Prayer at the end of the day, to bring completion (that's the meaning of `compline'), or closure, to the day

(Adapted for personal use)


Lord God almighty, grant to me, to my loved ones, to my relatives and friends, and to those who, in Jesus, are part of your family ?

grant us all a quiet night and peace at the end. Amen.

The Short Lesson

Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. (1 Pet. 5:8 The Message)

O Lord, have mercy on me.

Confession of Sins

I confess to you, almighty God, before the whole company of heaven, that I have sinned in thought, word, and deed, by my own fault. Have mercy on me, for Jesus' sake, forgive me all my sin, and bring me to eternal life. Amen.

May the almighty and merciful Lord grant me pardon and forgiveness of all my sin. Amen.

My Lord, don't keep on ignoring me in your anger. Help me. Help me now. Let me experience you as my Saviour. (Ps. 38:21-22*)

The Psalm (choose one of the following)

Have mercy on me, O Lord, and hear my prayer.

1 PSALM 4* A prayer expressing in God in a time of anxiety

O God, you always act fairly, so answer me when I call to you. In my distress give me freedom and relief. Be gracious to me.

I know we humans continually drag your glory through the mud, and keep on being attracted to the lies and delusions of unbelievers. But despite all that, you've chosen me to belong to you! You stand by that choice and you hear when I call to you!!

I also know that you don't mind if I complain to you, or about you. I just need to keep my cool! Then if I calmly think through my complaint, listening to my heart, I'll probably realize it's no big deal after all. I'll be able to consider what may be the best thing for me to do, without forgetting to put my trust in you.

Many around me are asking impatiently, `Why can't my life be better?' But for me, having you, Lord, smiling on me ? that's all I want.

You fill my heart with the greatest joy, a joy far above anything food or drink or even the latest technology can give. So I'll lie down and sleep peacefully, for you, my Lord -- you keep me safe and secure.

2 PSALM 16* Reasons for trusting a caring God Keep me safe, God; for when I need help I run to you. I keep telling you, `You're my Lord, apart from you life gives me nothing.'

As for my fellow believers with whom I live, a fat lot of help they give! And trying to get help from other gods is a waste of time, so I'm never going to pray to them.

My Lord, you've given me a place and purpose in this life, and I wouldn't exchange any of it for anything else. I've been very fortunate with what life has given me, and I have a lot to look forward to, thanks to you.

I praise you, for the guidance you give, and I always will; even that which comes to me during sleepless nights. I'll keep you at the very front of my attention, and with you right there I can live with confidence. My heart is full of joy, my spirit is rejoicing, and my body is relaxed and ready for anything.

You won't abandon me when I die,

you won't let death have the last word. You've put me on the path to life with you, you've filled me with the joy of always being in your presence. You'll share with me your eternal jubilation and triumph.

3 PSALM 31:1-5* I need your help, God -- the help only you can give I come to you, my Lord, seeking refuge, please don't let me down. Listen to me, and act quickly, please be my refuge and my place of safety.

I've always treated you as my refuge and safe place. So lead me and guide me as you've promised to do. Help me see the traps that lie in my path, and keep me safe. I place myself into your hands. You'll rescue me, my Lord, you won't let me down.

4 PSALM 33* Chosen by God -- what an undeserved blessing All you people of God, join together in joyful praise of the Lord, he certainly deserves praise for all he does for us. Get out your musical instruments and tune them up, let's sing a new song to him with all the skill and gusto we can manage.

The word of the Lord is the truth, and whatever he does is dependable. He loves acting in ways that are fair and just, he fills the world with his constant love. By his word he created the heavens, he spoke into existence all the stars and planets. He gathered the waters to make the seas, and made great cellars for the oceans.

Worship the Lord, all you who dwell on this earth! Give him honour, all people everywhere! For he spoke his creative word, and there it was ? the whole world. At his command it all happened.

The Lord puts a brake on the scheming of the nations, he derails the plans countries make for themselves. But his plans stand forever, his intentions are everlasting. What an undeserved blessing it is to be the people of the Lord, to be chosen to play a part in taking his message of love to all people.

The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race; his eyes take in all who live on earth. He's the one who enables each person to think and make decisions; and he's aware of everything they do.

People of power and influence may think they can dominate others just because of their importance.

But it's foolish to depend on might and authority, when there are limits to what human power can do.

The Lord is the One who takes care of those who serve him and put their hope in his unfailing love; The Lord takes care of those who trust in him for rescue; and rely on him when things get really bad.

That's why we put our hope in the Lord. He gives help and protection. Deep down we're full of joy and rejoicing because we trust his promises.

Give us the blessing of your unfailing love, Lord; we depend on you.

5 PSALM 34* How trusting God will change your life I'll never stop praising the Lord, I'll always give him thanks. I delight and rejoice in him, hoping the troubled will hear me and rejoice, too. So join me in praising the Lord. Let's proclaim his greatness together.

I prayed to the Lord for help, and he answered me, he took all my fears away. Those who look to him can gladly anticipate his help, they won't be disappointed. I was in dire need, I cried out to the Lord for help, and he heard me. He has rescued me from all my troubles. The angel of the Lord stands guard over those who serve him, and keeps them safe.

Try out the Lord's goodness for yourself. You'll be glad you put your trust in him. Serve the Lord, you his chosen people, for those who obey him are given all they need. Though you go through times when it's hard to make ends meet, the Lord's goodness is always there for those who trust him.

Come, my friends, listen to me. I'll teach you how to serve the Lord. If you want to enjoy life, a long happy life, don't speak evil or be deceitful; turn away from evil and do good; strive for peace, work hard for it.

The Lord watches over his people, he hears their cries for help. But when they forget they're his people, they're cutting themselves off from his care. His people cry out to him and he hears them, he rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord stays close to those who are brokenhearted, he rescues those who have lost hope. His people may often be in trouble, but he's always there to rescue them. The Lord gives complete protection to his people, but their ignoring of him as their Lord is often their downfall.

The Lord will rescue his chosen ones, no one who trusts him for help will be rejected.

6 PSALM 63* A prayer of trust in a God who won't ever abandon you God, you are my God. But I need ? I'm searching for ? a sense of your presence. It's as though I'm lost, all alone in the middle of a desert. I'm affected by the heat, my lips are cracked, I'm longing for water, for rescue. Only you can quench my thirst, only you can satisfy my longing.

I come into your presence in worship, and I'm confronted by your love. I catch a glimpse of your might and splendour. Your unceasing love for me is better than life itself, your love makes my heart overflow with praise. I'll praise you as long as I live, applauding you, giving you the honour you deserve. You satisfy me better than a full stomach after a sumptuous banquet. I can't stop singing and shouting in praise.

When I can't sleep at night I think of you. I remember you, and meditate on your love. You're my help, with your protective wings around me I sing for joy. I hold on to you. You won't let me go.

Those who are trying to do away with me, will themselves come to a terrible end. But I'll rejoice in you and the victory you give me, All those who trust in you will have plenty of reasons to give you joyful praise; while those who trade in lies will be left with nothing to say.

7 PSALM 86* Don't let me die -- amaze people by what you do

Lord, please listen to me, and answer my prayer, I'm desperate and helpless. Please save me from dying, for I've devoted my life to you. Save me, because I serve you and place my trust in you. You're my God, show me your mercy, I've been praying to you all day. Give me back my joy, Lord, for there's no one else to whom I can go. You're so forgiving, Lord, and so kind. You overflow with love for those who come to you for help.

So listen to me, Lord, hear my cry for mercy. In all times of trouble I come to you, not doubting that you answer my prayers.

No other nation has a God like you, my Lord, there's no one who can do the mighty deeds you've done. All the nations you have created must eventually come to worship and praise you. For your power, your miracles, are awesome. You alone are God.

Teach me, Lord, what you want me to do, so that I follow you faithfully. Give me a heart devoted entirely to worshiping you.


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