*Be sure to use all requirements for a business letter (REFER TO BUSINESS LETTER NOTES)

** Be sure to use the helpful hints on how to set up the address and change voice from 3rd person to 1st person (SEE BELOW)

***This letter must be TYPED (single space; size 12 font; one inch margins) and error free (use spell check and grammar check!)

****Since a Business Letter is NOT a formal MLA Essay, write your MLA heading ON THE BACK OF YOUR TYPED ESSAY

**** Refer to p. 128-133 in the literature textbook, as well as your DQ assignment related to this story in order to refresh your memory


PROMPT: Pretend you are Little Juan Labra. Write a letter to Mr. Davies asking to keep Black, the dog.

Salutation Paragraph

• Introduce yourself as Little Juan Labra and explain your purpose for writing (Use courtesy; be polite!)

1st Body Paragraph: Describe how the relationship between Little Juan and Black develops

• Include THREE examples and quotes from the story (properly cited in MLA format)

2nd Body Paragraph

• Tell what Little Juan’s external conflict is as it relates to keeping Black (Be sure to use the phrase “external conflict” in your response.)

o Include an example and quote from the story (properly cited in MLA format)

• Tell what Little Juan’s internal conflict is as it relates to keeping Black (Be sure to use the phrase “internal conflict” in your response.)

o Include an example and quote from the story (properly cited in MLA format)

3rd Body Paragraph

• Describe how Little Juan and Black react to being separated after Mr. Davies returns

• Describe what true friendship is AND tell how Little Juan and Black have that true friendship

Concluding Paragraph

• Re-state your purpose for writing/your request

• Include contact information (as it applies to Little Juan, NOT yourself – you will have to make up fictional contact information)

• Thank the reader for taking the time to read the letter


• Sign and print Little Juan Labra, Jr.’s name (remember, you are Little Juan Labra, Jr., so DO NOT sign your own name) – SIGN IN BLUE OR BLACK INK




Little Juan Labra, Jr.

123 Binkeroft Street

Chuquicamata, Calama, 92567

January 16, 2013

Mr. Davies

456 Chuquicamata Mine Road

Chuquicamata, Calama, 92567



Dear Mr. Davies,

Hello, my name is Little Juan Labra and I have been spending a lot of time with your dog, Black. I wonder if you would kindly consider giving me the privilege of owning Black. –OR – Hello, my name is Little Juan Labra and I have been spending a lot of quality time with your dog, Black. Is it possible for me to have your dog?


External conflict (example) ( Black has to go back to Mr. Davies and he is too expensive to buy from Mr. Davies

Internal conflict (example) ( Little Juan is sad and lonely without his best friend, Black



Original In-text MLA Citation by Author: Little Juan and Black’s relationship quickly developed when “The boy began talking to the dog as if it were a younger brother” (Rendic 131).

*When inserting your own words into the author’s original work, you MUST indicate it by using brackets [ ]. The rest of the MLA citation will remain the same.

Citation within Business Letter: Our relationship quickly developed when “[I] began talking to [Black] as if [he] were a younger brother” (Rendic 131).


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