Letter of Recommendation Request Form

Letter of Recommendation Request Form

TO: ________________________________________

Teacher / Recommender’s Name

FROM: ________________________________________

Student’s Name

DATE OF REQUEST: ________________ Recommendation Needed By: ________________

(MUST allow a minimum of 2 weeks notice)

Please accept this as a formal request for a letter of recommendation. I am including as much information about myself as I can so that you can personalize my letter. Please let me know if you would like any other information. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!

If you are willing to write a letter of recommendation for me, I would appreciate it if you would upload the letter into Naviance.



Students, if you have an Activity Resume, please attach a copy and move on to page 3.

If you do not have an Activity Resume, you must complete pages 2 & 3.

School Clubs / School-Related Activities (specify years involved and any specific contributions you have made)







High School Sports (specify position played; JV, Varsity; years played; leadership roles; awards; etc.)





Community Activities (list other activities that you were/are involved in outside of school i.e. Church groups, volunteer work, Scouts, etc). Be sure to list when you participated in these activities.





Work Experience (include place, position, responsibilities, accomplishments, time period worked there, etc.)




Awards/Honors/Distinctions (list all awards like Student of the Month, Principal’s List, Honor Roll, NHS, etc.)




Current Weighted GPA: ________________ (can be found on your Powerparent)

Honors Courses Taken: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

AP Courses Taken: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe your greatest strengths or attributes:___________________________________________




Describe some of your weaknesses and what you have done to improve in these areas:




Briefly describe what makes you different from other applicants for this college or scholarship and/or what you would specifically like to be highlighted in the letter.






Are there any special circumstances or anything you have not already mentioned that you would

like addressed in the letter?







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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