IF MY CHILD AVOIDS: Let Me Learn® How to Help Do not ...

Let Me Learn? How to Help My Learner at Home

My Patterns: S ___

P ___

T ___

C ___

My Child's Patterns: S ___

P ___

T ___

C ___

1. Circle the patterns you have in common and box the patterns where you are different. 2. Discuss your similarities and differences and where this has either helped or hindered your relationship when it comes to working on assignments together.

IF MY CHILD AVOIDS: Sequence: Do not expect her to know

how to categorize in 5+ different ways. Keep the organization in simple steps and with no more than 4 folders at a time. Help your child break down the directions and talk him through in his own words to you know where there is a misunderstanding. Precision: Do not expect her to memorize facts and detailed information in one sitting. Keep the information broken down into parts and discuss what has just been read to reassure accuracy in his understanding or comprehension. Keep the dictionary and thesaurus handy to help aid with words such as "things" and "stuff."

Technical Reasoning: Do not expect her to "tough-it-

out" with a problem that she is not able to fix. Keep the diagrams simple and help him to see the parts and their connections. Encourage more reflection when working through the project or homework with questions such as "Why do you think you need to know this information?" or "How can you take what you learned today and use it in the real world?" Confluence: Do not expect her to take a risk if it means that she will be different than her teacher or her peers. Keep your ideas to a minimum as you share. Encourage him to think of something that he either saw in a movie or read in a book to use as a guide for ideas.

Scale of Pattern Scores: 7-17- AVOID 18-24- AS NEEDED 25-35- USE FIRST

IF MY CHILD USES FIRST: Sequence: Do not expect her to change

her plans readily without some time to think it through. Allow him to look for examples either in the text or worksheets in order to kick-start his work. Guide her to think through the steps if she does not understand the directions and wants to keep re-reading them over and over. Precision: Do not expect her to begin any answers or work without checking the resource first. Suggest reading his notes or the end-of-the-chapter-review to study rather than re-reading the entire chapter. Allow her to share detailed information in conversation and really listen to it. Technical Reasoning: Do not expect her to come to you for help immediately. Allow him space to work and a place without distraction. This would work best also after a short "break" from school. Suggest writing about things that actually happened to her in order to get as much information on paper as possible.

Confluence: Do not expect her to use any

of your ideas. Suggest narrowing down his

ideas to two and then choosing one within a certain time frame. Allow her to use her imagination when it's appropriate. Caution her as to the effects of using it during inappropriate times (specific school assignments, testing, certain team situations, etc.).

J. Berger ?2006 Let Me Learn


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