Writing Prompts - Plainview


Writing Prompts

Schoolwide has compiled a list of writing prompts meant to assess students' ability to independently write for various purposes, gauge their familiarity with features of different genres and text types (narrative, informative/explanatory, and opinion/argumentative), and evaluate their knowledge of the qualities of good writing (idea development, purpose, organization, conventions, craft, and style). On-demand writing assessments allow teachers to observe and evaluate students' strengths and weaknesses and, consequently, plan meaningful instruction that meets students' needs and supports their development as confident, effective writers.

There is a menu of prompts organized by grade levels and text types for teachers to choose from. The prompts provide a context for student writing that includes an audience, a purpose, and a form or genre of writing. We imagine that teachers will use these prompts with their students before, during, and/or after a unit of study for both formative and summative assessments:

? Before and/or during your unit of study: Identify what students already know about genre features and writing for a specific purpose and audience. Then build on what they know, clarify misconceptions, and plan for whole-class instruction that meets students' needs. Additionally, begin to group students with similar needs and prepare for individual and group conferences and differentiation opportunities.

? After a unit of study: Assess what students have learned about genre-specific features, author's purpose, and audience awareness. The on-demand writing assessment can be another lens to look at students' writing in order to better understand how your students have improved as writers after an in-depth writing unit.


? Let your students know what they will be doing and why. Tell them the purpose of the on-demand writing task so they will understand your motives and try their best.

? Support your students in feeling comfortable about writing, and encourage them to remember all the things they know and have learned about writing.

? You may choose to have students write in response to the prompt in a single timeframe (approximately 20?40 minutes, depending on the grade you teach) or over the course of a couple of days. To get a better idea of how students go through the writing process independently, you might have students brainstorm, plan, and draft on the first day and revise and edit their writing on the second day.

? Use Schoolwide's digital assessment tool (EVAL). This will assist you in scoring students' writing using standards-based criteria.

? Have students score their own writing by using student-friendly rubrics.

? Provide time for student reflection following on-demand writing. Students can write an entry about the experience in their Writers' Notebooks. They can also share their thoughts and ask questions through peer and teacher conferences.

? Provide students with specific feedback about their writing. Let them know what they are doing well and how you will help them improve their writing.

Grades K?2 Writing Prompts




? Sometimes we experience something really special or exciting. It might be a birthday celebration, a trip to someplace fun, or a happy memory. Write a story about a special experience or event that you would like to share with a friend. Tell where it happened, who was there, and what you did that made it special.

? Your teacher wants to publish a class newsletter that tells stories about favorite classroom activities and trips. Think about one activity or class trip that you really enjoyed and remember well. Then write a story telling about the experience. Use details to tell what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the experience.

? Think about the first time you experienced something new. For example, you might think about the first time you went on a school bus, the first time you lost a tooth, or the first time you rode a bike. Describe that new experience, telling what happened first, next, and last.

? Think about getting up each morning and going to school. What do you do first, next, and last? Explain how you get ready for school, and describe the different things and people you see on your way to school.

? Think about a time when you had fun with a friend. Who were you with, and what did you do? Write a story about that time.

? Your teacher wants the class to get to know each other and share things they are really good at. Think about something you like to make or do. It can be an activity or hobby you know how to do really well or something you know how to cook or bake really well. How would you teach your classmates how to do it? Explain each step using pictures and words.

? There are different jobs in your neighborhood, including police officers, store clerks, bankers, and restaurant workers. Think about all of the different jobs people have in your neighborhood. Write an explanation of what job you would like to have and why.

? The school newspaper is collecting articles about popular sports. Think about your favorite sport. Write an explanation of that sport for someone who has never played it. Provide facts and information that will teach readers all about your favorite sport.

? Think about your five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. Explain how you use these senses every day.

? The seasons change during the year, and the look, sound, and feel of our communities changes with the seasons. Pick one of the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, or fall. Explain what happens in your town during

? Most people have a favorite book. It is a book that they know well and have probably read more than once. What is your favorite book? Why do you like the book as much as you do? Write about your favorite book, and tell why you like it so much. Give examples to support your opinion and to try to convince other kids to read it.

? Your class is having a debate or discussion about what animal makes the best pet. Is a cat a better pet than a dog, or is a dog a better pet than a cat? Write your opinion about which animal makes a better pet. Explain why you have that opinion so that your classmates are convinced, too.

? Parents want their children to eat more vegetables. Do you think children should eat more vegetables? Why or why not? Give reasons to support your opinion.

? We use our five senses every day. We see things with our eyes, hear things with our ears, touch things with our hands, taste things with our tongues, and smell things with our noses. Think about your five senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. Write about which sense you think is the most important, and tell why you think that. Use specific examples to support your opinion.

Grades K?2 Writing Prompts (continued)




Give enough details so that your readers can picture this fun experience.

? Summer is a time when you can do things that you may not be able to do at other times of the year. Think about something you did during the summer that you remember well. It could be something you did with a friend, with your family, or by yourself. What happened? Write a story about this summertime memory.

? We all have things that we like to do: games we like to play, things we like to do at school, and things we like to do with our family. What do you like to do? Draw a picture of something you like to do. Then write a story and tell what you like to do and why you like it.

? We all have a favorite place where we love to go. It can be a place that is near or far. Think about a memory of your favorite place. Then tell a story about what happened in your favorite place and why this place is special to you.

? The first day of school can make us feel excited and nervous. Think about the first day of school this year. What did you do on the first day of school? How did you feel by the end of the day? Write a story about your first day of school. Tell what you did and how you felt.

this time of the year. Describe how it looks, sounds, and feels.

? Most people have a special day that they enjoy. It can be a holiday, a birthday, or a day of the week (such as Friday or Saturday). What day is special to you? Explain what makes that day so special to you.

? In school we learn to read and write. We practice reading and writing every day. Explain why reading and writing are so important.

? Each of us is a special and unique person. We have features and talents that make us different from each other. These are the things that make us special. Draw a picture of yourself. Think about yourself, including how you look, how you act, and what you do that makes you special. Write about yourself using words that best tell about you.

? We have explored and learned a lot this year. Think about things you learned this year. Then write a letter to incoming _______ (kindergartners, first graders, or second graders) to let them know what they will learn about in _______ (kindergarten, first grade, second grade).

? In order to have a friend, you have to be a friend. Think about what it means to be a good friend and the things you do with your friends. With pictures and words, explain what friends do for each other and with one another.

? Your teacher is thinking about buying a class pet and has asked you to write a letter explaining what class pet you think would be best. Write a letter telling your teacher which class pet you think would be best, and give some examples to convince your teacher to get the pet you want.

? There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. Which season do you like best? Draw and write which season is your favorite and why. Give examples to support your reasons.

? Our class is having a writing celebration, and you can invite anyone you like. Write a letter to a friend or family member persuading him or her to attend this writing celebration. Write about why you want this person to come and the things that he or she will see, hear, and do.

? Think about something that you really want to have. How could you convince your parents to allow you to have it? Write a persuasive letter to your parents asking them for what you want. Be sure to include specific reasons why you should have what you want so that they are convinced to get it.

Grades 3?5 Writing Prompts




? Most people remember times when they had a strong feeling or emotion. Think about a time when you felt really happy, angry, nervous, scared, or any other strong emotion. Write a story telling what happened so that your readers understand the experience and can feel the emotion, too.

? One of the fun experiences in life is visiting interesting places. When we visit an interesting place, we get to experience and learn about new things. Think about a time when you visited a special place. Think about the people who were with you, what you saw, and what you did during the visit. Write a story about this visit. Describe where you went, and include your personal thoughts and feelings about the visit.

? The school newspaper is collecting personal stories about people helping one another. Tell a true story about a time when you helped someone or when someone helped you.

? An "adventure" can be any new experience that has some challenges. An adventure can happen someplace close to home or far from home. Tell a story about an adventure you have had by yourself, with your family, or with a friend.

? There are many different kinds of entertainment, such as music, games, books, and movies. Describe your favorite type of entertainment, and explain why you like it.

? Suppose you could choose one thing to do this weekend. Explain to your teacher something that you would choose to do this weekend and why.

? We can learn about all kinds of interesting people by reading biographies. Write about an interesting person you know or have learned about. Explain what attributes or traits make this person an interesting subject for a biography.

? Weather is all around us and happens every day. There are some kinds of weather that people like, and there are other kinds of weather that can make people miserable. Write an informative text that tells about a type of weather. Be sure to describe the type of weather in detail, explain why this weather is good and/or bad, and describe what people do in this type of weather.

? A new student has just joined your class. Think about what things will be important for this new student to know. Explain some things that will help him or

? To increase student achievement, district officials have proposed making the school year 1 month longer. Take a position on this proposal. Write a letter to persuade district officials to support your position.

? The student council has proposed that every classroom have a class pet. Do you agree or disagree? Write a persuasive paper that provides at least three reasons to support your position.

? Your newspaper is offering a prize for the "Best Relative of the Year." Think about which one of your relatives should win this prize. The relative could be a parent, grandparent, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, or cousin. Think about the reasons why your relative should win the prize and why he or she is the best. Write a persuasive paper telling the judges why your relative is qualified to be the winner.

? The mayor of your town recently made the following statement: "It always strikes me as a terrible shame to see young people spending so much time staring at the television. If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent." The newspaper wants to print the four best


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