cutting and gluing the events in the correct order.

Bell Work...

Copy and answer the following question into your notebook:

In your opinion, what three events had the biggest impact on the world up until the 1500s? Explain.

Lay Investiture- practice by which secular rulers both chose nominees to church offices and gave them the symbols of their office

Interdict- decree by the pope that forbade priests from giving the sacraments of the Church to the people

Sacrament- a Christian rite

Heresy- the denial of basic Church doctrines

Relics- bones or other objects connected with saints; considered to be worthy of worship by the faithful


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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