Senses: 1 - WPI

1.E.II: Tools

Animals, Humans, and the Tools They Use

|Grade Level |1 |

|Sessions |Session I: Read Jasmine’s Explorer Notebook – 20 minutes |

| |Session II: My own explorer notebook – 25 minutes |

| |Session II: Making a backscratcher – 40 minutes |

|Seasonality |N/A |

|Instructional Mode(s) |Whole class |

|Team Size |N/A |

|MA Frameworks |Skills of Inquiry |

| |1. Ask questions about objects, organisms, and events in the environment. |

| |2. Tell about why and what would happen if? |

| |6. Discuss observations with others. |

| |Technology/Engineering |

| |1. Materials and Tools |

| |1.3 Identify and describe the safe and proper use of tools and materials (e.g., glue, scissors, tape, |

| |ruler, paper, toothpicks, straws, spools) to construct simple structures) |

| |2. Engineering Design |

| |2.2 Describe how human beings use parts of the body as tools (e.g., teeth for cutting, hands for grasping|

| |and catching), and compare their use with the ways in which animals use those parts of their bodies. |

|WPS Benchmarks |01.SC.IS.01 |

| |01.SC.IS.02 |

| |01.SC.IS.06 |

| |01.SC.TE.03 |

| |01.SC.TE.05 |

|Key Words |Humans, animals, tools |


The students will be read Jasmine’s Explorer Notebook which is a literature piece designed to introduce students to how animals and humans use tools or body parts for particular tasks. After the story, the students will work on their own explorer notebook to describe similarities between humans and animals. When finished, the students will create a backscratcher out of common items and will compare their finished product with that of the tail of animals.

Learning Objectives

Massachusetts Frameworks for Grades Pre K-2

Skills of Inquiry

1. Ask questions about objects, organisms, and events in the environment.

2. Tell about why and what would happen if?

6. Discuss observations with others.


1. Materials and Tools

1.3 Identify and describe the safe and proper use of tools and materials (e.g., glue, scissors, tape, ruler, paper, toothpicks, straws, spools) to construct simple structures)

2. Engineering Design

2.2 Describe how human beings use parts of the body as tools (e.g., teeth for cutting, hands for grasping and catching), and compare their use with the ways in which animals use those parts of their bodies

2002 Worcester Public Schools (WPS) Benchmarks for Grade 1

01.SC.IS.01 Ask questions about objects, organisms, and events in the environment.

01.SC.IS.02 Tell about why and what would happen if?

01.SC.IS.06 Discuss observations with others

01.SC.TE.03 Identify and describe the safe and proper use of tools and materials (e.g., glue, scissors, tape, ruler, paper, toothpicks, straws, spools) to construct simple structures.

01.SC.TE.05 Describe how human beings use parts of the body as tools (e.g., teeth for cutting, hands for grasping and catching), and compare their use with the ways in which animals use those parts of their bodies.

Additional Learning Objectives

1. None

Required Background Knowledge

1. None

Essential Questions

1. What is a body part that animals and humans use the same way?

2. What is a body part that animals and humans use in a different way?

3. What is something that an animal can do that a human cannot do?

4. What is something that a human can do that an animal cannot do?

Introduction / Motivation

Ask students to describe body parts and their functions on both humans and animals. Encourage the students to compare and contrast.


Session I: Read Jasmine’s Explorer Notebook – 20 minutes

Instructor preparation:

1. Obtain a copy of Jasmine’s Explorer Notebook (found in the attachment section of this lesson plan).

The instructor will:

1. Read Jasmine’s Explorer Notebook to the students.

2. Encourage discussion throughout the literature piece regarding contrasting and comparing the tools humans and animals use.

Session II: My own explorer notebook – 25 minutes

Instructor preparation:

1. Photocopy one “My own explorer notebook” handout for each student (3 pages/student).

The instructor will:

1. Pass out “My own explorer notebook” handout to each student.

2. Lead the students through the exercises.

Session II: Making a backscratcher – 40 minutes

Instructor preparation:

1. Photocopy one “Making a backscratcher” handout for each student (2 pages/student)

2. Photocopy material take home letter for students to take home for materials.

3. Obtain the necessary materials to make the backscratchers.

The instructor will:

1. Pass out “Making a backscratcher” handout to each student.

2. Ask the students to compare and contrast different tools/body parts animals and humans use for particular purposes.

3. Ask the students how animals shu off flies and other pests in the wild.

4. Ask the students how humans shu off flies and other pests.

5. Remind the students that most animals cannot use their hands to shu of flies/pests as humans do and use their tails to shu off flies and to scratch their backs.

6. Tell the students they will be using the engineering design process to make backscratchers!

7. Let the students pick the materials they want to use and remind them of the design criteria that they must meet. This includes:

• It needs to have a long handle.

• It needs to be soft but able to scratch.

• It needs to stay together.

Materials List

|Materials per student |Amount |Location |

|“My own explorer notebook” handout |1/student |Attachment section |

|“Making a backscratcher” handout |1/student |Attachment section |

|Materials per class |Amount |Location |

|Jasmine’s Explorer Notebook |1 |Attachment section |

|Aluminum foil |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Pipe cleaners |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Cotton balls |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Tape |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Yarn |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Rubber bands |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Toothpicks |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Straws |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Plastic cutlery |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

|Pencils |Ample supply for all students to |Craft store/Grocery store |

| |use | |

Vocabulary with Definitions


Assessment / Evaluation of Students

The instructor may assess the students in any/all of the following manners:

1. Ask questions about comparing and contrasting the tools humans and animals use to accomplish a given task.

2. Ask questions about the engineering design process.

Lesson Extensions



1. Jasmine’s Explorer Notebook

2. “My own explorer notebook” handout

3. “Making a backscratcher” handout

4. Take-home letter for parents regarding supplies

Troubleshooting Tips


Safety Issues

Students should be supervised at all times.

Additional Resources


References for Pictures

Beaver and tree -

Saw -

Shovel -

Dog digging -

Bird flying -

Air plane -

Bear catching a fish -

Fishing pole -

Hand -

Teeth -

Feet -

Horse -

Elephant -

Mosquito -

Fly -

Key Words

Humans, animals, tools


Written by Jennifer Gray

Illustrations by Katie Bush

____________________’s Explorer Notebook



Catching a baseball



Cutting down trees


Chewing food






Making a Backscratcher!

THINK: What is the problem? We need someway to reach our back to scratch and to shu off pesty bugs!


1. It needs to have a long handle.

2. It needs to be soft but able to scratch.

3. It needs to stay together.

Draw your design:

CREATE: Time to build!


1. Does it reach your back?

2. Is it soft but able to scratch?

3. Does it stay together?


Dear Parents,

As part of our Technology/Engineering curriculum, students are designing and constructing a backscratcher. Students will be using the engineering design process to design, construct, and test their backscratcher.

We ask that you please have your child bring in small amounts of materials that they could use to build a backscratcher. Suggested materials are listed at the bottom of this note and can be collected and put in a plastic baggie. If you could help your child gather some of these materials and then have your child bring them to school on ____________________________________it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support!


Partnerships Implementing Engineering Education

Suggested Items:

Aluminum Foil

Cotton Balls


Pipe cleaners

Other common house hold items (buttons/Kleenex/etc)


Jasmine work up early Saturday morning. She was looking forward to her first camping trip outside of the city.

Jasmine woke up early Saturday morning. She was looking forward to her first camping trip outside of the city.

She began to pack right away. She placed clothing and her Explorer Notebook, where she wrote about interesting things, into her backpack. Jasmine stopped packing; she did not know what else to bring on the camping trip.

Jasmine checked in a book about camping that she borrowed from the library. It said, “Food, water, and shelter are the most important things to have while in the wild.” Jasmine decided to ask her mom about this.

“Mom,” Jasmine said, “do we have food, water, and shelter for the camping trip?” “We sure do,” said Jasmine’s mom, “we have food in cans, water in these bottles, and a tent that we’ll set-up as soon as we get to the campsite.” “Great!” said Jasmine, “I’m ready to go.”

Jasmine’s family drove to the campground. While her family set up the tent, Jasmine took out her Explorer Notebook and sat under a tree. She looked down at the grass, then up at the trees, and then at the sky. Dozens of birds flew together, making the shape of a letter “V”. The last trip that Jasmine had taken with other people was in an airplane. She decided to write about this in her Explorer Notebook.

The sun began to set as Jasmine’s family put the finishing touches on their tent. Just then, Jasmine’s mom called out, “Jasmine, will you help prepare dinner?” “Sure,” Jasmine said as she approached the campsite. She looked at the fire, the empty pan, and the small collection of cans and thought, “How will I ever open these?”

When night had fallen, Jasmine’s whole family went by the fire. Jasmine looked up in the tree by the fire and saw an owl perched on a branch. Jasmine looked at the bird’s feet and decided to write about them in her Explorer Notebook.

That night, Jasmine went to sleep thinking about the similarities between humans and animals. She was very happy about all of the new things she had written in her Explorer Notebook. It had been a fantastic first night out camping!

As it began to get late in the night, Jasmine and her family got ready for bed. Jasmine noticed a trail of dirt moving a couple of feet away. She looked more closely and realized that it was a groundhog burrowing into the ground to make a place to sleep. Jasmine thought this was a very interesting discovery and was going to write about it in her Explorer Notebook.

While Jasmine was at the campsite, a squirrel ran up to her and grabbed an acorn. The squirrel then took the acorn in both hands and used its large front teeth to crack the acorn open. “Of course! I’ll use the can opener!” Jasmine said. After dinner, Jasmine wrote about the squirrel in her Explorer Notebook.



Directions: Connect a line from the tool a human uses to do what the animal is

doing in the picture.


Directions: Circle what the body part of a human is used for and cross out what it cannot be used for.






Directions: Complete the Venn diagram. Write tools humans use, animals use, and tools they both use.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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