Holiday Letter Writing Project: For Our Sailors and Soldiers

Holiday Letter Writing Project: For Our Sailors and Soldiers

(Here are some guidelines that you can use to help focus the kids when writing these letters.)

Letter to a Sailor or Soldier


The holidays are quickly approaching. Wouldn’t it be nice to send a letter to a sailor or soldier overseas? It would give them a touch of home and let them know that they are not forgotten. Regardless of how you feel about politics, these men and women have stepped up and answered a very difficult call. Many of our soldiers are away from home and don’t get to communicate often with their friends and families

Your assignment is to write a letter to a sailor or soldier.

What this assignment is NOT:

• It is not a formal letter.

• It is not pressure for you to believe one way or another about war or politics.

• It is not part of a secret plot to get you to join any branch of the military.

What this assignment is:

• It is a way for a soldier to get a connection to home.

• It is a way for you to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

• It is a way for you to feel more of a connection to anywhere outside of your own limitations.


• Please keep your letter light- you should not share your beliefs about the war or politics in general.

• Keep your letter to one page, double spaced, and size 12 font.

• Edit your letter.

• You can let them know about your life (a bit) but please do not give out very personal details.

• When you sign your letter, please only sign your first name. Do not put your last name or any manner in which you can be contacted.

Remember, the purpose of this letter is to remind these sailors and soldiers that we haven’t forgotten them and we appreciate what they are sacrificing.

Thank you for trying to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

Happy Holidays!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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