1 - Council Rock School District





Test Directions

1. Complete the information requested on the answer sheet.

PRINT YOUR NAME on the “Name” line.

PRINT the name of the event, DESKTOP PUBLISHING on the “Subject” line.

PRINT the name of your CHAPTER on the “DATE” line.

2. All answers will be recorded on the answer sheet.

Please do not write on the test booklet.

Scrap paper will be provided.

3. Read each question completely before answering. With a NO. 2 pencil, blacken in your choices completely on the answer sheet. Do not make any other marks on the answer sheet, or the scoring machine will reject it.

4. You will be given 60 minutes for the test. You will be given a starting signal and a signal after 50 minutes have elapsed.

1. All of the onscreen elements that allow you to communicate with the computer are called a(n) __________.

a. Icon

b. Interface

c. Layout software

d. Menu

2. Which of the following is true concerning the text below?

New York State FBLA

a. It contains subscript.

b. It is in italics.

c. It uses a monotype font.

d. It uses a sans serif font.

3. Font size is measured in __________.

a. Kerns

b. Points

c. Scales

d. X-heights

4. When all characters in a font take up the same amount of space, a __________ font is being used.

a. Monotype

b. Proportional

c. Scalable

d. Serif

5. Which of the following in NOT an example of a sans serif family?

a. Decorative

b. Dingbats

c. Oldstyle

d. Script

6. A large decorative letter used as the first letter of a paragraph is called a __________.

a. Border

b. Drop cap

c. Header

d. Letterform

7. You can resize an image by selecting it and dragging a(n) __________.

a. Image adjuster

b. Sizing handle

c. Text box

d. Wrap bar

8. An image that is barely visible is called a __________.

a. Kern

b. Watermark

c. White space

d. Word Art

9. The following is an example of __________.


a. A text box

b. Clip art

c. Leading

d. WordArt

10. When the long edge of the paper is along the top, __________ orientation is being used.

a. Landscape

b. Normal

c. Picture

d. Portrait

11. The process of spacing lines of text is known as __________.

a. Fonting

b. Kerning

c. Leading

d. Scaling

12. A __________ sets where the first line of text starts after the bullet.

a. Hanging indent

b. Left indent

c. Right indent

d. Tab stop

13. A(n) __________ is used to show a range, such as 2–4 people.

a. Dash

b. Em dash

c. En dash

d. Hyphen

14. A grid of rows and columns that organizes information is called a __________.

a. Database

b. Flow chart

c. Sortable list

d. Table

15. A preformatted, fill-in the blank document is called a __________.

a. Pattern

b. Project

c. Template

d. Wizard

16. Which of the following is an inexpensive way to make a one-page flyer stand out from others posted around it?

a. Create a black and white flyer.

b. Do not use graphics on the flyer.

c. Print the flyer on brightly colored paper.

d. Use full color when creating the flyer.

17. A simple drawing that gives a sense of the layout and basic elements of a design is referred to as a(n) __________.

a. Attention grabber

b. Layout design

c. Skeletal drawing

d. Thumbnail sketch

18. A two-sided document that is folded is referred to as a __________.

a. Banner

b. Brochure

c. Flyer

d. Sign

19. Clip art is an example of a __________ graphic.

a. Bitmap

b. Pixel

c. Raster

d. Vector

20. Adobe Photoshop and Corel Paint Shop can be used to create __________ graphics.

a. Clip art

b. Pixel

c. Raster

d. Vector

21. In 1709, copyright laws were introduced in __________.

a. England

b. Germany

c. Japan

d. The United States of America

22. Lines that join at a right angle are __________.

a. Intrusive

b. Parallel

c. Perpendicular

d. Symmetrical

23. The __________ command is used to keep pieces of an image together so that they can be easily moved and resized.

a. Glue

b. Group

c. Nail

d. Shape

24. A combination of text and graphics used to identify a business or a product is a __________.

a. Copyright

b. Leader

c. Logo

d. Trademark

25. Vector graphics are __________, allowing them to remain smooth and crisp at any size.

a. Adjustable

b. Printable

c. Scalable

d. Sizable

26. The title of a newsletter is referred to as the __________.

a. Byline

b. Heading

c. Masthead

d. Style sheet

27. The process of trimming an image is referred to as __________.

a. Cropping

b. Proportioning

c. Resizing

d. Scaling

28. In Microsoft Word, you can copy format by using the __________.

a. Conditional formatting icon

b. Copy button

c. Format painter

d. Template wizard

29. Which of the following is NOT true with regard to creating a brochure?

a. Consistent formatting helps readers immediately identify certain information.

b. Different types of information are set off by different fonts.

c. Graphic elements shouldn’t be repeated on exterior and interior pages.

d. Similar content should be grouped together.

30. In Microsoft Publisher, a __________ is a type of border that holds an object in a publication.

a. Frame

b. Scratch area

c. Task pane

d. Workspace

31. Pages that face each other are said to be in a __________.

a. Gutter

b. Master page

c. Spread

d. Synchronized position

32. In Microsoft Publisher, a tool that allows design elements to repeat automatically on any number of pages is called a __________.

a. Fill color

b. Format painter

c. Master page

d. Text box

33. In Microsoft Publisher, the __________ dotted lines indicate the layout choices that you make, such as margins settings.

a. Blue

b. Green

c. Pink

d. Red

34. The space between columns of a newspaper is called a __________.

a. Background

b. Canvas

c. Gutter

d. White space

35. A font represented by a symbol or picture is a __________.

a. Dingbat

b. Kern

c. Serif

d. Webkinz

36. __________ is how elements are grouped together on a page.

a. Alignment

b. Contrast

c. Proximity

d. Repetition

37. Which of the following copyrighted works is in the public domain?

a. A collection of Civil War photos

b. A Martha Stewart cookbook

c. A newspaper article on JFK’s assassination

d. An article on a Webpage

38. The Golden Ratio, used in desktop publishing, has the value of __________.

a. .050

b. 1.618

c. 2.543

d. 3.145

39. When you __________, you send out a file to be used in another location.

a. Bitmap

b. Export

c. Import

d. Send

40. A(n) __________ is a line from the beginning of a paragraph that is left at the bottom of a page.

a. Only child

b. Orphan

c. Spouse

d. Widow

41. A(n) __________ is a line from the end of a paragraph carried forward to the top of the next column.

a. Only child

b. Orphan

c. Spouse

d. Widow

42. Image clarity is referred to as __________.

a. Dithering

b. Pixels

c. Resolution

d. Solution

43. Web browsers share a common __________ colors.

a. 72

b. 176

c. 216

d. 1256

44. When a raster image is blurry it said to be _________.

a. Bitmapped

b. Pixilated

c. Unresolved

d. Unscalable

45. Printer resolution is measured in __________.

a. dpi

b. cmc

c. ppi

d. ppm

46. Which of the following is NOT a file name extension for a raster image?

a. gif

b. jpg

c. mif

d. psd

47. Which of the following image types is considered appropriate for professional printing?

a. Apple picture

b. Bitmap

c. Graphical interchange format

d. Portable network graphics

48. Which of the following image types is a lossy format?

a. gif

b. png

c. tif

d. tiff

49. Which of the following is NOT part of the Adobe Photoshop interface?

a. Drawing bar

b. Palettes

c. Toolbox

d. Workspace

50. In Adobe Photoshop, __________ tools are used to select irregular shapes.

a. Contiguous

b. Lasso

c. Magic wand

d. Marquee

51. A collection of assembled images is referred to as a __________.

a. Collage

b. Display

c. Montage

d. Palette

52. In Adobe Photoshop, the __________ palette contains a red rectangle which shows the part of the image displayed in the workspace.

a. Color

b. History

c. Layers

d. Navigator

53. When layering objects, a layer that cannot be seen through is said to be __________.

a. Blended

b. Opaque

c. Saturated

d. Transparent

54. A(n) __________ fold divides a page into thirds with all information printed on a single side.

a. Accorian

b. Gate

c. Tri

d. Z

55. The space between an image and text is called __________ space.

a. Float

b. Frame

c. Shadow

d. Standoff

56. __________ is the practice of slightly blurring the edges of an image.

a. Destructive editing

b. Drop shadowing

c. Feathering

d. Scaling

57. The movement of an image along a center axis is called __________.

a. Floating

b. Nondestructive editing

c. Rasterizing

d. Rotation

58. The __________ of a page or document is the place your reader sees first.

a. Focal point

b. Leader

c. Masthead

d. Negative space

59. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding desktop publishing?

a. Black and white images are noticed before color images.

b. Brightly colored text is noticed before smaller text.

c. Images are noticed before text.

d. Larger text is noticed before smaller text.

60. The most common flow pattern, in desktop publishing, is the __________ pattern.

a. Elliptical

b. Linear

c. Polygonal

d. Zigzag

61. In desktop publishing, a deviation from harmony is called __________.

a. Asymmetry

b. Balance

c. Negativity

d. Tension

62. Lorem ipsum acts as a(n) __________ that can be filled with actual text in a design.

a. Alley

b. Anchor

c. Callout

d. Placeholder

63. Copy that moves from one column to another is called __________ text.

a. Bleeding

b. Pulled

c. Ragged

d. Threaded

64. Text that fills the entire line from left to right is __________.

a. Flush

b. Justified

c. Pulled

d. Ragged

65. A word that explains a point in a graphic is a __________.

a. Border

b. Callout

c. Caption

d. Pull quote

66. __________ is a design that places a graphic so that it extends to the edge of the page leaving no visible margin.

a. Anchor

b. Bleed

c. Layering

d. Positivity

67. The line on which type sits is called the __________.

a. Ascender

b. Baseline

c. Descender

d. X-line

68. The open area inside of a letter is the __________.

a. Counter

b. Faux font

c. Serif

d. Stress

69. The following sentence is a(n) __________.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

a. Anagram

b. Greeker

c. Pangram

d. Swash

70. __________ are slanted marks used to indicate feet and inches.

a. Hyphens

b. Primes

c. Quotes

d. Tick marks

71. Three dots used to indicate an omitted word or phrase within a quotation is a(n) __________.

a. Diacritical mark

b. Ellipsis

c. Em dash

d. Leader dot

72. __________ colors are those near the color blue on the color wheel.

a. Analogous

b. Complementary

c. Cool

d. Warm

73. __________ is created when white is added to a color.

a. Opacity

b. Screen

c. Shade

d. Tint

74. A __________ gradient is a series of colors that spreads out from a central point.

a. Linear

b. Patterned

c. Radial

d. Vertical

75. __________ is the process of converting an image to dots for printing.

a. Halftone

b. Spot color

c. Swatching

d. Trapping

76. A __________ is a fuzzy border around an image.

a. Quick mask

b. Rule

c. Skew

d. Vignette

77. A(n) __________ is a very fine rule.

a. Brush

b. Eyedrop

c. Hairline

d. Stroke

78. The __________ tool allows you to delete the background from an image.

a. Brush

b. Eyedropper

c. Healing brush

d. Magic wand

79. Vector lines or curves are called __________.

a. Anchors

b. Direction lines

c. Paths

d. Shapes

80. __________ is the ability to tie together two or more sections that are then treated as a single object.

a. Arranging

b. Cropping

c. Grouping

d. Tracing

81. __________ is the process of converting a bitmap image to a vector one.

a. Arranging

b. Cropping

c. Cutting

d. Tracing

82. A __________ feature on a camera allows you to photograph images at very close range.

a. Flash memory

b. Macro

c. Optical zoom

d. TIF

83. A __________ is a key used to identify the series on a chart.

a. Axes

b. Data range

c. Gridlines

d. Legend

84. In Microsoft Word, if you wanted an image to maintain its height-to-width ratio, even when resized, which of the following options would you check in the Format Picture box?

a. Automatic

b. In line with text

c. Lock aspect ratio

d. Reset

85. Many businesses have __________, which consist of a combination of text and graphics used to identify that business.

a. Bylines

b. Callouts

c. Leaders

d. Logos

86. When you use Publisher’s __________ tool, you can edit one object and any related objects will automatically be updated to display the same information.

a. Layout

b. Object

c. Snap

d. Synchronization

87. Which of the following best explains why it is useful to link text boxes?

a. Linking allows objects to be accurately aligned, providing a professional appearance.

b. Linking allows text boxes to automatically flow from one box to the other, regardless of where the boxes are located.

c. Linking allows text boxes to be resized automatically so that all text is visible.

d. Linking allows text boxes to contain both graphics and text.

88. What is the main reason for using repetition in a design?

a. To create a look of harmony.

b. To draw attention to a specific design element.

c. To make the publication easier to design.

d. To save space on the page.

89. The Golden Ratio is based on the belief that __________.

a. Designs using proportions based on this ratio are more pleasing to the eye

b. Page elements should be aligned according to this ratio

c. The amount of contrast between page elements should never be less than this ratio

d. The number of objects on a page should be based on this ratio

90. When you __________ an image, you merge all its layers into one layer.

a. Highlight

b. Filter

c. Flatten

d. Rasterize

91. One commonly used way to cite sources is to use the __________ format.

a. GIF

b. MLA

c. PD

d. PNG

92. A __________ is the delivery method of a particular publication and can include print, CDs, television and radio broadcasts, and Internet publishing.

a. Client

b. Logo

c. Mask

d. Medium

93. To make a mirror image of an object, click __________.

a. Edit>Object>Flip

b. Edit>Object>Reflect

c. Object>Transform>Flip

d. Object>Transform>Reflect

94. When you __________ an object, you give it the appearance of visual depth.

a. Bevel

b. Extrude

c. Mask

d. Tile

95. Freeware is __________.

a. Another name for stock photographs

b. Any raster image that can be converted to a vector image

c. Software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop that can be downloaded off the Web

d. Software that can be used at no charge

96. Which of the following software programs would be most useful if you were creating a chart to illustrate project expenditures?

a. Adobe Photoshop

b. Microsoft Excel

c. Microsoft Outlook

d. Microsoft Publisher

97. When using mail merge, the __________ contains the information that will be the same in all the documents.

a. Data source

b. Import file

c. Logo

d. Main publication

98. Why do advertisers use the CPM formula?

a. To help them compare the value of advertising rates in various media.

b. To help them determine if their ads properly use repetition.

c. To help them determine whether their ads are reaching the target audience.

d. To help them determine whether they should create a Web site.

99. Which of the following software programs probably would be least helpful when creating a Web page?

a. Access

b. Dreamweaver

c. FrontPage

d. Publisher

100. A single file within a Web site is called a Web __________.

a. Booklet

b. Design

c. Page

d. Promotion



40. C

41. C

42. D

43. B

44. D

45. C

46. D

47. D

48. B

49. A

50. A

51. C

52. B

53. D

54. D

55. B

56. D

57. B

58. A

59. A

60. A

61. C

62. B

63. D

64. C

65. C

66. B

67. A

68. C

69. D

70. A

71. A

72. B

73. A

74. D

75. B

76. D

77. D

78. C

79. D

80. A

81. A

82. D

83. D

84. D

85. D

86. B

87. B

88. B

89. B

90. A

91. C

92. B

93. B

94. C

95. D

96. C

97. A

98. D

99. C

100. D

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. B

8. B

9. D

10. A

11. C

12. D

13. C

14. D

15. C

16. C

17. D

18. B

19. D

20. C

21. A

22. C

23. B

24. C

25. C

26. C

27. A

28. C

29. C

30. A

31. C

32. C

33. A

34. C

35. A

36. C

37. A

38. B

39. B


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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