Civil War Report – Soldiers’ Letters

Civil War Research Paper – Soldiers’ Letters

Directions: Write a minimum 8 paragraph report dealing with the Civil War based on the

experiences of a specific soldier. You will read various letters that are to and from a specific Civil War soldier. From the letters, decide on 2 topics to write about. To the gain a better understanding on what he/she dealt with while serving in the army you will research these topics using Google and books.

For example: If he talks about getting wounded – your topic can be about what happened to the


If he talks about the Battle of Gettysburg – topic can be Battle of Gettysburg

You CAN’T do the following:

If he was wounded in a battle – talk about the Battle of Gettysburg unless he

was wounded there

GRADING: This will count as the writing portion of your MP grade – so it is worth the full 15%


Assignment Due Date Grading

Research in class 10 pts.

(4 sources - at least 1 book needed)

Thesis & Topics May 1st 5 pts

Write thesis statement and 2 topics

Provide the portion of letter

that talks about the topic (highlight)

Outline May 23rd 24 pts

Main ideas of each body para. &

supporting facts to para.

Rough Draft - May 26th (7 am) Extra Credit

Final Paper - (-10 not done) June 2nd (7 am) + Hard copy

- Introduction paragraph 5 pts.

-18 facts (9 per topic) written in 36 pts.

solid body para.

- Conclusion paragraph 5 pts.

- Endnotes (citations/work cited page) 10 pts.

- Well written/Checklist used (flip side) 5 pts.

CIVIL WAR SOLDIER: ______________________________________________

Site to letters: mkaminsk.

Writing Checklist



______ Clearly written thesis – last sent. of paragraph.

______ 4-5 sentences

______ Sentences before thesis is a general story leading into thesis.

Body paragraphs:

______ 5 sentences per paragraph

______ Main idea of each paragraph is stated in 1st sentence of paragraph.

______ Sentences clearly support main idea of that paragraph.


______ 4-5 sentences

______ Restated thesis – 1st sent. of conclusion para.

______ Summed up main ideas of paper

In General:

______ Type

______ Spell checked (red lines)

______ Grammar check (green lines states that something is wrong grammatically in sentence)

______ Double space

______ Punctuations inside “quotes”

______ tabbed in opening of each paragraph (equivalent to 5 spaces)

______ Write out numbers – except dates and # over 1001


______ use contractions (write out- can’t, haven’t, etc.)

______ use words “things” “it” (write what they stand for)

______ use texting spelling for words

______ put extra spacing between paragraphs

______ use 1st Person pronouns “I” “you” “we” etc.

______ end conclusion paragraph with “In conclusion …”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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