Posted: May 22, 2014 at 12:00 Noon

Washington Parish Council

Regular Meeting

Washington Parish Courthouse

908 Washington Street

Franklinton, La 70438

Council Chambers

July 9, 2018

Monday – 6:00 PM

Item No. 1. - Call to order – Chairman Talley called the meeting to order.

Item No. 2. - Invocation – Councilman Lewis gave the invocation.

Item No. 3. - Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Bedwell led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item No. 4. - Roll Call – Council Clerk Sarah Cook called the roll. Present were Perry Talley, Michael Fussell, Chris Workman, Levi Lewis, Phillipp Bedwell, Reginald McMasters and David Anthony.

Item No. 5. – Approval of Minutes – Approval of minutes dated June 25, 2018.

Councilman Lewis offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Bedwell to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 25, 2018.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters, Bedwell and Talley

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (1) Anthony


Chairman Talley: entertained a motion to open the agenda and add resolution 18-867.

Councilman Workman offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Fussell to add Resolution 18-867 to the agenda.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters, Bedwell and Talley

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (1) Anthony


Item No. 6. Adopt Resolution 18-867 – A resolution of the Washington Parish Council approving Iris Solar LLC for participation in the Louisiana Industrial Tax Exemption Program.

Chairman Talley read the resolution aloud. “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Workman offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Bedwell to adopt Resolution 18-867.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters, Bedwell and Talley

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (1) Anthony


Item No. 7. – Public Participation –

Chairman Talley: “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak? Please state your name and address.”

Frankie Crosby resides at 1424 Parker Street, Franklinton, La.: “I am here for two reasons. The first being, since it is hurricane season, my wife has me doing a little house cleaning and I ran across two volumes of books that was written by students of Ms. Thelma Harts 4th grade class. I decided I would donate this to the Parish, if you already have it then I can donate it to the library as a memorial or keepsake for those behind us to read and reflect on what it was like. We don’t need another one to remember it, I’m sure but this is some interesting reading in here and the fact that it was done by 4th graders. The second issue is, Brother McMasters and I, back in 2003 started a back to school rally while we were both members, he still is and I’m not, at Bethel Church on Harvey road. We gave school supplies to the children of Washington Parish for fee along with haircuts and workbook fees. For the last three years I decided not to do it and God was not pleased with that and he has been whipping me. This year we decided to do it again and I’m here to ask you for a hand up not a hand out so we can get supplies to the students. It is free, opened to the public, it will be on August 1, 2018 at Sweet Rest Missionary Baptist Church at 6:00 pm. Our President, who has been instrumental over the years, who has always helped me, you may want to get with him to put your nickels together. Amen and thank you.”

Chairman Talley: “Would anyone else like to come forward. Please state your name and address for the record.”

Gene White resides at 47105 George Jenkins Road, Franklinton, La.: “I have an issue with the assessor’s office at which my homestead exemption has been cancelled and my taxes have gone up 350%. I found out what they did is legal through some kind of loop hole in the law. I want everyone out there to know, if you rent your property out, that is considered renter property and the assessor’s office can remove your homestead exemption. The compensation you receive on that property does not have to be cash, it can be money put into fences or buildings. If you receive one dime in compensation off that property, they can remove your homestead exemption and consider rental property. That is basically what I want the public out here to know because if the Assessor’s office gets a hold of it, they will get you.”

Attorney Wayne Kuhn: “I’m not defending the Assessor, but they are regulated by the Louisiana Tax Commission. This is not the assessor personally doing that. He must follow the guidelines of the Tax Commission.”

Gene White: “I understand that, and just did some research on it and wanted to share my information with the public.”

Chairman Talley: “Would anyone else like to come forward. Please state your name and address for the record.”

No one came forward.

Councilman Workman offered a motion, seconded by Councilman McMasters to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters, Bedwell and Talley

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (1) Anthony


Item No. 11. - President’s Report –

President Thomas: “Wednesday, July 11, 2018 the Zackary Taylor Parkway board and commission wil1 be having a meeting at First Baptist Church in Franklinton at 10:00 am with lunch at noon. We have hosted the Zackary Taylor Parkway twice in Washington Parish since I took office in 2008 and we are glad to do it again. I appreciate all the help that Councilman Bedwell and Ryan Seal has given us on this.”

Donna Graham – Finance Director: “I would like to update you on sales tax collections for the first six months of this year as compared to the first six months of last year. On two of our sales tax we are down 1.4% to 2% and on the other two we are up from 2% to 3%. Nothing great one way or the other and at least no big declines. I will try and have a budget actual report prepared for the next council meeting. Lastly, we received notification today from the Governor’s Office that they are providing funding this year for LGAP Grants and CWEF, which is the water enrichment grants. Those two programs have not been funded in the past 2 years. We started discussing today about possible projects for the LGAP funding. Usually the water grant (CWEF) goes to the Town of Franklinton and City of Bogalusa. We are looking forward to having a few extra dollars to do a project. Both of those grants are right around $77,000 split between the parish and the municipalities.”

President Thomas: “We are also looking at a new chiller for the jail.”

Councilman Fussell: “We may need to look at a new one for this courthouse.”

Public Works Director – Ken Wheat: “The LCDBG grant will probably see boots on the ground in September for the roads in the Hackly area.”

Donnell Merritt – Transportation Supervisor: Beginning of June 2018.

• Drainage work on 10 roads covering 6 miles.

• Delivered 48 tons of cold mix on 21 roads covering 34 miles.

• Delivered 678 tons of hot mix on 21 roads covering 48 miles.

• Installed 26 culverts.

• Hauled 324 yards of gravel on 8 roads covering 24 miles.

• Graded 131 roads covering 262 miles.

• Bush hogged 196 roads covering 392 miles.

• Picked up 303 bags of trash covering 18 roads.

• Installed 11 road name signs.

• Installed 10 other signs.

• Maintained 5 parish locations.

• Sprayed around road signs and bridges.

• Black topping is picking up. We are getting a head start and I will have more information at our next meeting.

President Thomas: “We received a letter from the secretary of the State’s office informing us that the precinct 2 1 and 9 1 has been moved to their office today. Cards have been generated and sent to the poll place. This is what the council voted on at our last meeting and is already taken place. We are well prepared as they are too. Lastly, our road crew is working on asphalt on Dollar Road and it is extremely hot and they are all doing a great job and proud of our workers.”

Chairman Talley: “A constituent of mine sent a personally letter regarding a tree that we cut down on our right of way. She said the crew that worked on it did so good and she appreciates it. It is rare that we get a hand written thank you note and I wanted to share this with you to pass on the to the road crew. Job well done and thank you Mr. President.”

President Thomas: “We will let the road crew know and we do appreciate that. It is very nice of people to do that.”

Item No. 12. Council Discussion –

Councilman Bedwell: “Just to clarify what President Thomas was saying on Zachary Taylor, he forgot to mention all the help that he and Jeannine have provided. They did a whole lot more work than I did this time and I appreciate everything you did in getting it ready. I appreciate all the staff and Mr. Donnell helped me out with a problem for a constituent earlier this month and made my life a lot easier.”

Councilman Lewis: “I would like to commend our guest and visitors for your presentations and well as your visitations, it means a lot. Also, I would like to commend the administration and road crew. Lastly, commend our Chairman for his preparation and knowledgeably conducting our meetings in a peaceful and harmony manner.”

Councilman Fussell: “Thank everyone that showed up tonight for the council meeting and thank you for choosing Washington Parish for doing the solar farm, we really appreciate it.”

Councilman McMasters: “Thank everyone for coming and congratulations on the solar panel. I thank everyone for all the hard work from our Council Clerk, Attorney, Road Crew and Administration.”

Councilman Workman: “Thank everyone for being here. Thank our perspective new business that is coming into the parish.”

Chairman Talley: “Thank everyone for coming out tonight and appreciate your interest in our parish government. We will be having a Home Rule Charter meeting in about 10 minutes after this meeting and the public is welcome to stay.”

Attorney Kuhn: “I have an announcement that I was asked to announce. I received this call between meetings and it is from Ms. Mary Jo Poole. Franklinton Citizen of the year is going to be recognized at a reception on Friday, July 20, 2018 at Centenary Methodist Church at 5:00 pm. This year’s recipient is Mr. Henry Harrison of LSU Ag Center, County Agent.”

Item no. 13. – Adjourn – No further business to come before the Council, meeting was adjourned on motion by Councilman Fussell, seconded by Councilman Lewis.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters, Bedwell and Talley

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (1) Anthony


Order of Voting:

Michael Fussell Phillipp Bedwell

Chris Workman David Anthony

Levi Lewis

Reginald McMasters

Next meeting will be held on Monday, July 23, 2018

In accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Sarah Cook, Clerk to the Council at 985-839-7825 Ext. 313 describing the assistance that is necessary.

(All Ordinances, Resolutions and Attachments in its entirety are available at the office of Clerk of the Council at 909 Pearl Street, Franklinton, Louisiana or at (985)839-7825 or .)

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