範圍: L7~L9 & Review 3

範圍: 翰林版 第二冊 U4~U6 + Review2

第一部份、聽力測驗 25%


1. 請選出與所唸單字發音相同的母音 2%

( )1. (A) food (B) join (C) cow (D) cook

( )2. (A) fun (B) book (C) too (D) joy

二、請選出與所唸單字字尾發音相同的單字 3%

( )3. (A) thank (B) moon (C) enough (D) strong

( )4. (A) pink (B) king (C) often (D) wall

( )5. (A) Rudolph (B) tank (C) all (D) spring

三、根據對話內容,填入製作南瓜派的材料與步驟 4%

( )6. (A) three bowls of milk (B) two glasses of water (C) two cans of juice (D) two glasses of milk

( )7. (A) four boxes (B) two boxes (C) two bags

(D) four bowls

( )8. (A) three eggs (B) three cookies

(C) three bags of rice (D) two eggs

( )9. (A) Put cookies in the blender. (B) Put the eggs in the blender (C) Put everything in the blender. (D) Blend the pumpkin with everything.

四. 根據聽到的錄音內容,選出最適當的回應句:8%

( )10.(A)How do you go to the movies?

(B)What do you usually do in your free time?

(C)Twice a week?Aren’t you busy?

(D)When do you go to the movies?

( )11.(A)Good idea. Let’s have it.

(B)No. You don’t have it.

(C)Yes. You need a hamburger.

(D)I can’t buy it.

七年____班______號 姓名_______________

( )12.(A)We fly a kite twice a week.

(B)I never fly a kite on weekends.

(C)No. I seldom fly a kite with my friends.

(D)Sometimes on Friday afternoon and sometimes on Sunday morning.

( )13.(A)About NT$300.

(B)Apples and bananas are.

(C)Two pizzas are 500 dollars.

(D)Fried chicken is very expensive.

五. 請依據所聽到的短文並配合圖片,回答下列問題8%


★ sandwich 三明治 fast food 速食

( )14.(A)Once a week (B)Every day

(C)Every weekend (D)On Sunday

( )15.(A)9:00 a.m. (B)12:00 p.m.

(C)12:00 a.m. (D)10:00 p.m.

( )16.(A)1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)4

( )17.(A)175 dollars. (B)200 dollars.

(C)145 dollars . (D)240 dollars.

第二部份、綜合測驗 75%


( )18. A: ___________ rice do you need? B: A lot.

A) How many bags (B) How much (C) How many (D) How many bowl

( )19. A: ______ girl ______ your sister, Helen or Susan? B: Helen.

(A) Who, is (B) Which, does (C) Which, is (D) Which, do

( )20. A: ___________ are a pencil and an eraser?

B: They’re fifty dollars.

A) How many (B) How much (C) How often

(D) How long

( )21. There _______ some tea in the cups.

A) has (B) have (C) is (D) are

( )22. How many ______ are there on the table?

A) water (B) food (C) apple (D) bananas

( )23. There are ________ sugar and flour on the table.

A) a lot (B) a lot of (C) many (D) any

( )24. A: Max, you can’t put your dirty hands in your mouth. ______do that again.

B: OK, Mom.

A) Always (B) Sometimes (C) Never (D) Seldom

( )25. A: _______ do you have hamburgers for dinner?

B: Every day.

A) How many (B) How much (C) How often

(D) How

( )26.I always play soccer after school every day, but my sister, Tina, ____________.

A) seldom does (B) seldom do

(C) never play soccer (D) plays soccer seldom

( )27. A: Are you always happy at school?

B: Yes, ________________.

(A) I always am. (B) I am always.

(C) I always do. (D) I do always

二、克漏字10% (每題2分)

prepare 準備 after在…之後 because 因為

housework 家事 take a rest 休息

( )28. (A) seldom (B) never (C) always (D) sometimes

( )29. (A) only (B) seldom (C) never (D) even

( )30. (A) we (B) them (C) it (D) us

( )31. (A) for (B) to (C) with (D) about

( )32. (A) still (B) even (C) only (D) sometimes

三、閱讀測驗 12%(每題2分)


Mirmar Theater


|SWAN | | |10:30 12:30 |

|10:00 12:00 |10:10 12:10 |12:30 14:30 |14:30 16:30 |

|14:00 16:00 |14:10 16:10 |16:30 18:30 |18:30 20:30 |

|18:00 20:00 |18:10 20:10 |20:30 22:30 | |

|Tickets for adults |Tickets for students |Tickets for |

| | |kids under 6 |

|$ 250 |$180 |$ 120 |

※ Good news! Buy two tickets at any time, and get one free popcorn!

※ On Friday mornings, a ticket for an adult is only $ 150, and a ticket for a kid is free.

theater 戲院 ticket 票 adults成人

popcorn 爆米花

( )33. Joy wants to see a movie with her classmate, Lily, in the morning. Which movie can’t they see?



( )34. Hetty and her 5-year-old son want to see the movie “BLACK SWAN” on Friday morning. How much are their tickets?



Mirmar Theater Restaurant


( )35. Hilton and his girlfriend, Lisa, go to see a movie on Sunday afternoon. After the movie, they go to the restaurant there. They want two big chicken burgers, two hot dogs and two cans of coke. How much is their food?


( )36. Mirmar Theater Restaurant is Miss Middleton’s favorite. She always goes there on Friday afternoons. Today, she has two French fries, two cups of coffee, and a small pizza. How much does she need to pay? pay 付

(A) $350(B)$300(C)$282(D)$345



These animals don’t have their own home. They need your help. Be their owners and give them new houses.

| [pic] |[pic] |

|Name:FiFi |Name:Meme |

|Age:7 months old |Age:1 year old |

|Owner’s work: |Owner’s work: |

|Feed it twice a day. |Feed it twice a day. |

|Wash it once a week. |Wash it once a week. |

|Walk it every day. |Play games with it often. |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Name:Honey |Name:Yoyi |

|Age:8 months old |Age:2 weeks old |

|Owner’s work: |Owner’s work: |

|■ Feed it five times a week. |Feed it three times a day. |

|■ Don’t wash it . |■ Wash it three times a month. |

|■ Keep it in a cool place. |■ Let it swim sometimes. |

animal 動物 owner 擁有者 keep保持

( )37.Harry’s grandmother needs “a good friend.” She can walk it every day in the park. Which animal is good for her?

(A)Yoyi (B)Meme (C)Honey(D)Fifi

( )38.Tina really loves animals, but she’s always busy. She has no time to wash them. Which animals is good for her?

(A)Honey (B)Fifi C)Yoyi (D)Meme

※ 以下手寫部份,請直接做答於答案卷上



七年____班______號 姓名_________________

四、文意字彙 5%

____________ 39. The computer is too e e. I don’t have that much money for it.

____________ 40. Mother’s Day is on the s d Sunday of May.

____________ 41. People get milk from c s.

____________ 42. Amamda is sick(生病的), and the doctor tells her to drink more w r.

____________ 43. We should brush(刷) our teeth b e we go to bed.

五、單字(中翻英) 7%



46.第三 ____________________________




50. 炸雞_____________________________

六、依提示做答 6%


51. There is a bowl of fried rice on the table.(依畫線部份造原問句)____________________________________

52. Is Kevin usually early for school? (用never詳答)


七、整句翻譯 15%






55.99袋麵粉要多少錢? 要20048元。(數字以英文表示)


56.你哥哥多久打一次羽毛球? 他一個月打球兩次。


57.它通常一天吃ㄧ次, 但是有時候連一點食物都沒有。(…all)


試題結束! 請查核以下項目:










Dear Mom,

Happy Mother’s Day!

Thank you for everything you do for us. You 28 get up at six o’clock every morning and prepare breakfast and lunch boxes for us. After having breakfast, you take us to school and then go to work. You always get home at six and prepare dinner for the family. You can’t 29 take a rest on weekends because you need to clean up our house and do a lot of housework.

I know you do all these things because you love 30 . You are nice 31 me. I want to say, “Thank you and I love you very much, Mom.” I don’t have that money to buy a cake, but I 32 buy some flowers and draw a card for you.

Your son,


| |Big |Small | |

|Chicken burger |$ 90 |$80 |Coke $ 25 |

|Fish burger |$ 70 |$60 |Coffee $ 50 |

|Beef burger |$ 60 |$50 |Tea $ 35 |

|Pizza |$250 |$180 |Juice $ 40 |

| | | |corn soup $40 |

|Hot dog | |$30 | |

|Popcorn | |$40 | |

|French fries | |$35 | |

|Buy two big burgers and get one free coke. |

|※On Wednesday and Friday afternoons, the second cup of coffee is free and pizzas are 10% off.|

menu菜單 beef 牛肉 soup 湯 10% off 9折

What do you need?

1. 6

2. one pumpkin

3. one cup of sugar

4. 7 of flour

5. one box of cake mix

6. 8

What do you do?

1. Cut the pumpkin and put it in a blender.

2. 9 .

3. Put everything in a bowl, and bake(烤) for two hours.

4. Take the bowl out from the oven(烤箱), and put it in a refrigerator.



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