Séptimo gradoPEN PAL LETTER #1 DIRECTIONS:Greet your pen pal using his/her first and last name.Introduce yourself and say “I am your pen pal”-“Soy tu amigo/a de correspondencia.”Tell how old you are and ask your pen pal how old he/she is ?Cuántos a?os tienes?Tell when your birthday is and ask them when there birthday is ?Cuándo es tu cumplea?os?Tell your pen pal what you are like (Adjectives, Physical Characteristics and Hair) and ask what he/she is like ?Cómo eres tú?Tell your pen pal at least 2 things you like to do and at least 2 things you don’t like to doAsk your pen pal what he/she likes to do ?Qué te gusta hacer?Say goodbyeSign the letter: Escríbeme pronto,nombre y apellido531Completion of taskAll of the required information is includedMost of the required information is includedOnly some of the required information is includedAbility to communicate Student communicates accurately with only a few errors in grammar and spellingMostly accurate but with more than 6 errors in grammar and spellingHas frequent errors in grammar and spelling that hinder comprehensibilityUse of acquired vocabularyExtended use of a variety of vocabulary Limited use of vocabulary Very little variation of vocabulary Séptimo gradoPEN PAL LETTER #1 DIRECTIONS:Greet your pen pal using his/her first and last name.Introduce yourself and say “I am your pen pal”-“Soy tu amigo/a de correspondencia.”Tell how old you are and ask your pen pal how old he/she is ?Cuántos a?os tienes?Tell when your birthday is and ask them when there birthday is ?Cuándo es tu cumplea?os?Tell your pen pal what you are like (Adjectives, Physical Characteristics and Hair) and ask what he/she is like ?Cómo eres tú?Tell your pen pal at least 2 things you like to do and at least 2 things you don’t like to doAsk your pen pal what he/she likes to do ?Qué te gusta hacer?Say goodbyeSign the letter: Escríbeme pronto,nombre y apellido531Completion of taskAll of the required information is includedMost of the required information is includedOnly some of the required information is includedAbility to communicate Student communicates accurately with only a few errors in grammar and spellingMostly accurate but with more than 6 errors in grammar and spellingHas frequent errors in grammar and spelling that hinder comprehensibilityUse of acquired vocabularyExtended use of a variety of vocabulary Limited use of vocabulary Very little variation of vocabulary ................

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