Minutes of Regular Meeting

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

1) Call to Order – Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

2) Approval of minutes for Regular Meeting April 13, 2011

MOTION: To approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of April 13, 2011.

George Hall Seconded by James Gaylord

Motion Passed with one abstention (Roger Nelson)

3) Public Input –

Michael Bracken of 12 Tinker Drive – questioned the Agendas. According to Roberts Rule of Order, Neal Cunningham should not be the one to write up and approve the agenda. The chairman can write the agenda, but the other board members must be the approvers. Although the Commission follows the rules, he feels the agenda should be posted earlier than the required 24 hour notice. Also feels that meetings should be posted on the homepage of the website like the other boards agendas. Not doing so makes it look like the commission is trying to hide something. Neal responded by stating we hide nothing. We conform to the rules which state 24 hours. Mr. Bracken again repeated he wanted the agenda posted publicly. Spoke of sending a generic form to town residents so that they could request the agendas be mailed to them.

4) Chief’s Report –

4/15 Capt. Degray attended a FEMA meeting at Town Hall.

4/18 Met with Atty. Chadwick regarding legal matters.

4/19 Attended in-service training at Rocky Hill Police Dept.

4/27 Met with No. Central Chief’s of Police Association regarding accident team.

5/6 Met with Traveler’s attorney regarding litigation.

5/9 Attended court hearing at Superior Court.

Edward Lanati questioned what VIE stood for under “nature” on the Motor Vehicle Profile Report. He was told it stood for Violations, Investigations and Equipment.

5) Correspondence – None read at the meeting

Mr. Bracken questioned why his three pieces of correspondence from the last meeting were not added to the agenda and addressed. He was told by Neal Cunningham that it could be discussed during Public Input.

Added following the meeting:

i) FOI Request 4/13/11 – Monthly Statements for Town of Windsor Locks Credit Cards Issued to Chief Suchocki and Capt. DeGray

ii) FOI Request 4/13/11 - Gasoline Log for Town of Windsor Locks Police Cruisers Assigned to Chief Suchocki and Capt. DeGray

iii) FOI Request 4/13/11 – Copy of Internal Investigation Regarding My Complaint of Internet Harrassment

6) Old Business

a) Budget Review– Edward Lanati noted that there will be a small surplus at the end.

b) Discuss traffic light proposal at Spring and West streets – Chief Suchocki and Captain DeGray reviewed the accident again. The DOT told them to do an engineering study before making any changes. Since none of the accidents pertained to traffic light violations, they decided to post traffic light warning signs that read “Traffic Light Ahead” for all four directions. Commission voiced their approval.

7) New Business - None but Motions were added during the meeting

Motion to add to the Agenda a 7a) Send a letter to Peg Spath for 8 years of faithful service

Ed Lanati Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati

Motion Passed Unanimously

a) Motion to send Letter of Appreciation

Dennis Gragnolati Seconded by Roger Nelson

Motion to add to the Agenda a 7b) to discuss the moral of the Police Department

Dennis Gragnolati Seconded by James Gaylord

Motion Passed Unanimously

b) Motion to come up with something to commend the officers in town for a job well done during these difficult times

The Police Department doesn’t feel they are getting our full support after the accident. Neal Cunningham wants to find a way to give them our vote of confidence. The commission discussed giving awards to officers recognizing good work. Edward Lanati suggested Dennis Gragnolati work with the Chief to create something. Dennis Gragnolati agreed to draft letter.

Motion that a letter of appreciation be drafted

James Gaylord Seconded by Edward Lanati

Motion Passed Unanimously

8) Public Input –

Michael Bracken of 12 Tinker Drive – wanted to know why his three FOI requests were not added to the agenda. Neal Cunningham responded that he did not add them because he thought they were still being worked on. Neal Cunningham said they would be added to the records but that we’ve never added other pieces of correspondence to the agendas. Mr. Cunningham stated that we would add them to the minutes as correspondence.

Michael Bracken also added that he agreed with the Police Department’s decision to add the signs to Spring and West. He added that as a town resident, he wanted to be sure that property values were not affected by the placement of the signs.

Chief Suchocki asked if he could add to the New Business section of the Agenda

Motion to add to the Agenda a 7c) to discuss the COPS program

Dennis Gragnolati Seconded by James Gaylord

Motion Passed Unanimously

The police Department asked that we renew our application for the federal government’s COPS program which offers $200 million for new officers. It was noted that we’ve done this for the last two years.

c) Motion that the Administration of the Police Department apply for the COPS Grant

Dennis Gragnolati Seconded by James Gaylord

Motion Passed Unanimously

Motion to add to the Agenda a 7d) to discuss body armour

Dennis Gragnolati Seconded by Roger Nelson

Motion Passed Unanimously

Captain Degray showed two samples of outside vest carriers that are worn over officer’s shirts giving them more comfort. They are cooler because they can be easily removed once in the station. The body armour would come out of the clothing allowance. Captain DeGray preferred the blue vest that matched the uniforms with sewn on badge and name tag over the black vest which is more tactical looking.

d) Motion to make new body armour carrier optional to officers

Neal Cunningham Seconded by Roger Nelson

Motion Passed Unanimously

8) Additional Public Input

Michael Bracken of 12 Tinker Drive – agreed with the Department’s choice of vest. Mr. Bracken discussed the COPS program where federal money is used to purchase things for the department. He explained that he feels the department may have a problem because of federal money that was obtained and never used. He questioned the DUI cruiser that was purchased with federal money and not used property. The car was supposed to be used by the school resource officer and be available for students to see. This was never done. Video cameras were also purchased with federal money that were mounted but not used and given away. He notified the federal government of the $59,000 waste of money (in his opinion).

9) Adjournment

MOTION: To adjourn at 7:36 pm

Ed Lanati Seconded by George Hall

Motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Sharon Pfaffenbichler

Recording Secretary


Commissioners present: Chairman Neal Cunningham, Vice Chairman George Hall, Dennis Gragnolati, Edward Lanati, James Gaylord, and Roger Nelson

Commissioners absent: None

Also Present: Chief John Suchocki, Captain Chet DeGray


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