Utility Services Records Retention Schedule

This schedule applies to: Utility Service ProvidersScope of records retention scheduleThis records retention schedule authorizes the destruction/transfer of public records of all local government agencies relating to the unique functions of providing utility services (power generation/distribution, water, sewer, irrigation water, and solid waste management, surface water drainage, etc.). The schedule is to be used in conjunction with the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE), which authorizes the destruction/transfer of public records common to all local government agencies. xe "payroll" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "financial" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "accounting" \t "see also CORE" \f “subject” xe "benefits (human resources)" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "staff records" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "electronic information systems" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "mail/delivery" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "public disclosure" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "records management" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "human resources" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "asset management" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "fleet/motor pool" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "minutes" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "contracts" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "security" \t "see also CORE" \f “subject” xe "maintenance" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "inventories" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "design/construction" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "construction" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "boards/councils/committees" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "community relations" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "legal (advice, litigation, legal affairs) " \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "property management" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "glossary of terms" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "executive communications" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "governing bodies" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "meetings" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "plans" \t "see also CORE" \f “subject” xe "accounting" \t "see utilities accounting" \f “subject” xe "utilities accounting" \t "see also CORE" \f “subject” xe "billing" \t "see also CORE" \f “subject” xe "collections" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "financial disputes (billing)" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "service orders:work orders" \t "see CORE" \f subjectxe "service orders:contracts/agreements" \t "see CORE" \f subjectxe "work orders" \t "see also CORE" \f subject xe "access (security)" \t "see also CORE" \f “subject” xe "facilities/property management" \t "see also CORE" \f “subject” xe "rebates" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "weatherization (conservation rebates)" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” xe "conservation:rebates" \t "see CORE" \f “subject” Disposition of public recordsPublic records covered by records series within this records retention schedule must be retained for the minimum retention period as specified in this schedule. Washington State Archives strongly recommends the disposition of public records at the end of their minimum retention period for the efficient and effective management of local resources.Public records designated as Archival (Permanent Retention) or Non-Archival (with a retention period of “Life of the Agency” or “Permanent”) must not be destroyed. Records designated as Archival (Appraisal Required) must be appraised by the Washington State Archives before disposition. Public records must not be destroyed if they are subject to ongoing or reasonably anticipated litigation. Such public records must be managed in accordance with the agency’s policies and procedures for legal holds. Public records must not be destroyed if they are subject to an existing public records request in accordance with chapter 42.56 RCW. Such public records must be managed in accordance with the agency’s policies and procedures for public records requests.Revocation of previously issued records retention schedulesAll previously issued records retention schedules for records that are covered by this retention schedule are revoked. Local government agencies must ensure that the retention and disposition of public records is in accordance with current, approved records retention schedules.AuthorityThis records retention schedule was approved by the Local Records Committee in accordance with RCW 40.14.070 on February 6, 2019.Signature on FileSignature on FileSignature on FileFor the State Auditor: Al Rose For the Attorney General: Matt KernuttThe State Archivist: Steve ExcellREVISION HISTORYVersionDate of ApprovalExtent of RevisionInitial1981First public utilities retention schedule.1.0December 2, 2010All records series relating to the provision of public utilities were transferred from the Local Government General Records Retention Schedule (LGGRRS) Ver. 5.1. Records series prefix changed from GS to UT, and all notes about previous revisions and corrections removed. Some titles were shortened by removing functions/activities (“UTILITIES ACCOUNTING”, “ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION”, etc.). Electric Utilities section was restructured, and three new records series added: two to Power Generation, and one to Power Distribution. An additional series covering critical cyber assets was added, and additional series were revised. (See Revision Guide.)1.1April 26, 2012Added new series related to nuclear power utilities. Updated format and disposition actions for consistency. (No Revision Guide issued.)1.2November 29, 2012Solid Waste Management added; records series imported from demolished Local Government General Records Retention Schedule (LGGRRS) Version 5.2. New series added: Utility Meter Readings – For Energy Planning and/or Conservation Education (UT2012-050). UT55-05B-18 revised. 10 series covered by CORE discontinued. (See Revision Guide.)1.3May 18, 2017Minor revisions to the Asset Management – Advice and Technical Assistance; Irrigation Utilities; Surface Water Drainage Documentation; and Utilities Accounting sections as well as formatting updates throughout the schedule.1.4February 6, 2019Minor revisions to the Asset Management – Security; Power Generation; and Solid Waste Management sections as well as formatting updates throughout the schedule.For assistance and advice in applying this records retention schedule,please contact your agency’s Records Officeror Washington State Archives at:recordsmanagement@sos.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \t "**Functions,1,** Activties,2" 1.AGENCY MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc257732 \h 41.1PLANNING, MISSION, AND CHARTER PAGEREF _Toc257733 \h 41.2REPORTING PAGEREF _Toc257734 \h 51.3TRAINING PAGEREF _Toc257735 \h 82.ASSET MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc257736 \h 102.1ADVICE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PAGEREF _Toc257737 \h 102.2DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PAGEREF _Toc257738 \h 112.3ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAGEREF _Toc257739 \h 142.4ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc257740 \h 152.5MAINTENANCE PAGEREF _Toc257741 \h 162.6SECURITY PAGEREF _Toc257742 \h 173.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc257743 \h 203.1OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PAGEREF _Toc257744 \h 204.IRRIGATION UTILITIES PAGEREF _Toc257745 \h 215.POWER DISTRIBUTION PAGEREF _Toc257746 \h 236.POWER GENERATION PAGEREF _Toc257747 \h 297.SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION PAGEREF _Toc257748 \h 358.SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc257749 \h 449.SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION PAGEREF _Toc257750 \h 4710.UTILITIES ACCOUNTING PAGEREF _Toc257751 \h 52Glossary (see CORE glossary for additional items) PAGEREF _Toc257752 \h 56INDEXES PAGEREF _Toc257753 \h 58AGENCY MANAGEMENT The function relating to the overarching management of the local government agency and its general administration, where not covered by the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE). PLANNING, MISSION, AND CHARTERThe activity of documenting and determining the local government agency’s objectives, and the means for obtaining them.DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT55-05D-20xe "UT55-05D-20" \f danRev. 0Forecasts – Electric UtilitiesIncludes forecasts of estimated power loads, future income, receipts and expenditures in connection with financing, construction and operations, including acquisitions and disposals of properties or investments prepared for internal administrative or operating purposes. xe "forecasts (electric power)" \f subjectxe "power generation:forecasts" \f subjectxe "power load forecasts (electricity)" \f subjectxe "power generation:construction:forecasts" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 39.Retain for 3 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Planning, Mission, and Charter:Forecasts – Electric Utilities" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMREPORTINGThe activity of reporting information relating to the agency as required by federal, state, and local law.DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT2012-001xe "UT2012-001" \f danRev. 0Corrective Action Reports – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)Records documenting the reporting of plant issues requiring cause analysis and meeting the criteria of Lifetime Quality Assurance Records. Lifetime Quality Assurance Records as defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard N45.2.9 and relating to the identification, cause, and corrective action of a condition adverse to quality.xe "lifetime quality assurance records:correction action reports" \f subjectxe "corrective action reports (nuclear)" \f subjectxe "nuclear utilities:corrective action reports" \f subjectxe "ANSI N45.2.9" \f subjectxe "quality assurance (nuclear):lifetime:correction action reports" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to:Failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, and deviations;Defective material and equipment;Nonconformance.Note: See ANSI N45.2.9-1974 Appendix A reference to Nonconformance Reports and ANSI N45.2.9-1974 section 2.2.1 for definition of Lifetime Quality Assurance Record.Retain for 6 years after plant decommissioned then Transfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Reporting:Corrective Action Reports – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Reporting:Corrective Action Reports – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)" \f essentialUT2012-002xe "UT2012-002" \f danRev. 0Corrective Action Reports – Quality Assurance Records (Nonpermanent)Records documenting the reporting of non-significant plant issues recorded for the purpose of documenting and communicating, not requiring cause analysis and meeting the criteria of Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records.Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records as defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard N45.2.9 and relating to the identification, cause, and corrective action of a condition adverse to quality.xe "nonpermanent quality assurance records:correction action reports" \f subjectxe "corrective action reports (nuclear)" \f subjectxe "nuclear utilities:corrective action reports" \f subjectxe "ANSI N45.2.9" \f subjectxe "quality assurance (nuclear):nonpermanent:correction action reports" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to: Lighting issues;Potential procedure enhancement.Note: See ANSI N45.2.9-1974 Appendix A section A.6.1 reference to records designated as Nonpermanent and ANSI N45.2.9-1974 section 2.2.2 for definition of Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Record.Retain for 6 years after matter resolved then Destroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05D-21xe "UT55-05D-21" \f danRev. 0Electric Power Reports Required by Regulatory Agencies and CommissionsRecords relating to reports submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), or other regulatory bodies.xe "reports:regulatory (FERC/NERC/WECC" \f subjectxe "regulatory reports" \f subjectxe "mitigation plans (electric power)" \f subjectxe "self reports (electric power)" \f subjectxe "non-compliance (electric power)" \f subjectxe "self certification (electric power)" \f subjectxe "Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)" \f subjectxe "Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)" \f subjectxe "North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to:Mitigation plans (retractions, updates, etc.);Self reports (reports of non-compliance);Self certifications;Data requests from NERC and WECC.Note: See 18 CFR §125.3 41.Retain for 5 years after submitted to regulatory agency thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) NON-ESSENTIALOPRxe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Reporting:Electric Power Reports Required by Regulatory Agencies" \f archivalUT2012-003xe "UT2012-003" \f danRev. 0Reportable Occurrence Records – Nuclear Power PlantsReportable occurrence records where copies of the records have been sent to the United State Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC).Note: Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s records are retained permanently in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Control Numbers N1-431-87-1 and N1-431-00-19.Retain for 6 years after submitted to regulatory agency thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Reporting:Reportable Occurrence Records – Nuclear Power Plants" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRTRAININGThe activity of the local government agency providing training to agency employees, contractors, customers, or the public.DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT2012-004xe "UT2012-004" \f danRev. 0Agency-Provided Training – Licensed Nuclear Operator Qualification DataRecords relating to operator license status, medical status, and administration of the licensed operator requalification program.Includes, but is not limited to:Certification of Medical Examination by Facility License (NRC Form 396);Licensee Personal Qualification Statements (NRC From 398);Requalification examination results;Requalification test question responses;Requalification Job Performance Measurement (JPM) results;Requalification simulator training results.Excludes exam results covered by Agency-Provided Training – Nuclear Plant Staff (Accredited) (DAN UT2012-005).Retain until operator no longer maintains operator license thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Training:Agency-Provided Training – Licensed Nuclear Operator Qualification Data" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Training:Agency-Provided Training – Licensed Nuclear Operator Qualification Data" \f essentialOPRUT2012-005xe "UT2012-005" \f danRev. 0Agency-Provided Training – Nuclear Plant Staff (Accredited)Official exam results (score and/or pass/fail) of workers who are directly involved in the operation and maintenance of a nuclear power facility.Includes, but is not limited to:Licensed operator initial and requalification training;Equipment operator training;Engineering training.Excludes records relating to radiation protection training covered by Agency-Provided Training – Radiological (DAN UT2012-006).Retain for 6 years after plant decommissioned thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Training:Agency-Provided Training – Nuclear Plant Staff (Accredited)" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Training:Agency-Provided Training – Nuclear Plant Staff (Accredited)" \f essentialUT2012-006Rev. 1xe "UT2012-006" \f danAgency-Provided Training – RadiologicalRecords relating to the radiation protection training of employees (including contractors), visitors, and escorted personnel, which provide evidence of training/education/sufficient knowledge of radiation hazards and safe work practices.xe "employees:training (radiation protection)" \f subjectxe "training (radiation protection)" \f subjectxe "safety training (radiation protection)" \f subjectxe "instructor materials (radiation training)" \f subjectxe "respirator fit tests" \f subjectxe "ANI Information Bulletin 15-01" \f subject xe "radiation:protection training" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to: Instructor manuals, syllabi, lesson plans, handouts and exam results;Training attendance records;Initial and periodic quantitative respirator fit tests.Note: See ANI Information Bulletin 15-01 Section II.Retain for 100 years after training provided thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Training:Agency-Provided Training – Radiological" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "AGENCY MANAGEMENT:Training:Agency-Provided Training – Radiological" \f essentialASSET MANAGEMENTThe function of managing the local government agency’s physical assets (facilities, land, equipment, vehicles, supplies, etc.), where not covered by the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE). Includes asset acquisition, maintenance, inventory and disposal.ADVICE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEThe activity of providing advice, technical assistance and information about utility assets.DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT50-32-05xe "UT50-32-05" \f danRev. 1Line Location RequestsRecords relating to requests for the location of underground assets of any type of utility service.xe "call before you dig (line location requests)" \f subjectxe "line:location requests" \f subjectxe "location requests (utility lines)" \f subjectRetain for 1 year after request fulfilled thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMDESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONThe activity of designing, constructing, or remodeling of buildings, structures, infrastructure, etc., owned, leased or otherwise occupied by the local government agency.xe "design/construction:utilities" \f subjectDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT55-05G-01Rev. 0xe "UT55-05G-01" \f danConstruction Cost Analysis – Electric Power SystemsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 17(f). xe "power generation:construction:cost analysis" \f subjectxe "construction:electric power system" \f subjectxe "cost analysis (construction)" \f subjectxe "design/construction:utilities" \f subjectRetain for 5 years after clearance to plant account thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)NON-ESSENTIALOFMxe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Design and Construction:Construction Cost Analysis Studies – Electric Power Systems" \f archivalUT55-05G-02Rev. 0xe "UT55-05G-02" \f danConstruction Project Files – Electric Power SystemsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 17(b), (e) and (g). xe "power generation:construction:project files" \f subjectxe "construction:electric power system" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after completion of project thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05G-03xe "UT55-05G-03" \f danRev. 0Expenditure Requisition and Authorization Files – Electric Power SystemsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 11. xe "expenditure requisition (electric power)" \f subjectxe "power generation:expenditure requisition/authorization" \f subjectxe "power generation:construction:expenditure requisition/authorization" \f subjectxe "construction:electric power system" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT2012-007xe "UT2012-007" \f danRev. 0Nuclear Plant Construction and Pre-Operational PhaseRecords documenting the construction and startup of nuclear power facilities (including independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSI) which would either provide required baseline data for in-service inspection or be of significant value in:Demonstrating capability for safe operation;Maintaining, reworking, repairing, replacing, or modifying plant components;Determining the cause of an accident or malfunction of a plant component.Includes records defined as “Lifetime Quality Assurance Records” in accordance with ANSI N45.2.9 – 1974, Section 2.2.1.Note: Other records related to the construction of nuclear power facilities are covered by Construction Project Files (DAN GS50-18-10) in the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE).Retain for 6 years after plant decommissioned thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Design and Construction:Nuclear Plant Construction and Pre-Operational Phase" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Design and Construction:Nuclear Plant Construction and Pre-Operational Phase" \f essentialOPRUT55-05G-06xe "UT55-05G-06" \f danRev. 0Utility Plant Construction Contracts – Electric UtilitiesOfficial documentation of contracts and agreements for purchase of goods or services relating to the construction of utility plants. May include consultant contracts, public work contracts, or non-stock material contract. xe "plant construction" \f subjectxe "power generation:construction:utility plant contracts" \f subjectxe "contracts:utility plant construction" \f subjectxe "construction:utility plant" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 22(b).Retain for 6 years after sale or retirement of plant thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05G-05xe "UT55-05G-05" \f danRev. 0Work in Progress Ledgers or Reports – Electric Power SystemsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 17(a). xe "work:in progress ledgers/reports (electric power)" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:work in progress" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:work in progress" \f subjectxe "power generation:construction:work in progress" \f subjectRetain for 5 years after clearance to plant account thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-06B-28xe "UT50-06B-28" \f danRev. 1Work Orders – Electric Power SystemsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 17(b). xe "work orders:power generation system construction" \f subjectxe "construction:electric power system" \f subjectxe "power generation:construction:work orders" \f subjectRetain for 5 years after clearance to plant account thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRELECTRONIC INFORMATION SYSTEMSThis section covers records relating to electronic information systems which are not covered by the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE). DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT2010-088xe "UT2010-088" \f danRev. 0Security – Cyber Vulnerability AssessmentRecords documenting annual vulnerability assessments of the agency's Critical Cyber Assets (CCA) in accordance with CIP-005-03xe "networks" \t "see also CORE" \f subjectxe "IP addresses" \t "see also CORE" \f subjectxe "user accounts" \t "see also CORE" \f subjectxe "passwords" \t "see also CORE" \f subject.xe "security:critical cyber assets" \f subjectxe "passwords:critical cyber assets" \f subjectxe "networks:critical cyber assets" \f subjectxe "critical cyber assets" \f subjectxe "electronic information systems:critical cyber assets" \f subjectxe "IP addresses:critical cyber assets" \f subjectxe "user accounts:critical cyber assets" \f subjectxe "cyber security" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to:Access control lists;All access and external connection points (physical and electronic); Multiple user accounts and account passwords;Network management and protocols;IP addresses;Final report of assessment.Note: Records relating to cyber security at a nuclear facility will be covered in either Security Monitoring (Nuclear Facilities) – Incident (DAN UT2012-010) or Security Monitoring (Nuclear Facilities) – No Incident (DAN UT2012-011).Retain for 1 year after completion of assessment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTThis section covers records relating to environmental management which are not covered by the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE). DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT2012-008xe "UT2012-008" \f danRev. 1Radiological/Contamination MonitoringRecords relating to the processes, equipment used, and results for the monitoring of radiological contamination.xe "radiation:contamination monitoring" \f subjectxe "monitoring:radiation" \f subjectxe "contamination (radiation)" \f subjectxe "ANI Information Bulletin 15-01" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to: Plant radiation and contamination surveys;Environmental licensing, monitoring and effluent measure records;On-site groundwater protection program records;Radioactive shipment and release/waste disposal reports;Instrumentation and calibration records;Equipment tests;Sealed source and fission detector leak tests and results;Annual physical inventory of all sealed source material of record.Note: See ANI Information Bulletin 15-01 Section III, IV, X, XI and XII.Retain for 100 years after end of calendar year and50 years after plant decommissioned thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Environmental Management:Radiological/Contamination Monitoring" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Environmental Management:Radiological/Contamination Monitoring" \f essentialOPRMAINTENANCEThe activity of repairing or servicing the assets of the local government agency. Includes buildings, vehicles, and equipment.DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT2012-009xe "UT2012-009" \f danRev. 0Nuclear Facilities Maintenance – Safety-RelatedRecords documenting maintenance activities associated with safety-related structures, systems and components of nuclear power facilities.Includes records defined as “Lifetime Quality Assurance Records” in accordance with ANSI N45.2.9 – 1974, Section 2.2.1.Includes, but is not limited to:Completed work orders;Performed surveillances;Completed design modifications/change packages;Performed test plans.Note: Other records related to the maintenance of nuclear facilities are covered by the “Asset Management – Maintenance” section in the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE).Retain for 6 years after plant decommissioned thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Maintenance:Nuclear Facilities Maintenance – Safety Related" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Maintenance:Nuclear Facilities Maintenance – Safety Related" \f essentialOPRSECURITYThe activity of protecting the agency’s assets against danger, loss, or threat.DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT2019-001xe "UT2019-001" \f danRev. 0Authorization – Nuclear Facility Access (Denials)Records documenting the denial of unescorted access at a nuclear facility. XE "nuclear utilities:security (nuclear facility access denials)" \f “Subject" XE "facilities/property management:security (nuclear facility access denials)" \f “Subject" XE "security:nuclear facility access denials" \f “Subject" XE "access (security): nuclear facility access denials" \f “Subject" Excludes records covered by Authorization – Employee Access (DAN GS2010-002).Note: Retention based on Nuclear Energy Institute guidance document NEI 03-05’s requirement that denials be retained permanently.Retain until plant decommissioned thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT2012-010xe "UT2012-010" \f danRev. 0Security Monitoring (Nuclear Facilities) – IncidentRecords relating to the investigation of threats, thefts, and sabotage (actual or suspected) relating to special nuclear material, high-level radioactive wastes, nuclear facilities, and other radioactive materials and activities regulated by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.NRC), where an incident has occurred.Includes, but is not limited to: Investigation records and reports;Routine patrol logs;Access/entry logs;Vital area door tests;Records relating to the protection of safety-related systems.Excludes official agency policy and procedure directives and plans (physical security, local law enforcement, cyber security, etc.) covered by Official Agency Policy and Procedure Directives, Regulations and Rules (DAN GS50-01-24) in the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE).Note: See 10 CFR 73.54 and 10 CFR 73.55.Note: If litigation commences, these records become part of the litigation case file and are covered by GS53-02-04.Note: Records designated as Safeguards or other records that could hinder the security objectives of the nuclear facility per 10 CFR 2.390 shall be retained at the nuclear facility.Retain for 6 years after investigation finalized thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for permanent retention until 10 years after plant decommissioned thenReappraise for selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Security:Security Monitoring (Nuclear Facilities) – Incident" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "ASSET MANAGEMENT:Security:Security Monitoring (Nuclear Facilities) – Incident" \f essentialOPRUT2012-011xe "UT2012-011" \f danRev. 0Security Monitoring (Nuclear Facilities) – No IncidentRecords relating to the implementation of security programs and contingency plans designed to prevent (and respond to) threats, thefts, and sabotage relating to special nuclear material, high-level radioactive wastes, nuclear facilities, and other radioactive materials and activities regulated by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.NRC), where no incident has occurred.Includes, but is not limited to:Routine patrol logs;Access/entry logs;Vital area door tests;Records relating to the protection of safety-related systems.Excludes official agency policy and procedure directives and plans (physical security, local law enforcement, cyber security, etc.) covered by Official Agency Policy and Procedure Directives, Regulations and Rules (DAN GS50-01-24) in the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE).Note: See 10 CFR 73.54 and 10 CFR 73.55.Retain for 3 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTThe function of managing the local government agency’s workforce, where not covered by the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE).OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETYThe activity of creating and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for employees.DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT2012-012xe "UT2012-012" \f danRev. 1Employee Assignment History – RadiologicalRecords documenting employee (includes contractors and volunteers) work assignments and activities at the nuclear facility, which may be used to reconstruct a worker’s history and thus estimate their radiation dose. xe "employees:work assignments/history (radiation)" \f subjectxe "work orders:radiation" \f subjectxe "ANI Information Bulletin 15-01" \f subjectxe "ANSI N45.2.9" \f subjectxe "radiation:dose/work orders" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to: Radiation Work Permits;ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) Plans;ALARA Briefs.Note: See ANI Information Bulletin 15-01 Section V and ANSI N45.2.9 Appendix A section A.6.Retain for 100 years after employee’s date of birth thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:Occupational Health and Safety:Employee Assignment History – Radiological" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRIRRIGATION UTILITIESDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT50-32-01xe "UT50-32-01" \f danRev. 0Foreclosure Files – Irrigation Utilitiesxe "foreclosure (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectxe "irrigation utilities:foreclosure" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after foreclosure of account thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-32-03xe "UT50-32-03" \f danRev. 0Land Owner Water Quality Violation Files – Irrigation UtilitiesIncludes landowner water quality plans submitted to resolve violations. xe "landowners:water quality violation" \f subjectxe "irrigation utilities:landowner water quality violation" \f subjectxe "water quality:violation (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after resolution thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "IRRIGATION UTILITIES:Land Owner Water Quality Violation" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-32-04xe "UT50-32-04" \f danRev. 0Land Use History Files – Irrigation UtilitiesIncludes water right contracts, permits, easements, reclassification, water allotment and other land use documentation for district service area organized by section, township and range. xe "permits:water rights" \f subjectxe "permits:land use (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectxe "land use:history (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectxe "irrigation utilities:land use history" \f subjectxe "irrigation utilities:water right contracts" \f subjectxe "history files:land use (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectRetain until no longer need for agency business thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "IRRIGATION UTILITIES:Land Use History Files" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "IRRIGATION UTILITIES:Land Use History Files" \f essentialOFMUT50-32-06xe "UT50-32-06" \f danRev. 0Water Diversion Reports – Irrigation Utilitiesxe "irrigation utilities:water diversion reports" \f subjectxe "water:diversion reports (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectxe "reports:water (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "IRRIGATION UTILITIES:Water Diversion Reports" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-32-07xe "UT50-32-07" \f danRev. 0Water Quality Monitoring Data – Irrigation Utilitiesxe "irrigation utilities:water quality monitoring" \f subjectxe "water quality:monitoring (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectxe "monitoring:water quality" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "IRRIGATION UTILITIES:Water Quality Monitoring Data" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-32-08xe "UT50-32-08" \f danRev. 0Water Use Reports – Irrigation Utilitiesxe "irrigation utilities:water use" \f subjectxe "water:use (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectxe "reports:water (irrigation utilities)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "IRRIGATION UTILITIES:Water Use Reports" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRPOWER DISTRIBUTIONDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT55-05E-01xe "UT55-05E-01" \f danRev. 0Apparatus Failure ReportsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13. xe "permits:electrical work (hard cards)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:work permits (hard cards)" \f subjectxe "work:permits/hard cards (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "apparatus failure report (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:reports:apparatus failure" \f subjectxe "reports:power distribution:apparatus failure" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT2010-089xe "UT2010-089" \f danRev. 0Control Performance StandardsRecords relating to Control Performance Standards (CPS) submitted to Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) in accordance with BAL-001-0.1a.Retain for 1 year after submitted thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05E-25xe "UT55-05E-25" \f danRev. 0Electrical Work Permits (Hard Cards)Permits for individuals to install residential alarms, communications, etc. xe "permits:electrical work (hard cards)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:work permits (hard cards)" \f subjectxe "work:permits/hard cards (power distribution)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after termination thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05G-07Rev. 0xe "UT55-05G-07" \f danElectricity Diversion Investigation RecordsInquiry regarding problems or discrepancies with meters, either from meter reader or other parties. Investigation records may include: site visit dates, notes regarding location, pictures of meter or surrounding area, consumption history, special meter read, and service order for technical support. xe "investigations:electricity diversion" \f subjectxe "power distribution:electricity diversion investigations" \f subjectxe "meters:power distribution" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after investigation closed thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05E-14Rev. 0xe "UT55-05E-14" \f danFacility Inspection and Maintenance ReportsPeriodic reports on the condition of substations, underground vaults, and other distribution system facilities. xe "facilities/property management:inspection/maintenance (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:reports:facility inspection/maintenance" \f subjectxe "reports:power distribution:facility inspection/maintenance" \f subjectxe "substation inspections (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "inspections:substation" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(b).Retain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05E-02Rev. 0xe "UT55-05E-02" \f danFacility Retirement AuthorizationNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 18(b). If equipment or facility has PCB content, retain record permanently to protect the agency's open-ended liability for the handling and disposal of hazardous substances. xe "facilities/property management:retirement:power distribution" \f subjectxe "power distribution:facility retirement" \f subjectRetain for 10 years after facility retired thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05E-03xe "UT55-05E-03" \f danRev. 0Facility Retirement Work OrderBasic record of facility removal and/or replacement. xe "facilities/property management:retirement:power distribution" \f subjectxe "power distribution:facility retirement" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 18(a). If equipment or facility has PCB content, retain record permanently to protect the agency's open-ended liability for the handling and disposal of hazardous substances.Retain for 10 years after facility retired thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05E-04xe "UT55-05E-04" \f danRev. 0Insulator Test RecordsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(d). xe "insulator tests (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:insulator tests" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT2010-090xe "UT2010-090" \f danRev. 0Interchange Transactions and Reliability CoordinationRecords relating to the coordination of power distribution through the Western Interconnection electric grid.xe "power distribution:interchange/electric grid" \f subjectxe "schedules:E-tag" \f subjectxe "systems monitoring (electric grid)" \f subjectxe "outage coordination (electric grid)" \f subjectxe "interchange transactions/reliability coordination" \f subjectxe "electric grid" \f subjectxe "monitoring:interchange (power distribution)" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to:E-tag schedules; Estimated load, forecast or contracted amount;Daily, next day and contingency coordination; Scheduled, unscheduled, and pre-scheduled; Real-time transactions;Real-time systems monitoring (logs, computer screen shots, etc.);Outage coordination.Excludes reports of non-compliance covered by Electric Power Reports Required by Regulatory Agencies and Commission (DAN UT55-05D-21).Note: See INT-001-3, INT-003-2, INT-004-2, INT-009-1, INT-010-1, IRO-004-1 and IRO-005-2.Retain for 3 months or 90 days after report of data, whichever is later thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-05xe "UT55-05E-05" \f danRev. 0Lightning and Storm Dataxe "lightning/storm data (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:lightning/storm data" \f subjectRetain until no longer needed for agency business thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "POWER DISTRIBUTION:Lightning and Storm Data" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFMxe "POWER DISTRIBUTION:Lightning and Storm Data" \f essentialUT55-05E-06xe "UT55-05E-06" \f danRev. 0Line Inspection ReportsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(b). xe "line:inspection reports (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:reports:line inspection reports" \f subjectxe "reports:power distribution:line inspection" \f subjectxe "inspections:line" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05E-07xe "UT55-05E-07" \f danRev. 0Line Trouble Reports and RecordsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(b). xe "line:trouble reports (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:reports:line trouble" \f subjectxe "reports:power distribution:line trouble" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-08xe "UT55-05E-08" \f danRev. 0Meter History DataHistorical data on each meter, including specification, serial number, location and maintenance history.xe "meters:history data (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:meter history data" \f subjectRetain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-09xe "UT55-05E-09" \f danRev. 0Meter Shop ReportsMonthly/periodic reports summarizing test, repairs, and other work done on meters. xe "meters:power distribution" \f subjectxe "power distribution:reports:meter shop" \f subjectxe "reports:power distribution:meter shop" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(b).Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-10xe "UT55-05E-10" \f danRev. 0Operations Logs and ReportsIncluding, but not limited to, equipment, operator, storage battery, substation and transmission. xe "operations:logs/reports:power distribution" \f subjectxe "power distribution:reports:operations" \f subjectxe "reports:power distribution:operations" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125 14(a) and 14(b).Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-11xe "UT55-05E-11" \f danRev. 0Outage LogNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(b). xe "outage logs (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:outage logs" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-12xe "UT55-05E-12" \f danRev. 0Pole ListRecord of utility pole type, description, location, ancillary equipment, etc. xe "pole list (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:pole list" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(c).Retain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFM xe "POWER DISTRIBUTION:Pole List" \f essentialUT55-05E-13xe "UT55-05E-13" \f danRev. 1Power Demand Chartsxe "power demand charts (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:demand charts" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFMxe "POWER DISTRIBUTION:Power Demand Charts" \f essentialUT55-05E-17xe "UT55-05E-17" \f danRev. 0Street Light History Recordsxe "power distribution:street lights" \f subjectxe "streets (lights/power distribution)" \f subjectxe "history files:street lights (power distribution)" \f subjectRetain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-18xe "UT55-05E-18" \f danRev. 0Street Opening Inspection and Repair ReportsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 23.1(j), National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners NARUC 23.1(j). xe "power distribution:reports:street opening inspection/repair" \f subjectxe "streets (lights/power distribution)" \f subjectxe "reports:power distribution:street opening inspections/repairs" \f subjectxe "inspections:street opening" \f subjectRetain until obsolete or superseded thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-20xe "UT55-05E-20" \f danRev. 0Transformer History Data – Non-PCBRecords documenting the history of transformers which do not contain Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Includes specifications, location and maintenance history. xe "transformers (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution: transformer history" \f subjectxe "Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)" \f subjectNote: See Transformer History Data – PCB (DAN UT55-05E-29) for history data of transformers containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).Retain for 10 years after life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFMxe "POWER DISTRIBUTION:Transformer History Data – Non-PCB" \f essentialUT55-05E-29xe "UT55-05E-29" \f danRev. 0Transformer History Data – PCBRecords documenting the history of transformers which contain Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Includes specifications, location and maintenance history. xe "transformers (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution: transformer history" \f subjectxe "Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)" \f subjectNote: See Transformer History Data – Non-PCB (DAN UT55-05E-20) for history data of transformers not containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).Note: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(c). For PCB retention requirements. See 40 CFR § 761.180(b).Retain for 20 years after life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFMxe "POWER DISTRIBUTION:Transformer History Data – PCB" \f essentialUT55-05E-21xe "UT55-05E-21" \f danRev. 0Transformer Inspection ReportsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(d) If equipment of facility has PCB content, retain record permanently to protect the agency's open-ended liability for the handling and disposal of hazardous substances. xe "transformers (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:reports:transformer inspections" \f subjectxe "reports:power distribution:transformer inspections" \f subjectxe "inspections:transformer" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-26xe "UT55-05E-26" \f danRev. 0Turbine History FilesDocumentation of installation, operation, and maintenance logs, etc. xe "turbines (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:turbines" \f subjectxe "history files:turbine (power distribution)" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.2(g)(1).Retain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-23xe "UT55-05E-23" \f danRev. 0Underground Line FilesData on underground lines, including location and specification. xe "underground lines (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:underground lines" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 21.Retain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFMxe "POWER DISTRIBUTION:Underground Line Files Power Distribution System" \f essentialUT55-05E-24xe "UT55-05E-24" \f danRev. 0Voltage ChartsDocumentation of voltage delivered to the power distribution system. xe "voltage charts (power distribution)" \f subjectxe "power distribution:voltage charts" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(b).Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMPOWER GENERATIONDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT2010-091xe "UT2010-091" \f danRev. 0Automatic Generation Control (AGC)Records documenting the management of the automatic generation system as it balances power distribution on the electric grid (and deploys reserve power when required). xe "interchange (electric grid)" \f subjectxe "automatic generation control" \f subjectxe "power generation" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to: Actual and scheduled frequency (megawatts distributed);Actual and scheduled interchange transactions (size, start/end times, ramp times and rates, type required for delivery, receipt of power between utilities, etc.);Disturbance occurrence;Error corrections.Note: See BAL-005-0.1b.Retain for 1 year after data collected thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05D-01xe "UT55-05D-01" \f danRev. 0Boiler Tube Failure ReportNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(a). xe "boiler tube failure report (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:boiler tube failure" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:boiler tube failure" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-02xe "UT55-05D-02" \f danRev. 0Coal LogsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(a). xe "coal logs (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation: coal logs" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-27xe "UT55-05E-27" \f danRev. 0Dam Safety Compliance Review Files – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)Files document the FERC regulatory process ensuring all incoming correspondence, outgoing correspondence, documentation, reports to FERC or reports from FERC are sent and received officially by the agency. xe "power generation:dam safety compliance" \f subjectxe "dam safety compliance (FERC)" \f subjectxe "Federal (agencies):Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:dam safety" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-03xe "UT55-05D-03" \f danRev. 0Equipment LogsRecords of use and performance, including in and out times. xe "equipment logs (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:equipment logs" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(b).Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-04xe "UT55-05D-04" \f danRev. 0Fish Count ReportsPeriodic reports on fish population, including charts, summaries and accounts of population increase and decrease and projects located in, on or adjacent to surface water. xe "fish count reports (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:fish count" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:fish count" \f subjectRetain for 10 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "POWER GENERATION:Fish Count Reports" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-05xe "UT55-05D-05" \f danRev. 0Gauge Reading Reports (Other than Water or River Flow)Note: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(f).xe "gauge reading reports (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:gauge reading" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:gauge reading" \f subjectRetain for 2 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-06xe "UT55-05D-06" \f danRev. 0Generation and Output Logs with Supporting DataNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(b). xe "generation/output logs (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:generation/output logs" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05D-07xe "UT55-05D-07" \f danRev. 0High-Tension and Low-Tension Generating Load RecordsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(d). xe "high/low-tension generating loads (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:high/low-tension generating load" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-08xe "UT55-05D-08" \f danRev. 0Hydro-Electric Operations Logs and ReportsIncludes daily and hourly logs, shift records, supervisors and plant operations daily diaries. May be needed for documentation of issues in litigation. xe "hydro-electric operations logs/reports" \f subjectxe "operations:logs/reports:hydro-power distribution" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:hydro-electric operations" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:hydro-electric operations" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 14(b) and 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(b).Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-09xe "UT55-05D-09" \f danRev. 0Load CurvesNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(e). xe "load:curves (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:load curves" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-11xe "UT55-05D-11" \f danRev. 0Maintenance ReportsFor hydroelectric equipment and facilities performance and repairs. xe "maintenance:hydroelectric equipment/facilities" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:maintenance (hydroelectric)" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:hydroelectric maintenance" \f subjectNote: See National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners NARUC 22.1(b).Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT2012-013xe "UT2012-013" \f danRev. 0Nuclear Operations – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)Records documenting the operations of nuclear facilities (including power levels and periods of operation at each power level) which would provide required baseline data for in-service inspection or be of significant value in:Demonstrating capability for safe operation;Maintaining, reworking, repairing, replacing, or modifying safety related plant components;Determining the cause of an accident or malfunction of a plant component;Safety related component testing.Includes records defined as “Lifetime Quality Assurance Records” in accordance with ANSI N45.2.9 – 1974, Section 2.2.1.xe "nonpermanent quality assurance records:nuclear operations" \f subjectxe "nuclear utilities:operations (quality assurance)" \f subjectxe "surveillance (nuclear utilities)" \f subjectxe "ANSI N45.2.9" \f subjectxe "quality assurance (nuclear):nonpermanent:nuclear operations" \f subjectxe "ISFSI technical standards" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to: xe "lifetime quality assurance records:nuclear operations" \f subjectxe "nuclear utilities:operations (quality assurance)" \f subjectxe "fuel program (nuclear utilities)" \f subjectxe "ANSI N45.2.9" \f subjectxe "quality assurance (nuclear):lifetime:nuclear operations" \f subjectFuel program quality assurance records (fuel inspection records, fuel design documents, as-built fuel QA records, nuclear materials accountability records);Transient or operational cycling records for those plant components designed to operate safely for a limited number of transients or operation cycles.Note: See ANSI N45.2.9 Appendix A sections A.6 for additional examples.Retain for 6 years after plant decommissioned thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "POWER GENERATION:Nuclear Operations – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "POWER GENERATION:Nuclear Operations – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)" \f essentialOPRUT2012-014xe "UT2012-014" \f danRev. 0Nuclear Operations – Quality Assurance Records (Nonpermanent)Records documenting the operations of nuclear facilities (including power levels and periods of operation at each power level) which would NOT provide required baseline data for in-service inspection or be of significant value in:Demonstrating capability for safe operation;Maintaining, reworking, repairing, replacing, or modifying safety related plant components;Determining the cause of an accident or malfunction of a plant component.Includes records defined as “Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records” in accordance with ANSI N45.2.9 – 1974, Section 2.2.2.xe "nonpermanent quality assurance records:nuclear operations" \f subjectxe "nuclear utilities:operations (quality assurance)" \f subjectxe "surveillance (nuclear utilities)" \f subjectxe "ANSI N45.2.9" \f subjectxe "quality assurance (nuclear):nonpermanent:nuclear operations" \f subjectxe "ISFSI technical standards" \f subjectIncludes, but is not limited to: Confined space permit logs;Transient material permits;Shift turnover sheets.Excludes records covered by:Employee Assignment History – Radiological (DAN UT2012-012);Radiological/Contamination Monitoring (DAN UT2012-008).Note: See ANSI N45.2.9 Appendix A sections A.6 for additional examples.Retain for 6 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05D-12xe "UT55-05D-12" \f danRev. 0Pollution Reports/StudiesDocumentation and data compiled on to waste accumulation and pollution generated by or around facilities. Does not include hazardous materials. xe "pollution control:reports/studies (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:pollution reports/studies" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:pollution reports/studies" \f subjectxe "waste accumulation (power generation)" \f subjectxe "air quality/pollution:electric facilities" \f subjectxe "water pollution:electric facilities" \f subjectNote: For documentation of pollution involving hazardous materials, see GS50-19-03 and GS50-19-06 in the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE).Retain for 10 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)ESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFM xe "POWER GENERATION:Pollution Reports/Studies" \f archivalxe "POWER GENERATION:Pollution Reports/Studies" \f essentialUT55-05D-13xe "UT55-05D-13" \f danRev. 0Recording Instrument ChartsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(g). xe "recording instrument charts (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:recording instrument charts" \f subjectRetain for 1 year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05E-28xe "UT55-05E-28" \f danRev. 0Spill Gate Data Collected for Annual Report to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Regarding Operation of Each Spillwayxe "power generation:reports:spill gate data" \f subjectxe "spillway operation data (FERC)" \f subjectxe "Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)" \f subjectRetain for 3 Years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-14xe "UT55-05D-14" \f danRev. 0Station and System Generation ReportsPeriodic reports on the amount of power being generated. xe "power generation:station/system generation reports" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:station/system generation" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:station/system generation" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(c1).Retain for 25 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05D-16xe "UT55-05D-16" \f danRev. 0Technical Data FilesPeriodic reports, charts and miscellaneous data on weather, geology, hydrology and topography created for reference use. xe "power generation:reports:technical data" \f subjectxe "technical data (power generation)" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:technical data (power generation)" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:weather/geology/hydrology/topography" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 38. Retain for 5 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)NON-ESSENTIALOFM xe "POWER GENERATION:Technical Data Files" \f archivalUT55-05D-17xe "UT55-05D-17" \f danRev. 0Temperature LogsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(e). xe "temperature logs (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation: temperature logs" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)ESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFM xe "POWER GENERATION:Temperature Logs " \f archivalxe "POWER GENERATION:Temperature Logs " \f essentialUT55-05D-18xe "UT55-05D-18" \f danRev. 0Water LogsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(e). xe "water:logs (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:water logs" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05D-19xe "UT55-05D-19" \f danRev. 0Water/River Flow ReportsNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 13.1(f). xe "water/river flow (power generation)" \f subjectxe "power generation:reports:water:electric utilities" \f subjectxe "reports:power generation:water/river flow" \f subjectRetain until no longer needed for agency business thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for permanent retention.ARCHIVAL(Permanent Retention)ESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "POWER GENERATION:Water/River Flow Reports" \f archivalxe "POWER GENERATION:Water/River Flow Reports" \f essentialSEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATIONDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT55-06A-03xe "UT55-06A-03" \f danRev. 0Backflow Incident RecordsDocumentation of incidents of backflow contamination in water systems. xe "water systems:backflow incidents" \f subject xe "backflow (water systems)" \f subject xe "contamination (water systems)" \f subject xe "water systems:backflow incidents" \f subject xe "water quality:backflow" \f subjectNote: See WAC 246-290-490 (8)(a)(iii).Retain for 5 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-01xe "UT55-06A-01" \f danRev. 0Backflow Preventer Inspection and InventoryDocumentation required to be maintained on individual approved backflow preventers installed at water system service connections. xe "water systems:backflow preventers" \f subject xe "backflow (water systems)" \f subject xe "inspections:water systems" \f subject xe "water systems:backflow preventers" \f subject xe "water quality:backflow" \f subjectxe "inspections:backflow preventer" \f subjectxe "inventory:backflow preventer" \f subjectNote: See WAC 246-290-490 (8)(a)(ii).Retain for 5 years or life of backflow preventer, whichever is shorter thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06A-02xe "UT55-06A-02" \f danRev. 0Backflow Preventer Master ListMaster list of connections and premises for which backflow preventers are required, including names and addresses of owners. xe "water systems:backflow preventers" \f subject xe "backflow (water systems)" \f subject xe "water systems:backflow preventers" \f subject xe "water quality:backflow" \f subjectNote: See WAC 246-290-490 (8)(a)(i).Retain documentation of individual backflow preventers until connection no longer pose a contamination threat to the water distribution system thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06B-01xe "UT55-06B-01" \f danRev. 0Capacity Studies – Sewage Treatment PlantsStudies of peak and average flow used to evaluate the status of treatment plant operating capacity. xe "sewage treatment plants:capacity" \f subject xe "capacity (sewage treatment plants)" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06A-27xe "UT55-06A-27" \f danRev. 0Chemical Analysis Reports – Regulatory ComplianceRecords are compilations of finished data used to document compliance with State and Fed water quality regulations. Includes but is not limited to, annual inorganic reports and additional data summaries used to document compliance with State water quality regulations. xe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subject xe "water systems:chemical analysis" \f subject xe "chemical analysis (water systems)" \f subject xe "reports:water systems:chemical analysis" \f subject xe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subject xe "regulatory compliance:water systems:chemical analysis" \f subject xe "water quality:regulations" \f subjectNote: See 40 CFR § 141.33 and WAC 246-290-480(a).Retain for the life of the water system thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)NON-ESSENTIALOPRxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Chemical Analysis Reports – Regulatory Compliance" \f archivalUT55-06A-28xe "UT55-06A-28" \f danRev. 0Chemical Raw Data Records – Regulatory ComplianceRecords document chemical testing results of water samples taken from various locations throughout the water system and supply sources. Used to document compliance with State drinking water regulations. May include tab worksheets, sample run data, calibration test results, lab notebooks, bench sheets, etc. xe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subject xe "water systems:chemical analysis" \f subject xe "chemical analysis (water systems)" \f subjectxe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subject xe "regulatory compliance:water systems:chemical analysis" \f subject xe "water quality:regulations" \f subjectNote: See 40 CFR § 141.33; WAC 246-290-480(a).Retain for life of water system thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-25xe "UT55-06A-25" \f danRev. 0Cross-Connection Control Annual Summary ReportsAnnual reports summarizing cross-connection control activities by water utilities required by the Washington State Department of Health. xe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subject xe "water systems:cross-connection control" \f subjectxe "cross-connection control (water systems)" \f subject xe "reports:water systems:cross-connection control" \f subject xe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subject xe "regulatory compliance:water systems:cross-connection control" \f subject xe "water quality:regulations" \f subjectxe "Health, Department of:cross-connection control (water utilities)" \f subject xe "Department of Health:cross-connection control (water utilities)" \f subjectNote: See WAC 246-290-490 (8)(a)(iii).Retain for 5 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-35xe "UT55-06A-35 " \f danRev. 0 Defective Side Sewer NoticeNotification sent to individual property owners with defective side sewers, including a description of defects and requirements for repair. xe "sewer systems:defective side sewers" \f subject xe "defective side sewers" \f subject xe "notices/notifications:defective sewers" \f subject xe "landowners:defective side sewers" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06B-02xe "UT55-06B-02" \f danRev. 0Discharge Monitoring Reports – Sewage Treatment PlantsDaily reports required by the Washington State Department of Ecology. xe "regulatory compliance:sewage treatment plants" \f subject xe "Ecology, Department of:discharge monitoring reports (sewage)" \f subject xe "Department of Ecology:discharge monitoring reports (sewage)" \f subject xe "reports:discharge monitoring (sewage)" \f subject xe "sewage treatment plants:monitoring" \f subjectxe "monitoring:discharge (sewage)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06B-03xe "UT55-06B-03" \f danRev. 0Equivalent Customer Unit (ECU) Reports – Sewage Treatment PlantsAnnual report on volume of customers served by treatment plant. xe "sewage treatment plants:customers" \f subjectxe "reports:sewer treatment plants:equivalent customer unit(ECU) " \f subject xe "ECU (equivalent customer unit)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06A-04xe "UT55-06A-04" \f danRev. 0Facility Retirement Authorization – Sewer and Water System DocumentationOfficial authorization for facility retirement, including basis of determination and estimates of cost. xe "sewer systems:facility retirements" \f subject xe "water systems:facility retirements" \f subjectxe "facilities/property management:retirement:sewer/water systems" \f subject xe "water systems:facility retirements" \f subjectRetain for 10 years after disposition or sale of facility thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-05xe "UT55-06A-05" \f danRev. 0Facility Retirement Work Order – Sewer and Water System DocumentationBasic record of facility removal and replacement. xe "sewer systems:facility retirement" \f subject xe "water systems:facility retirements" \f subjectxe "facilities/property management:retirement:sewer/water systems" \f subjectRetain for 10 years after disposition or sale of facility thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-06xe "UT55-06A-06" \f danRev. 0Flow Record – Water System DocumentationDocumentation of volume in distribution system. xe "water systems:flow records" \f subject xe "flow records (water/sewer systems)" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06B-04xe "UT55-06B-04" \f danRev. 0Flow Reports – Sewage Treatment PlantsDaily reports of influent and effluent flow. xe "sewer systems:flow reports" \f subject xe "flow records (water/sewer systems)" \f subject xe "reports:sewage treatment plants:flow reports (sewage)" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06A-07xe "UT55-06A-07" \f danRev. 0Fluoride Charts – Water System DocumentationTest reports showing water usage and amount of fluoride in water system. xe "water systems:fluoride" \f subject xe "reports:water systems:fluoride" \f subject xe "water quality:fluoride" \f subjectxe "drinking water:fluoride" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06A-08xe "UT55-06A-08" \f danRev. 0Grinder Pump Maintenance and Location Records – Sewer and Water System Documentationxe "sewer systems:grinder pumps" \f subjectxe "grinder pumps (sewer systems)" \f subjectxe "maintenance:grinder pumps (sewer systems)" \f subjectRetain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFMxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Grinder Pump Maintenance and Location Records" \f essentialUT55-06B-07xe "UT55-06B-07" \f danRev. 0History Files – Sewage Treatment PlantsDocumentation of plant operations and compliance with state and federal permit requirements. xe "permits:sewage treatment plants" \f subjectxe "permits:state and federal (sewage treatment)" \f subjectxe "history files:sewage treatment plants" \f subjectxe "sewage treatment plants:history files (sewage treatment plants)" \f subject xe "sewage treatment plants:sewage systems" \f subject xe "regulatory compliance:sewage treatment plants" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after life of facility thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:History Files – Sewage Treatment Plants" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:History Files Sewage Treatment Plants" \f essentialUT55-06A-09xe "UT55-06A-09" \f danRev. 0Hydrant Records – Water System DocumentationDocumentation of hydrant location, specifications, maintenance history, etc. xe "hydrants (water systems)" \f subjectxe "water:hydrants" \f subjectxe "maintenance:hydrants" \f subjectxe "water systems:hydrants" \f subjectxe "water systems:hydrants" \f subjectRetain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Hydrant Records" \f essentialOFMUT55-06A-10xe "UT55-06A-10" \f danRev. 0Industrial Waste Permits – Sewer System DocumentationPermits issued to industrial customers allowing them to discharge industrial waste into the local government sewer system. xe "permits:industrial waste" \f subjectxe "permits:sewage treatment plants" \f subjectxe "sewer systems:industrial waste" \f subject xe "sewage treatment plants:industrial waste" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after expiration of permit thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)ESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Industrial Waste Permits" \f archivalxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Industrial Waste Permits" \f essentialUT55-06A-17xe "UT55-06A-17" \f danRev. 0Inspection and Monitoring Reports – Sewer and Water System DocumentationReports on the system operating conditions such as chlorine test, laboratory reports, television surveillance tapes, telemetry, etc. xe "reports:water systems:inspection/monitoring" \f subjectxe "reports:sewer/water systems:inspection/monitoring" \f subjectxe "sewage treatment plants" \f subjectxe "water systems:chlorine" \f subject xe "sewer systems:chlorine" \f subject xe "sewage treatment plants:monitoring" \f subject xe "water systems" \f subjectxe "water quality:inspection/monitoring" \f subjectxe "inspections:sewer and water systems" \f subjectxe "monitoring:sewer/water systems" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06B-05xe "UT55-06B-05" \f danRev. 0Laboratory Performance Evaluations – Sewage Treatment PlantsPeriodic blind test performed by the Washington State Department of Ecology. xe "sewage treatment plants:laboratory evaluations" \f subject xe "regulatory compliance:sewage treatment plants" \f subjectxe "Ecology, Department of:sewage treatment plants" \f subjectxe "Department of Ecology:laboratory performance (sewage)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-29xe "UT55-06A-29" \f danRev. 0Lead and Copper Compliance RecordsRecords used to document compliance with State and Federal drinking water regulations related to lead and copper monitoring. May include sampling data and analyses, reports, surveys, letters, evaluations, schedules, etc. xe "water systems:lead/copper" \f subject xe "lead/copper (water systems)" \f subject xe "water systems:lead/copper" \f subjectxe "water quality:lead/copper" \f subject xe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subjectxe "regulatory compliance:water systems:lead/copper" \f subject xe "surveys:water systems:lead/copper" \f subjectNote: See 40 CFR § 141.91.Retain for 12 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-30xe "UT55-06A-30" \f danRev. 0Limnology ReportsReports summarize long-term data used to evaluate changes in reservoir water quality and ecology. Includes biological, chemical, and physical data related to the water body in addition to conclusions and recommendations for improved water quality. xe "water systems:limnology reports" \f subject xe "limnology reports (water systems)" \f subject xe "water systems:limnology reports" \f subjectxe "water quality:limnology reports" \f subject xe "water quality:reservoirs" \f subject xe "reports:water systems:limnology" \f subject xe "reservoir water quality" \f subjectRetain for life of water system thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-11xe "UT55-06A-11" \f danRev. 0Manhole Records – Sewer and Water System DocumentationDocumentation of location, installation, size, flow direction, maintenance, materials, etc.xe "sewer/water systems:manholes" \f subject xe "water systems:manholes" \f subject xe "sewer systems:manholes" \f subject xe "manholes (sewer/water systems)" \f subjectPERMANENTxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Manhole Records" \f archivalNON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Manhole Records" \f essentialUT55-06A-18xe "UT55-06A-18" \f danRev. 0Maps and Geographic Data – Sewer and Water System Documentationxe "sewer systems:maps/geographic data" \f subject xe "water systems:maps/geographic data" \f subject xe "maps:geographic (sewer/water systems)" \f subject xe "geographic data (sewer/water systems)" \f subjectPERMANENTxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Maps and Geographic Data" \f essentialARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)ESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Maps and Geographic Data" \f archivalUT55-06A-12xe "UT55-06A-12" \f danRev. 0Meter Records – Sewer and Water System DocumentationAccount of water meter installation, serial number, location, etc.xe "meters:water systems" \f subject xe "water systems:meters" \f subject xe "water:meters" \f subjectRetain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Meter Records" \f essentialOPRUT55-06B-06xe "UT55-06B-06" \f danRev. 0Operations and Maintenance Manuals – Sewage Treatment Plantsxe "sewage treatment plants:operations/maintenance" \f subject xe "operations:maintenance (sewage treatment plants)" \f subject xe "maintenance:sewage treatment plants" \f subjectPERMANENTxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Operations and Maintenance Manuals" \f archivalNON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Operations and Maintenance Manuals" \f essentialOPRUT55-06B-08xe "UT55-06B-08" \f danRev. 0Operators Log – Sewage Treatment Plantsxe "sewage treatment plants:operators log" \f subject xe "operators log (sewage treatment plant)" \f subjectPERMANENTxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Operators Log – Sewage Treatment Plants" \f archivalNON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPRxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Operators Log Sewage Treatment Plants" \f essentialUT55-06A-13xe "UT55-06A-13" \f danRev. 0Pipe Records – Sewer and Water System DocumentationRecords of pipe installation, location, specifications, maintenance history, etc. xe "pipes (sewer/water systems)" \f subject xe "sewer/water systems:pipes" \f subject xe "water systems:pipes" \f subjectxe "sewer systems:pipes" \f subjectRetain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OFMxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Pipe Records" \f essentialUT55-06A-14xe "UT55-06A-14" \f danRev. 0Pollution And Pollution Control Studies – Sewer and Water System DocumentationStudies and reports regarding levels and means of control for water, air and other types of pollution caused by district facilities and operations. xe "pollution control:sewer/water systems" \f subject xe "sewer systems:pollution control" \f subject xe "water systems:pollution control" \f subject xe "reports:sewer/water systems:pollution control" \f subject xe "pollution control" \f subject xe "air quality/pollution:sewer/water system facilities" \f subjectxe "water pollution:sewer/water facilities" \f subjectRetain for 5 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)NON-ESSENTIALOFMxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Pollution and Pollution Control Studies" \f archivalUT55-06A-15xe "UT55-06A-15" \f danRev. 0Pollution Control Inspection Reports – Sewer and Water System DocumentationReports on levels of pollutants being discharged, processed and removed through the system. Also measurements of pollutants in system's effluent. xe "water systems:pollution control" \f subject xe "sewer systems:pollution control" \f subject xe "reports:sewer/water systems:pollution control" \f subject xe "pollution control" \f subject xe "air quality/pollution:sewer/water facilities" \f subjectxe "water pollution:sewer/water facilities" \f subjectxe "inspections:pollution control" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)NON-ESSENTIALOFMxe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Pollution Control Inspection Reports" \f archivalUT55-06A-19xe "UT55-06A-19" \f danRev. 0Project Files – Sewer and Water System DocumentationOfficial account of various water system construction projects, including work orders, ledgers, studies, etc. xe "project files:water systems" \f subject xe "sewer systems:project files" \f subject xe "water systems:project files" \f subjectxe "construction:sewer/water systems" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after life of facility thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-31xe "UT55-06A-31" \f danRev. 0Sanitary Survey Compliance FilesRecords document the agency's response to sanitary survey findings. May include list of findings or deficiencies submitted by the State, documentation of corrective action taken or explanations of why repairs cannot be made, out of service orders, spreadsheets used to track completion of repairs, and additional supporting documentation. xe "sanitary surveys (water systems)" \f subject xe "water systems:sanitary surveys" \f subjectxe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subject xe "regulatory compliance:water systems:sanitary surveys" \f subject xe "water quality:sanitary surveys" \f subject xe "surveys:water systems:sanitary" \f subjectNote: See WAC 246-290-480(c).Retain for 10 years after completion of survey and applicable corrective action thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-16xe "UT55-06A-16" \f danRev. 0Sewer Jetting and Vactoring RecordsDocumentation of routine cleaning of sewer lines. xe "sewer systems:jetting/vactoring" \f subjectxe "jetting/vactoring (sewer systems)" \f subject xe "sewer systems:line cleaning" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06B-12xe "UT55-06B-12" \f danRev. 0Surface Water Groundwater Permit FilesDocuments the amount, function and use of surface and groundwater. Includes background and permit files. xe "permits:groundwater" \f subjectxe "permits:surface water" \f subjectxe "water systems:surface water/groundwater" \f subject xe "surface water drainage:permits" \f subject xe "groundwater permits" \f subject xe "water systems:surface water/groundwater" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after termination of permit thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-20xe "UT55-06A-20" \f danRev. 0Valve Records – Sewer and Water System DocumentationAccount of valve location, specifications, maintenance history, etc. xe "water systems:valve maintenance/history" \f subject xe "valves (sewer/water systems)" \f subject xe "maintenance:valves (sewer/water systems)" \f subjectRetain for life of equipment thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Valve Records" \f essentialOFMUT55-06B-10xe "UT55-06B-10" \f danRev. 0Vibration Analysis Data – Sewage Treatment PlantsData collected on treatment plant equipment for use in preventative maintenance and troubleshooting. xe "sewage treatment plants:vibration analysis" \f subject xe "operations:maintenance (sewage treatment plants)" \f subject xe "maintenance:sewage treatment plants" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06A-22xe "UT55-06A-22" \f danRev. 0Water and Sewer System Comprehensive Plansxe "water systems:comprehensive plans" \f subject xe "sewer systems:comprehensive plans" \f subject xe "comprehensive:sewer/water systems plans" \f subjectPERMANENTARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required) xe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Water and Sewer System Comprehensive Plans" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-26xe "UT55-06A-26" \f danRev. 0Water and Sewer System Emergency Incident ReportsReports documenting incidents that damage or disrupt the operation of water and sewer systems, including date, time, type of incident, and measures taken to resolve the problem, clean up contaminants and restore service. xe "emergency (water/sewer)" \f subject xe "water systems:emergency incidents" \f subject xe "sewer systems:emergency incidents" \f subject xe "reports:sewer/water systems:emergency incidents" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-36xe "UT55-06A-36" \f danRev. 0Water Availability / Sewer System Hookup Request FormsMay be required for building permit for properties hooked up to a provider's water supply and/or sewer system. xe "hookup (water/sewer)" \f subject xe "sewer systems:hookup" \f subject xe "water systems:hookup" \f subjectxe "water systems:hookup" \f subjectRetain for 2 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06B-11xe "UT55-06B-11" \f danRev. 0Water Consumption Reports – Sewage Treatment Plantsxe "sewage treatment plants:water consumption" \f subjectxe "reports:sewer/water systems:sewage treatment plants" \f subject xe "water:consumption reports (sewage treatment plants)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-32xe "UT55-06A-32" \f danRev. 0Water Facilities Inventory (WFI) FormInventory of water system updated and reported annually to the Washington State Department of Health. Information includes identification of water sources, number of connections, population served, type of treatment used, type of system, contact information, etc. xe "water systems:facilities inventory (WFI)" \f subjectxe "water:facilities inventory" \f subjectxe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subjectxe "regulatory compliance:water systems:facilities inventory" \f subjectxe "water quality:regulations" \f subjectxe "Health, Department of:water facilities inventory" \f subjectxe "Department of Health:water facilities inventory" \f subject xe "WFI (water facilities inventory)" \f subjectxe "inventory:water facilities" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after end of calendar year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-33xe "UT55-06A-33" \f danRev. 0Water Quality Monitoring WaiversRequests submitted to the Washington State Department of Health for exceptions from the water quality monitoring requirements. May include waiver application, approval/denial from State, correspondence, etc. xe "water systems:quality" \f subjectxe "water quality" \f subjectxe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subjectxe "regulatory compliance:water systems:water quality monitoring" \f subjectxe "water quality:regulations" \f subjectxe "Health, Department of:water quality monitoring" \f subjectxe "Department of Health:water quality monitoring" \f subject xe "reports:sewer/water systems:water quality" \f subjectxe "monitoring:water quality wavers" \f subjectNote: See 40 CFR § 141-33(d).Retain for 6 years after revocation, expiration or denial of waiver thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-34xe "UT55-06A-34" \f danRev. 0Water Quality Violation NoticesRecords are notices to consumers informing them when water supply is out of compliance with drinking water regulations. Information includes description of violation, violation date, populations affected, actions consumers can take, summary of corrective action, etc. Also includes documentation of notice distribution (media, web, mail, etc.). xe "water quality:violation notices" \f subject xe "violation notices (water quality)" \f subject xe "drinking water:violation" \f subject xe "notices/notifications:drinking water violation" \f subjectNote: See WAC 246-290-480(f).Retain for 6 years after issuance of notice thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention. ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Water Quality Violation Notices" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-21xe "UT55-06A-21" \f danRev. 0Water Test ReportsTests and correspondence related to Health Department or District requirements. xe "water systems:tests (water quality)" \f subjectxe "water quality" \f subjectxe "water systems:regulatory compliance" \f subjectxe "regulatory compliance:water systems:water quality monitoring" \f subjectxe "water quality:regulations" \f subjectxe "Health, Department of:water test reports" \f subjectxe "Department of Health:water test reports" \f subject xe "reports:sewer/water systems:water tests" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-06A-23xe "UT55-06A-23" \f danRev. 0Wildlife Habitat Management Plan – Sewer and Water System Documentationxe "sewer/water systems:wildlife habitat" \f subject xe "wildlife habitat (sewer/water systems)" \f subject xe "habitat (wildlife)" \f subjectxe "plans:habitat (wildlife)" \f subjectPERMANENTARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION:Wildlife Habitat Management Plan" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRSOLID WASTE MANAGEMENTDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT50-26-02xe "UT50-26-02" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Construction Site Inspections Solid Waste ManagementInspection of construction projects to verify proper waste disposal. XE "inspections:construction sites (waste disposal)" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:construction site inspections" \f ”subject” XE "waste (solid):construction site inspections" \f ”subject”Retain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-26-04xe "UT50-26-04" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Daily Trip Status Report / Log Solid Waste ManagementDocumentation of the number of loads dumped by each hauler for the day. XE "daily:trip status (solid waste)" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:daily trip status" \f ”subject” XE "garbage (solid waste):dump loads" \f ”subject” XE “landfills/transfer stations:daily trip status" \f ”subject”Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-26-05xe "UT50-26-05" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Landfill / Transfer Station History FilesContains background information on each site such as deeds, contracts, surveys, maps, plans, rights of way and legal descriptions. XE "history files:landfill/transfer stations" \f “subject” XE "transfer stations" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:landfill/transfer stations" \f ”subject” XE "garbage (solid waste):landfill/transfer stations" \f ”subject” XE "landfills/transfer stations:history" \f ”subject” XE "maps:landfills/transfer stations" \f “subject” XE “surveys:landfills/transfer stations" \f “subject”PERMANENTNON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery) XE "SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT:Landfill/Transfer Station History Files” \f “essential” OPRUT50-26-06xe "UT50-26-06" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Landfill / Transfer Station Survey FilesMay include maps, sketches, field notes and volume calculations. XE "transfer stations" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:landfill/transfer stations" \f ”subject” XE "garbage (solid waste):landfill/transfer stations" \f ”subject” XE "landfills/transfer stations:surveys" \f ”subject” XE "maps:landfills/transfer stations" \f “subject” XE “surveys:landfills/transfer stations\f “subject”PERMANENTNON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery) XE “SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT:Landfill/Transfer Station Survey Files” \f “essential” OPRUT50-26-07xe "UT50-26-07" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Landfill Site Closure and Custodial FilesReports and monitoring data required by statute for each landfill site for which the agency is the legal custodian. XE “landfills/transfer stations:sites" \f “subject” XE "solid waste:landfill/transfer stations" \f ”subject” XE "garbage (solid waste):landfill/transfer stations" \f ”subject”PERMANENTNON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)OPR XE "SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT:Landfill Site Closure and Custodial Files” \f “essential” UT50-26-08xe "UT50-26-08" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Landfill / Transfer Station Site Testing and Monitoring RecordsTests to monitor conditions on site, including groundwater, surface water, leaching, gases, weather and fill settlement. XE "landfills/transfer stations:sites" \f “subject” XE "transfer stations" \f “subject” XE "solid waste:landfill/transfer stations" \f ”subject” XE "garbage (solid waste):landfill/transfer stations" \f ”subject”Retain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery) XE "SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT:Landfill/Transfer Station Site Testing and Monitoring Records” \f “essential” OPRUT50-26-09xe "UT50-26-09" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Outside Waste Generator Clearance DocumentationDocumentation of clearance for parties outside of the agency's jurisdiction to dispose of waste at agency landfills. XE "outside waste generators" \f “subject” XE "waste (solid):generators (outside jurisdiction)" \f “subject” XE "solid waste:outside waste generators" \f ”subject” XE "garbage (solid waste):outside waste generator" \f ”subject”Retain for 6 years after expiration thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-26-12xe "UT50-26-12" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Solid Waste Load Trip TicketsDocumentation of number and content of loads dumped by each hauler. XE "load:trip tickets (solid waste)" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:load trip tickets" \f ”subject” XE "garbage (solid waste):dump loads" \f ”subject” XE “landfills/transfer stations:load trips" \f ”subject”Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-26-11xe "UT50-26-11" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Solid Waste Receiving and Processing LogsChronological documentation of materials received and processed by solid waste facilities. XE "receiving/processing (solid waste)" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:receiving/processing" \f ”subject” XE "garbage (solid waste):receiving/processing logs" \f ”subject” XE “landfills/transfer stations:materials received" \f ”subject”Retain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-26-17xe "UT50-26-17" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Specialized Materials Containment, Storage and Disposal PermitsPermits issued to Solid Waste agencies for the containment, storage and disposal of specialized materials. XE "permits:specialized materials" \f “subject” XE "permits:solid waste" \f “subject” XE "receiving/processing (solid waste)" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:specialized materials" \f ”subject” XE “landfills/transfer stations:specialized materials" \f ”subject” XE "specialized materials (solid waste)" \f ”subject”Retain for 6 years after termination or renewal of permit thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-26-14xe "UT50-26-14" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Unacceptable Waste StatementsIssued to generators or haulers caught dumping unacceptable waste at landfills. May include warning, follow-up and penalty documentation. XE "unacceptable waste statements" \f “subject” XE "dumping (violations)" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:unacceptable" \f ”subject” XE “landfills/transfer stations:violations/unacceptable" \f ”subject” XE "waste (solid):generators/haulers" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:disposal violations" \f ”subject” XE "waste (solid):disposal violations" \f “subject” Retain for 6 years after resolution thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-26-15xe "UT50-26-15" \f ”dan” Rev. 0Waste Disposal Violation Files Solid Waste Management XE "waste (solid):disposal violations" \f “subject” XE "dumping (violations)" \f ”subject” XE "disposal/disposition:violations (waste)" \f ”subject” XE "solid waste:disposal violations" \f ”subject” XE “landfills/transfer stations:violations/unacceptable" \f ”subject” Retain for 6 years after resolution thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRSURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATIONDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT50-27-01xe "UT50-27-01" \f danRev. 0Diking and Drainage District History FilesDocumentation on the formation, location and activities in each district. xe "history files:diking/drainage districts" \f subjectxe "diking/drainage districts" \f subjectRetain until no longer needed for agency business thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention. ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Diking and Drainage District History Files" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-27-02xe "UT50-27-02" \f danRev. 0Diking and Drainage Facility Maintenance History FilesDocumentation of ongoing inspection and maintenance.xe "maintenance:diking/drainage facilities" \f subject xe "diking/drainage districts" \f subject xe "inspections:diking/draining facilities" \f subjectRetain for life of facility thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-27-03xe "UT50-27-03" \f danRev. 0Diking and Drainage Maintenance Project FilesDocumentation of requests for funding and execution of non-routine maintenance projects. xe "maintenance:diking/drainage facilities" \f subjectxe "diking/drainage districts" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after completion of project thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-27-04xe "UT50-27-04" \f danRev. 0Drainage and Water Quality Complaint and Investigation FilesComplaints filed by citizens regarding drainage and surface water quality conditions in areas of agency jurisdiction. xe "complaints: water (drainage/quality)" \f subjectxe "drainage/water quality complaints" \f subject xe "water:drainage complaints (surface)" \f subject xe "surface water drainage:quality" \f subjectxe "investigations:water drainage/quality complaint" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after resolution of complaint thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Drainage and Water Quality Complaint and Investigation Files" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-27-05xe "UT50-27-05" \f danRev. 0Drainage Basin and Watershed History FilesBackground documentation for planning and capital improvement projects as well as lawsuits. xe "history files:drainage basin/watershed" \f subjectxe "drainage basins/watersheds" \f subject xe "drainage basins/watersheds" \f subject xe "capital improvements:drainage basins/watersheds" \f subjectRetain until no longer needed for agency business thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention. ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Drainage Basin and Watershed History Files" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-27-06xe "UT50-27-06" \f danRev. 0Flood Control PlanComprehensive management plans for flood control within the agency's jurisdiction. xe "flood control/damage" \f subjectxe "comprehensive:management plans (flood control)" \f subject xe "surface water drainage:flood control/damage" \f subjectClerk of governing council, commission, or board – PERMANENT – 1 copy archivalARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Flood Control Plan" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Flood Control Plan" \f essentialOPRUT50-27-07xe "UT50-27-07" \f danRev. 0Flood Control Plan Development FilesDocumentation of the development of the agency's current flood control plan. xe "flood control/damage" \f subjectxe "surface water drainage:flood control/damage" \f subjectxe "plans:flood control" \f subjectRetain until no longer needed for agency business thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Flood Control Plan Development Files" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-27-08xe "UT50-27-08" \f danRev. 0Flood Damage Survey ReportsDocumentation of physical and monetary damage done by individual floods submitted in support of requests for federal disaster assistance aid. xe "flood control/damage" \f subjectxe "reports:surface water drainage:flood control/damage" \f subject xe "federal disaster assistance (floods)" \f subject xe "disaster assistance (federal)" \f subject xe "surveys:surface water drainage (flood damage)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Flood Damage Survey Reports" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Flood Damage Survey Reports" \f essentialOPRUT50-27-09xe "UT50-27-09" \f danRev. 0Flood FilesDocumentation of significant individual floods and flooding issues. xe "flood control/damage" \f subjectxe "surface water drainage:flood control/damage" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Flood Files" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-27-10xe "UT50-27-10" \f danRev. 0Monitoring, Test and Sample Data Surface Water, Drainage and Flood ControlSurface water, flood and drainage related data collected by the agency, including stream flow, rainfall and water samples. xe "monitoring:surface water/drainage/flood control" \f subjectxe "surface water drainage:flood control/damage" \f subject xe "stream flow (surface water drainage)" \f subjectxe "rainfall (surface water drainage)" \f subjectxe "water:samples (surface water drainage)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Monitoring, Test and Sample Data – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood Control" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-06A-24xe "UT55-06A-24" \f danRev. 0National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood Controlxe "permits:NPDES" \f subjectxe "permits:Nat’l Pollutant Discharge Elimination System" \f subjectxe "permits:surface water/drainage/flood control (NPDES)" \f subjectxe "pollution control:surface water/drainage/flood control" \f subjectxe "surface water drainage:national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES)" \f subject xe "water pollution:surface water drainage" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after expiration of permit thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention. ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood Control" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-01-57xe "UT50-01-57" \f danRev. 0Planning Reports, Studies, Models and Analysis – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood Controlxe "reports:surface water drainage:planning reports" \f subjectxe "planning:surface water/drainage/flood control" \f subjectxe "surface water drainage:planning reports/studies/models " \f subjectRetain for 5 years thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Planning Reports, Studies, Models and Analysis" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-27-12xe "UT50-27-12" \f danRev. 0River Management Project FilesDocument requests for funding and execution of river improvement projects. xe "river management (flood control)" \f subjectxe "surface water drainage:river management " \f subjectRetain for 6 years after completion of project thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:River Management Project Files" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-27-13xe "UT50-27-13" \f danRev. 0River Modeling FilesDocumentation of characteristics and conditions of individual rivers used for developing plans and projects. xe "river management (flood control)" \f subjectxe "surface water drainage:river management " \f subjectRetain until no longer needed for agency business thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:River Modeling Files" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT50-27-14xe "UT50-27-14" \f danRev. 0Surface Water Management Project Plans and Specificationsxe "river management (flood control)" \f subjectxe "surface water drainage:river management " \f subjectRetain for 6 years after completion of project thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Surface Water Management Project Plans and Specifications" \f archivalESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Surface Water Management Project Plans and Specifications" \f essentialOPRUT50-27-16xe "UT50-27-16" \f danRev. 0Water Quality Project Files – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood ControlDocumentation of planning projects for improvement of surface water quality. xe "surface water drainage:water quality projects" \f subjectxe "water quality:projects (surface water drainage)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after completion of project thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Water Quality Project Files – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood Control" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT50-27-17xe "UT50-27-17" \f danRev. 0Watershed Management Policy FilesBackground documentation for agency surface water management policy development projects. xe "surface water drainage:watershed management" \f subjectxe "watershed management (surface water)" \f subject xe "surface water drainage:policies (watersheds)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after completion of project thenTransfer to Washington State Archives for appraisal and selective retention.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATION:Watershed Management Policy Files" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOFMUTILITIES ACCOUNTINGDISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBER (DAN)DESCRIPTION OF RECORDSRETENTION ANDDISPOSITION ACTIONDESIGNATIONUT55-05B-06xe "UT55-05B-06" \f danRev. 0Customer Account Indexxe "utilities accounting:accounts" \f subjectxe "customers (utilities)" \f subjectRetain until obsolete or superseded thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05B-07xe "UT55-05B-07" \f danRev. 0Customer Credit Filesxe "utilities accounting:credit files" \f subjectxe "customers (utilities)" \f subjectRetain until obsolete or superseded thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05B-25xe "UT55-05B-25" \f danRev. 1Customer Service OrdersRecords relating to the provision of utility services and products to customers for which they will be billed. xe "customers (utilities):service orders" \f subjectxe "service orders:customer" \f subjectExcludes:Records covered by Contracts and Agreements – General (DAN GS50-01-11);Work orders related to the maintenance of agency assets covered by Maintenance – Major and/or Regulated (DAN GS2012-039) and Maintenance – Minor Non-Regulated (DAN GS2012-040).xe "utilities accounting:credit files" \f subjectxe "customers (utilities)" \f subjectRetain for 6 years after end of fiscal year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05B-11xe "UT55-05B-11" \f danRev. 0Disconnection Noticesxe "utilities accounting:disconnections" \f subjectxe "disconnection notices (utilities)" \f subjectxe "notices/notifications:disconnection" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05B-13xe "UT55-05B-13" \f danRev. 0Electric Utility AdvertisementsFile copies of advertisements for service provided by electric utilities as individual entities or as part of a larger group. xe "utilities accounting:advertisements" \f subjectxe "advertising (electric utilities)" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 3(42).Retain for 6 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05B-12xe "UT55-05B-12" \f danRev. 0Electric Utility General and Subsidiary Ledgers, Journals and IndexesLedgers, journals and indexes documenting funds and functions relating to the finances of electric utilities. xe "utilities accounting:ledgers, journals and indexes" \f subjectxe "ledgers/journals (electric utilities)" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 6(a).Retain for 10 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "UTILITIES ACCOUNTING:Electric Utility General and Subsidiary Ledgers, Journals, and Indexes" \f essentialOPRUT55-05B-28xe "UT55-05B-28" \f danRev. 0Electric Utility Plant LedgersNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 16(a). xe "utilities accounting:electric plant ledgers" \f subjectxe "plant ledgers (electric utilities)" \f subjectRetain for 25 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05B-14xe "UT55-05B-14" \f danRev. 0Federal and State Regulatory CommissionsIncludes annual financial, operating and statistical and PURPA reports. xe " PURPA (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act)" \f subject xe "utilities accounting:PURPA (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act)" \f subjectxe "utilities accounting:Federal and State Commissions" \f subjectxe "reports:PURPA (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act)" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 41.Retain for 5 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05B-15xe "UT55-05B-15" \f danRev. 0Final Closure of Account Schedulesxe "schedules:utilities accounting" \f subjectxe "utilities accounting:final closure of accounts " \f subjectxe "accounts schedules (final closure)" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05B-17xe "UT55-05B-17" \f danRev. 0Journal Vouchers and Indexes for Electric UtilitiesNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 8(a). xe "utilities accounting:electric utility journals vouchers and indexes" \f subjectxe "utilities accounting:journal vouchers/indexes " \f subjectRetain for 10 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALESSENTIAL(for Disaster Recovery)xe "UTILITIES ACCOUNTING:Journal Vouchers and Indexes for Electric Utilities" \f essentialOPRUT55-05B-20xe "UT55-05B-20" \f danRev. 0Rate and Billing System Development DocumentationService rate calculations and documentation on billing and collection systems. xe "utilities accounting:rate and billing system development" \f subjectxe "utilities accounting:service rate calculations" \f subjectxe "utilities accounting:billing" \f subjectxe "billing:systems" \f subjectxe "rates (utilities accounting)" \f subjectxe "collections:utilities accounting" \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 30.Retain for 6 years after completion of rate schedule thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05B-21xe "UT55-05B-21" \f danRev. 0Rate and Collection System Revision NoticesNotices to customers of changes in billing rates and collection policies and procedures.xe "utilities accounting:rate and collection system revision notices" \f subjectxe "utilities accounting:revision notices" \f subjectxe "utilities accounting:revision notices" \f subjectxe "billing:rate change notices" \f subjectxe "rates (utilities accounting)" \f subjectxe "service:billing (utilities)" \f subjectxe "notices/notifications:rates/collection policies" \f subjectRetain until obsolete or superseded thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05B-22xe "UT55-05B-22" \f danRev. 0Rate SchedulesOfficial proceedings and approval. xe "utilities accounting:rate schedules " \f subjectxe "schedules:rates (utilities accounting) " \f subjectxe "rate schedules:utilities accounting " \f subjectxe "customer rates (utilities accounting) " \f subjectNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 30.Clerk of governing council, commission or board – PERMANENT – 1 copy archival.ARCHIVAL(Appraisal Required)xe "UTILITIES ACCOUNTING:Rate Schedules" \f archivalNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05B-24xe "UT55-05B-24" \f danRev. 0Service Applicationsxe "utilities accounting:service applications/orders" \f subjectxe "service:applications/orders (utilities)" \f subjectRetain for 3 years thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMUT55-05B-29xe "UT55-05B-29" \f danRev. 0Utility Customer Deposit ListingNote: See 18 CFR §125.3 36. xe "utilities accounting:customer deposit listing" \f subjectxe "customers (utilities)" \f subjectxe "deposit receipts/registers (utilities)" \f subjectRetain for 3 years after termination of account thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT55-05B-18xe "UT55-05B-18" \f danRev. 1Utility Meter Readings – For BillingRecords documenting customer usage of utility products provided by the agency (electricity, water, natural gas, telecommunications, etc.), where used to substantiate billing. xe "utilities accounting:meter readings" \f subjectxe "meter readings " \f subjectxe "billing:meter readings" \f subjectRetain for 3 years after end of fiscal year thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOPRUT2012-050xe "UT2012-050" \f danRev. 0Utility Meter Readings – For Energy Planning and/or Conservation EducationRecords documenting customer usage of utility products provided by the agency (electricity, water, natural gas, telecommunications, etc.), where used for energy planning purposes or customer education, and where NOT used to substantiate billing.xe "utilities accounting:meter readings" \f subjectxe "meter readings " \f subjectxe "conservation:education" \f subjectxe "energy planning" \f subjectxe "billing:meter readings" \f subjectExcludes records covered by Utility Meter Readings – For Billing (DAN UT55-05B-18).Retain until no longer needed for agency business thenDestroy.NON-ARCHIVALNON-ESSENTIALOFMGlossary (see CORE glossary for additional items)ANIAmerican Nuclear Insurers.A joint underwriting association created by insurance companies in the United States with a purpose to pool the financial assets pledged by member companies to provide the significant amount of property and liability insurance required for nuclear power plants and related facilities throughout the world.ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute.A private not-for-profit organization with a purpose to coordinate the development of voluntary consensus standards for products, processes and systems in the United States.BALResource and Demand Balancing reliability standards.Standards issued by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation to which bulk electric systems of North America must adhere.CFRCode of Federal Regulations.The codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.CIPCritical Infrastructure Protection.Standards issued by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation to which bulk electric systems of North America must adhere.INTInterchange Scheduling and Coordination reliability standards.Standards issued by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation to which bulk electric systems of North America must adhere.IROInterconnection Reliability Operations and Coordination reliability standards.Standards issued by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation to which bulk electric systems of North America must adhere.Lifetime Quality Assurance Records (as defined in ANSI N45.2.9 – 1974, Section 2.2.1)2.2.1 Lifetime Quality Assurance Records. Lifetime records are those which meet one or more of the following criteria:Those which would be of significant value in demonstrating capability for safe operation.Those which would be of significant value in maintaining, reworking, repairing, replacing, or modifying the item.Those which would be of significant value in determining the cause of an accident or malfunction of an item.Those which provide required baseline data for inservice inspection. Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records (as defined in ANSI N45.2.9 – 1974, Section 2.2.2)2.2.2 Nonpermanent Quality Assurance Records. Nonpermanent Records are those which meet all of the following criteria:Those of no significant value in demonstrating capability for safe operation.Those of no significant value in maintaining, reworking, repairing, replacing, or modifying the item.Those of no significant value in determining the cause of an accident or malfunction of an item.Those which do not provide baseline data for inservice inspection.U.S.NRCUnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.An independent agency of the United States government with a purpose to regulate commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials, such as in nuclear medicine, through licensing, inspection, and enforcement of its requirements.INDEXESARCHIVAL / PERMANENT RECORDS INDEX INDEX \f "ARCHIVAL" \e "" \c "2" \z "1033" \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT AGENCY MANAGEMENTPlanning, Mission, and CharterForecasts – Electric Utilities4ReportingCorrective Action Reports – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)5Electric Power Reports Required by Regulatory Agencies7Reportable Occurrence Records – Nuclear Power Plants7TrainingAgency-Provided Training – Licensed Nuclear Operator Qualification Data8Agency-Provided Training – Nuclear Plant Staff (Accredited)8Agency-Provided Training – Radiological9ASSET MANAGEMENTDesign and ConstructionConstruction Cost Analysis Studies – Electric Power Systems11Nuclear Plant Construction and Pre-Operational Phase12Environmental ManagementRadiological/Contamination Monitoring15MaintenanceNuclear Facilities Maintenance – Safety Related16SecuritySecurity Monitoring (Nuclear Facilities) – Incident18HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTOccupational Health and SafetyEmployee Assignment History – Radiological20IRRIGATION UTILITIESLand Owner Water Quality Violation21Land Use History Files21Water Diversion Reports21Water Quality Monitoring Data22Water Use Reports22POWER DISTRIBUTIONLightning and Storm Data25POWER GENERATIONFish Count Reports30Nuclear Operations – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)31Pollution Reports/Studies32Technical Data Files33Temperature Logs33Water/River Flow Reports34SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATIONChemical Analysis Reports – Regulatory Compliance36History Files – Sewage Treatment Plants38Industrial Waste Permits38Manhole Records39Maps and Geographic Data39Operations and Maintenance Manuals40Operators Log – Sewage Treatment Plants40Pollution and Pollution Control Studies40Pollution Control Inspection Reports41Water and Sewer System Comprehensive Plans42Water Quality Violation Notices43Wildlife Habitat Management Plan43SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATIONDiking and Drainage District History Files47Drainage and Water Quality Complaint and Investigation Files47Drainage Basin and Watershed History Files48Flood Control Plan48Flood Control Plan Development Files48Flood Damage Survey Reports48Flood Files49Monitoring, Test and Sample Data – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood Control49National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood Control49Planning Reports, Studies, Models and Analysis49River Management Project Files50River Modeling Files50Surface Water Management Project Plans and Specifications50Water Quality Project Files – Surface Water, Drainage and Flood Control51Watershed Management Policy Files51UTILITIES ACCOUNTINGRate Schedules54ESSENTIAL RECORDS INDEX INDEX \f "ESSENTIAL" \e "" \c "2" \z "1033" \* MERGEFORMAT AGENCY MANAGEMENTReportingCorrective Action Reports – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)5TrainingAgency-Provided Training – Licensed Nuclear Operator Qualification Data8Agency-Provided Training – Nuclear Plant Staff (Accredited)8Agency-Provided Training – Radiological9ASSET MANAGEMENTDesign and ConstructionNuclear Plant Construction and Pre-Operational Phase12Environmental ManagementRadiological/Contamination Monitoring15MaintenanceNuclear Facilities Maintenance – Safety Related16SecuritySecurity Monitoring (Nuclear Facilities) – Incident18IRRIGATION UTILITIESLand Use History Files21POWER DISTRIBUTIONLightning and Storm Data25Pole List26Power Demand Charts27Transformer History Data – Non-PCB27Transformer History Data – PCB27Underground Line Files Power Distribution System28POWER GENERATIONNuclear Operations – Quality Assurance Records (Lifetime)31Pollution Reports/Studies32Temperature Logs33Water/River Flow Reports34SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM DOCUMENTATIONGrinder Pump Maintenance and Location Records38History Files Sewage Treatment Plants38Hydrant Records38Industrial Waste Permits38Manhole Records39Maps and Geographic Data39Meter Records40Operations and Maintenance Manuals40Operators Log Sewage Treatment Plants40Pipe Records40Valve Records42SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENTLandfill Site Closure and Custodial Files44Landfill/Transfer Station History Files44Landfill/Transfer Station Site Testing and Monitoring Records44Landfill/Transfer Station Survey Files44SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE DOCUMENTATIONFlood Control Plan48Flood Damage Survey Reports48Surface Water Management Project Plans and Specifications50UTILITIES ACCOUNTINGElectric Utility General and Subsidiary Ledgers, Journals, and Indexes53Journal Vouchers and Indexes for Electric Utilities53DISPOSITION AUTHORITY NUMBERS (DAN’S) INDEX INDEX \f "dan" \e "" \c "4" \z "1033" UT2010-08814UT2010-08923UT2010-09025UT2010-09129UT2012-0015UT2012-0026UT2012-0037UT2012-0048UT2012-0058UT2012-0069UT2012-00712UT2012-00815UT2012-00916UT2012-01018UT2012-01119UT2012-01220UT2012-01331UT2012-01432UT2012-05055UT2019-00117UT50-01-5749UT50-06B-2813UT50-26-0244UT50-26-0444UT50-26-0544UT50-26-0644UT50-26-0744UT50-26-0844UT50-26-0945UT50-26-1145UT50-26-1245UT50-26-1445UT50-26-1546UT50-26-1745UT50-27-0147UT50-27-0247UT50-27-0347UT50-27-0447UT50-27-0548UT50-27-0648UT50-27-0748UT50-27-0848UT50-27-0949UT50-27-1049UT50-27-1250UT50-27-1350UT50-27-1450UT50-27-1651UT50-27-1751UT50-32-0121UT50-32-0321UT50-32-0421UT50-32-0510UT50-32-0621UT50-32-0722UT50-32-0822UT55-05B-0652UT55-05B-0752UT55-05B-1152UT55-05B-1253UT55-05B-1353UT55-05B-1453UT55-05B-1553UT55-05B-1753UT55-05B-1855UT55-05B-2054UT55-05B-2154UT55-05B-2254UT55-05B-2454UT55-05B-2552UT55-05B-2853UT55-05B-2954UT55-05D-0129UT55-05D-0229UT55-05D-0330UT55-05D-0430UT55-05D-0530UT55-05D-0630UT55-05D-0730UT55-05D-0830UT55-05D-0931UT55-05D-1131UT55-05D-1232UT55-05D-1333UT55-05D-1433UT55-05D-1633UT55-05D-1733UT55-05D-1834UT55-05D-1934UT55-05D-204UT55-05D-217UT55-05E-0123UT55-05E-0224UT55-05E-0324UT55-05E-0424UT55-05E-0525UT55-05E-0625UT55-05E-0726UT55-05E-0826UT55-05E-0926UT55-05E-1026UT55-05E-1126UT55-05E-1226UT55-05E-1327UT55-05E-1423UT55-05E-1727UT55-05E-1827UT55-05E-2027UT55-05E-2128UT55-05E-2328UT55-05E-2428UT55-05E-2523UT55-05E-2628UT55-05E-2729UT55-05E-2833UT55-05E-2927UT55-05G-0111UT55-05G-0211UT55-05G-0311UT55-05G-0512UT55-05G-0612UT55-05G-0723UT55-06A-0135UT55-06A-0235UT55-06A-0335UT55-06A-0437UT55-06A-0537UT55-06A-0637UT55-06A-0737UT55-06A-0838UT55-06A-0938UT55-06A-1038UT55-06A-1139UT55-06A-1240UT55-06A-1340UT55-06A-1440UT55-06A-1541UT55-06A-1641UT55-06A-1738UT55-06A-1839UT55-06A-1941UT55-06A-2042UT55-06A-2143UT55-06A-2242UT55-06A-2343UT55-06A-2449UT55-06A-2536UT55-06A-2642UT55-06A-2736UT55-06A-2836UT55-06A-2939UT55-06A-3039UT55-06A-3141UT55-06A-3243UT55-06A-3343UT55-06A-3443UT55-06A-3536UT55-06A-3642UT55-06B-0135UT55-06B-0236UT55-06B-0337UT55-06B-0437UT55-06B-0539UT55-06B-0640UT55-06B-0738UT55-06B-0840UT55-06B-1042UT55-06B-1142UT55-06B-1241SUBJECT INDEXNote: The use in this index of CORE refers to the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule. INDEX \f "subject" \e "" \c "3" \h "A" \z "1033" Aaccess (security)see also COREnuclear facility access denials17accountingsee utilities accounting, see also COREaccounts schedules (final closure)53advertising (electric utilities)53air quality/pollutionelectric facilities32sewer/water facilities41sewer/water system facilities40ANI Information Bulletin 15-019, 15, 20ANSI N45.2.95, 6, 20, 31, 32apparatus failure report (power distribution)23asset managementsee COREautomatic generation control29Bbackflow (water systems)35benefits (human resources)see COREbillingsee also COREmeter readings55rate change notices54systems54boards/councils/committeessee COREboiler tube failure report (power generation)29Ccall before you dig (line location requests)10capacity (sewage treatment plants)35capital improvementsdrainage basins/watersheds48chemical analysis (water systems)36coal logs (power generation)29collectionssee COREutilities accounting54community relationssee COREcomplaintswater (drainage/quality)47comprehensivemanagement plans (flood control)48sewer/water systems plans42conservationeducation55rebatessee COREconstructionsee COREelectric power system11, 13sewer/water systems41utility plant12contamination (radiation)15contamination (water systems)35contractssee COREutility plant construction12corrective action reports (nuclear)5, 6cost analysis (construction)11critical cyber assets14cross-connection control (water systems)36customer rates (utilities accounting)54customers (utilities)52, 54service orders52cyber security14Ddailytrip status (solid waste)44dam safety compliance (FERC)29defective side sewers36Department of Ecologydischarge monitoring reports (sewage)36laboratory performance (sewage)39Department of Healthcross-connection control (water utilities)36water facilities inventory43water quality monitoring43water test reports43deposit receipts/registers (utilities)54design/constructionsee COREutilities11diking/drainage districts47disaster assistance (federal)48disconnection notices (utilities)52disposal/dispositionviolations (waste)46drainage basins/watersheds48drainage/water quality complaints47drinking waterfluoride37violation43dumping (violations)45, 46EEcology, Department ofdischarge monitoring reports (sewage)36sewage treatment plants39ECU (equivalent customer unit)37electric grid25electronic information systemssee COREcritical cyber assets14emergency (water/sewer)42employeestraining (radiation protection)9work assignments/history (radiation)20energy planning55equipment logs (power generation)30executive communicationssee COREexpenditure requisition (electric power)11Ffacilities/property managementsee also COREinspection/maintenance (power distribution)23retirementpower distribution24sewer/water systems37security (nuclear facility access denials)17Federal (agencies)Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)29federal disaster assistance (floods)48Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)7, 33financialsee COREfinancial disputes (billing)see COREfish count reports (power generation)30fleet/motor poolsee COREflood control/damage48, 49flow records (water/sewer systems)37forecasts (electric power)4foreclosure (irrigation utilities)21fuel program (nuclear utilities)31Ggarbage (solid waste)dump loads44, 45landfill/transfer stations44outside waste generator45receiving/processing logs45gauge reading reports (power generation)30generation/output logs (power generation)30geographic data (sewer/water systems)39glossary of termssee COREgoverning bodiessee COREgrinder pumps (sewer systems)38groundwater permits41Hhabitat (wildlife)43Health, Department ofcross-connection control (water utilities)36water facilities inventory43water quality monitoring43water test reports43high/low-tension generating loads (power generation)30history filesdiking/drainage districts47drainage basin/watershed48land use (irrigation utilities)21landfill/transfer stations44sewage treatment plants38street lights (power distribution)27turbine (power distribution)28hookup (water/sewer)42human resourcessee COREhydrants (water systems)38hydro-electric operations logs/reports30Iinspectionsbackflow preventer35construction sites (waste disposal)44diking/draining facilities47line25pollution control41sewer and water systems38street opening27substation23transformer28water systems35instructor materials (radiation training)9insulator tests (power distribution)24interchange (electric grid)29interchange transactions/reliability coordination25inventoriessee COREinventorybackflow preventer35water facilities43investigationselectricity diversion23water drainage/quality complaint47IP addressessee also COREcritical cyber assets14irrigation utilitiesforeclosure21land use history21landowner water quality violation21water diversion reports21water quality monitoring22water right contracts21water use22ISFSI technical standards31, 32Jjetting/vactoring (sewer systems)41Lland usehistory (irrigation utilities)21landfills/transfer stationsdaily trip status44history44load trips45materials received45sites44specialized materials45surveys44violations/unacceptable45, 46landownersdefective side sewers36water quality violation21lead/copper (water systems)39ledgers/journals (electric utilities)53legal (advice, litigation, legal affairs)see CORElifetime quality assurance recordscorrection action reports5nuclear operations31lightning/storm data (power distribution)25limnology reports (water systems)39lineinspection reports (power distribution)25location requests10trouble reports (power distribution)26loadcurves (power generation)31trip tickets (solid waste)45location requests (utility lines)10Mmail/deliverysee COREmaintenancesee COREdiking/drainage facilities47grinder pumps (sewer systems)38hydrants38hydroelectric equipment/facilities31sewage treatment plants40, 42valves (sewer/water systems)42manholes (sewer/water systems)39mapsgeographic (sewer/water systems)39landfills/transfer stations44meetingssee COREmeter readings55metershistory data (power distribution)26power distribution23, 26water systems40minutessee COREmitigation plans (electric power)7monitoringdischarge (sewage)36interchange (power distribution)25radiation15sewer/water systems38surface water/drainage/flood control49water quality22water quality wavers43Nnetworkssee also COREcritical cyber assets14non-compliance (electric power)7nonpermanent quality assurance recordscorrection action reports6nuclear operations31, 32North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)7notices/notificationsdefective sewers36disconnection52drinking water violation43rates/collection policies54nuclear utilitiescorrective action reports5, 6operations (quality assurance)31, 32security (nuclear facility access denials)17Ooperationslogs/reportshydro-power distribution30power distribution26maintenance (sewage treatment plants)40, 42operators log (sewage treatment plant)40outage coordination (electric grid)25outage logs (power distribution)26outside waste generators45Ppasswordssee also COREcritical cyber assets14payrollsee COREpermitselectrical work (hard cards)23groundwater41industrial waste38land use (irrigation utilities)21Nat’l Pollutant Discharge Elimination System49NPDES49sewage treatment plants38solid waste45specialized materials45state and federal (sewage treatment)38surface water41surface water/drainage/flood control (NPDES)49water rights21pipes (sewer/water systems)40planningsurface water/drainage/flood control49planssee also COREflood control48habitat (wildlife)43plant construction12plant ledgers (electric utilities)53pole list (power distribution)26pollution control40, 41reports/studies (power generation)32sewer/water systems40surface water/drainage/flood control49Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)27power demand charts (power distribution)27power distributiondemand charts27electricity diversion investigations23facility retirement24insulator tests24interchange/electric grid25lightning/storm data25meter history data26outage logs26pole list26Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)27reportsapparatus failure23facility inspection/maintenance23line inspection reports25line trouble26meter shop26operations26street opening inspection/repair27transformer inspections28street lights27transformer history27turbines28underground lines28voltage charts28work permits (hard cards)23power generation29coal logs29constructioncost analysis11expenditure requisition/authorization11forecasts4project files11utility plant contracts12work in progress12work orders13dam safety compliance29equipment logs30expenditure requisition/authorization11forecasts4generation/output logs30high/low-tension generating load30load curves31pollution reports/studies32recording instrument charts33reportsboiler tube failure29dam safety29fish count30gauge reading30hydro-electric operations30maintenance (hydroelectric)31spill gate data33station/system generation33technical data33waterelectric utilities34work in progress12station/system generation reports33temperature logs33water logs34power load forecasts (electricity)4project fileswater systems41property managementsee COREpublic disclosuresee COREPURPA (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act)53Qquality assurance (nuclear)lifetimecorrection action reports5nuclear operations31nonpermanentcorrection action reports6nuclear operations31, 32Rradiationcontamination monitoring15dose/work orders20protection training9rainfall (surface water drainage)49rate schedulesutilities accounting54rates (utilities accounting)54rebatessee COREreceiving/processing (solid waste)45recording instrument charts (power generation)33records managementsee COREregulatory compliancesewage treatment plants36, 38, 39water systemschemical analysis36cross-connection control36facilities inventory43lead/copper39sanitary surveys41water quality monitoring43regulatory reports7reportsdischarge monitoring (sewage)36power distributionapparatus failure23facility inspection/maintenance23line inspection25line trouble26meter shop26operations26street opening inspections/repairs27transformer inspections28power generationboiler tube failure29Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)29, 33fish count30gauge reading30hydroelectric maintenance31hydro-electric operations30pollution reports/studies32station/system generation33technical data (power generation)33water/river flow34weather/geology/hydrology/topography33work in progress12PURPA (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act)53regulatory (FERC/NERC/WECC7sewage treatment plantsflow reports (sewage)37sewer treatment plantsequivalent customer unit(ECU)37sewer/water systemsemergency incidents42inspection/monitoring38pollution control40, 41sewage treatment plants42water quality43water tests43surface water drainageflood control/damage48planning reports49water (irrigation utilities)21, 22water systemschemical analysis36cross-connection control36fluoride37inspection/monitoring38limnology39reservoir water quality39respirator fit tests9river management (flood control)50Ssafety training (radiation protection)9sanitary surveys (water systems)41schedulesE-tag25rates (utilities accounting)54utilities accounting53securitysee also COREcritical cyber assets14nuclear facility access denials17self certification (electric power)7self reports (electric power)7serviceapplications/orders (utilities)54billing (utilities)54service orderscontracts/agreementssee COREcustomer52work orderssee COREsewage treatment plants38capacity35customers37history files (sewage treatment plants)38industrial waste38laboratory evaluations39monitoring36, 38operations/maintenance40operators log40sewage systems38vibration analysis42water consumption42sewer systemschlorine38comprehensive plans42defective side sewers36emergency incidents42facility retirement37facility retirements37flow reports37grinder pumps38hookup42industrial waste38jetting/vactoring41line cleaning41manholes39maps/geographic data39pipes40pollution control40, 41project files41sewer/water systemsmanholes39pipes40wildlife habitat43solid wasteconstruction site inspections44daily trip status44disposal violations45, 46landfill/transfer stations44load trip tickets45outside waste generators45receiving/processing45specialized materials45unacceptable45specialized materials (solid waste)45spillway operation data (FERC)33staff recordssee COREstream flow (surface water drainage)49streets (lights/power distribution)27substation inspections (power distribution)23surface water drainageflood control/damage48, 49national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES)49permits41planning reports/studies/models49policies (watersheds)51quality47river management50water quality projects51watershed management51surveillance (nuclear utilities)31, 32surveyslandfills/transfer stations44surface water drainage (flood damage)48water systemslead/copper39sanitary41systems monitoring (electric grid)25Ttechnical data (power generation)33temperature logs (power generation)33training (radiation protection)9transfer stations44transformers (power distribution)27, 28turbines (power distribution)28Uunacceptable waste statements45underground lines (power distribution)28user accountssee also COREcritical cyber assets14utilities accountingsee also COREaccounts52advertisements53billing54credit files52customer deposit listing54disconnections52electric plant ledgers53electric utility journals vouchers and indexes53Federal and State Commissions53final closure of accounts53journal vouchers/indexes53ledgers, journals and indexes53meter readings55PURPA (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act)53rate and billing system development54rate and collection system revision notices54rate schedules54revision notices54service applications/orders54service rate calculations54Vvalves (sewer/water systems)42violation notices (water quality)43voltage charts (power distribution)28Wwaste (solid)construction site inspections44disposal violations45, 46generators (outside jurisdiction)45generators/haulers45waste accumulation (power generation)32waterconsumption reports (sewage treatment plants)42diversion reports (irrigation utilities)21drainage complaints (surface)47facilities inventory43hydrants38logs (power generation)34meters40samples (surface water drainage)49use (irrigation utilities)22water pollutionelectric facilities32sewer/water facilities40, 41surface water drainage49water quality43backflow35fluoride37inspection/monitoring38lead/copper39limnology reports39monitoring (irrigation utilities)22projects (surface water drainage)51regulations36, 43reservoirs39sanitary surveys41violation (irrigation utilities)21violation notices43water systems38backflow incidents35backflow preventers35chemical analysis36chlorine38comprehensive plans42cross-connection control36emergency incidents42facilities inventory (WFI)43facility retirements37flow records37fluoride37hookup42hydrants38lead/copper39limnology reports39manholes39maps/geographic data39meters40pipes40pollution control40, 41project files41quality43regulatory compliance36, 39, 41, 43sanitary surveys41surface water/groundwater41tests (water quality)43valve maintenance/history42water/river flow (power generation)34watershed management (surface water)51weatherization (conservation rebates)see COREWestern Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)7WFI (water facilities inventory)43wildlife habitat (sewer/water systems)43workin progress ledgers/reports (electric power)12permits/hard cards (power distribution)23work orderssee also COREpower generation system construction13radiation20 ................

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