Rule book changes for the 2025 target year


Changes below are in RED

Section IV, A.

1. The ATA governs the conduct of shoots registered with it. Only

clubs a>iliated with their State/Provincial Association will be

permitted to hold registered shoots. There is no minimum

number of trap ?elds required to hold a registered shoot.

Section IV, D.

2. Each location must submit a separate shoot report to the ATA

which will determine the earned yardage for that club only,

based on the number of participants in that event, at that club,

on that day.

Section IV, J.

8. Alcohol and drugs impair judgment and the ATA Rules

pertaining to the usage of alcohol and/or drugs must be

enforced by Shoot Management. This Rule shall be strictly

complied with and shall apply to practice shooting, registered

and tournament events, shoot o>s, checking in for shoot o>s

and referees. (Rule XII, B., 2., a.)

Section IV, J.

18. While not prohibited, the practice of resting the muzzle of

a shotgun on a shooter¡¯s toe is not advised and discouraged.

At no time shall the muzzle of a gun be rested on a shooter¡¯s

toe or ground while the action is closed.

Clari?cations to Appendix II ¨C


SATELLITE GRAND AMERICANS ¨C (Autumn, Dixie, Empire, Great Lakes, Heartland,

Northeastern, Southern, Southwestern, Spring and Western Grand)

Satellite Grand Americans may be up to 10 days in duration, however only events in the ?nal

week (7 days) are eligible for trophy points. The days in excess of 7 days may be awarded trophy

points if they qualify as per ¡°Other Major Tournaments¡±.

Table 2 Points - Championship Events including All Around & High Over All.

Table 3 Points - All other events included in the last seven days of the tournament.

The following year, the same named tournament at the same location will be guaranteed

points at least equal to that achieved the prior year.


Events eligible for points as follows:

All championship events, including High All Around and High Over All; plus preliminary events

during the last seven days for a maximum of 1,300 targets in both the preliminary events and

the championship events. Any preliminary 61 event prior to the ?nal 1,300 targets with 450 or

more completed entries shall also be an All-American points event.

In those events where only open (residency) trophies are awarded, points will be earned based

on a shooter¡¯s score without regard to the shooter¡¯s residency. In events where any

combination of resident, open (residency), or non-resident trophies are awarded, points will

be earned based on a shooter¡¯s residency.

The following year, the same named tournament will be guaranteed points at least equal

to that achieved the prior year.

Table 2 Points - Championship Events including All Around and High Over All.

Table 3 Points - All Preliminary events during the last seven days provided that the preliminary

events in conjunction with the championship events do not exceed 1,300 targets.


Events eligible for points as follows:

Table 2 Points ¨C Zone Wide Championship Events including All Around and High Over All. (HOA

for Eastern Zone: 1,000 Targets, Southwestern, Central, Southern, and Western Zones: 700


Table 3 Points ¨C Zone Wide Singles Class Championship, Doubles Class Championship, and

Preliminary Handicap and other eligible events. (Any single event with 450 or more completed

entries.) Shooters earning points at an individual zone site that quali?es as an ¡°Other Major

Tournament¡± and also earns points for the entire Zone shoot, the higher of the two point totals

will be used for the total points count.


An ¡°Other Major tournament¡± is de?ned as any tournament with combined completed entries

in the Singles, Handicap and Doubles Championship of 450 and over. Events eligible for points

as follows:

All championship events, including High All Around and High Over All. If the championship

events combined completed entries is 450 or over, preliminary events during the last seven

days for a maximum of 1,300 targets in both the preliminary events and the championship

events will also be eligible for All American points.

Any preliminary event prior to the ?nal 1,300 targets with 450 or more completed entries shall

also be an All-American points event.

The following year, the same named tournament at the same location will be guaranteed

points at least equal to that achieved the prior year.

For telephonic shoots (multiple locations), a single administrative point of contact must

be established to provide the consolidated tournament shoot program and the

consolidated tournament winners list to the ATA. Each club must request individual

shoot dates and submit individual shoot reports to the ATA which reflect yardage earned

based upon the attendance at that location.

Events eligible for points as follows:

Table 2 Points - Championship Events including All Around and High Over All.

Table 3 Points - All preliminary events as stipulated above.

Competition Factor: The competition factor is a multiplier determined by tournament

attendance and is derived by the combined entries in the Championship Singles, Handicap

and Doubles events.

Points earned at each qualifying shoot are multiplied by that shoot¡¯s competition factor to

determine total points.

The number of shooters completing an event, as indicated in ATA records, will govern in case

of a dispute as to tournament attendance.

Qualifying shoots will have a minimum competition factor of two (2).

State/Provincial shoots will have a maximum factor of seven (7).

Satellite Grands and ATA Zone shoots will have a minimum factor of three (3).

The Canadian Championships will have a minimum factor or two (2).

The US Open will have a minimum factor of four (4).

Grand American preliminary week events will have a ?xed competition factor of eight (8).

Grand American Week events will have ?xed competition factor of ten (10).

All Satellite Grand American Tournaments, State/Provincial Tournaments and other

Major Tournaments will have a minimum competition factor based upon the actual

attendance the previous year if the same named tournament is at the same location(s).






Issued by:

Amateur Trapshooting Association

1105 East Broadway

PO Box 519

Sparta, IL 62286


866-454-5198 Fax

REPRINTED September 1, 2024


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