Vowel / Consonant Color: Write your spelling words using ...

|Vowel / Consonant Color: Write |Fabulous Foil: Using markers |Spelling Scrabble: Using |Guess Who: Using circle clasps |Alphabet Fun: Write your |

|your spelling words using two |and aluminum foil, write your |scrabble letters, arrange your |and index cards, give a clue |spelling words in alphabetical |

|different colors. All |spelling words on the foil 3 |words and add up the point |for each word on the front of |order. |

|consonants should be written in|times each. |totals to show how much each |your index card. On the back of| |

|one color, while all vowels | |word is worth. |the card, write the spelling | |

|should be written in another | | |word you are referring to. | |

|color. | | |(Example, You look out of me to| |

| | | |see outside. Spelling word… | |

| | | |Window) | |

|Word Sort: Using construction |Rhyme Right: Write a rhyming |PowerPoint: Using your spelling|Parts of Speech: Sort your |Cartoon Creator: Create a |

|paper slips, sort your words |word for each of your spelling |words, make a PowerPoint where |words into the part of speech |cartoon using your spelling |

|according to similar spelling |words. |each slide displays a creative |they are (verbs, nouns, |words. As characters talk to |

|patterns. You decide how to | |sentence using a single word. |adjectives, adverbs) |one another, or you tell what |

|sort them (Example, all words | |Each spelling word, must have | |is happening, underline all of |

|that end in “s” are pink, all | |its own slide and a sentence. | |your spelling words. |

|words that end in “es” are | |You may use graphics! Be as | | |

|blue). Label how you sorted | |creative as you wish! | | |

|your words. | | | | |

|Stamp it!: Use stamp pads and |Partner Pair: Pair up with a |Creative Writing: Using your |Silly Synonyms: Using your |Picture This: Draw a picture |

|letters to stamp your spelling |student and give each other a |spelling words, write an |spelling words, find a synonym |about coming back to school. |

|words. |practice spelling test. |entertaining, creative story. |(word that means the same, or |Write your spelling words |

| | |Make sure to underline all of |has a similar meaning to your |within your picture. See if a |

| | |your words. |spelling word) that you can |friend can find them! |

| | | |pair with each word. (You can | |

| | | |use a thesaurus to help you!) | |

|Share It: With a partner, help |Amazing Antonyms: Find an |Word Search: Create a word |Play Practice: Write a play |Word Web: Put each word in the |

|each other write each spelling |antonym (word that means the |search using all of your |using all of your spelling |middle of the web and follow |

|word by alternating who writes |opposite) for each of your |spelling words on grid paper. |words. Be sure to underline |the prompts to fill out a |

|the letters. For example, you |spelling words. |Highlight your words within the|your words and use a lot of |graphic organizer about each of|

|are spelling the word “shop.” | |puzzle you made. |dialogue between characters. |your spelling words. |

|Partner A writes “S”, partner B| | | | |

|writes “h”, partner A writes | | | | |

|“o”, partner B writes “p.” | | | | |

|Dictionary Dive: Look up your |Syllable Clap: After writing |Stencil It: Using stencils, |Type it!: On Microsoft word, |Worksheet Corner: |

|spelling words in the |all of your spelling words, |trace your spelling words. |type your spelling words three |Complete a worksheet, provided |

|dictionary and provide the |write down how many syllables | |times each. |by your teacher, using your |

|definition for each word. |are in each word. | | |spelling words. |

Spelling Tic-tac-toe!

Name:____________ Due Date:__________

Directions: Using your spelling list, complete five activities that connect to one another. You can go across, down, or diagonal, just like tic-tac-toe! Remember, you need to use all of your spelling words for each activity!

Vowel Consonant Color


I will write my spelling words using two colors.

I will write all of my vowels in _____________ (color).

I will write all of my consonants in _____________ (color).

1)_____________________ 11)___________________

2)_____________________ 12)___________________

3)_____________________ 13)___________________

4)_____________________ 14)___________________

5)_____________________ 15)___________________

6)_____________________ 16)___________________

7)_____________________ 17)___________________

8)_____________________ 18)___________________

9)_____________________ 19)___________________

10)____________________ 20)___________________

Fabulous Foil


Directions: Write your words on foil using the markers Ms.Veach provides for you. You need to write them three times and stable your work to this paper.

Fabulous Foil


Directions: Write your words on foil using the markers Ms.Veach provides for you. You need to write them three times and stable your work to this paper.

Fabulous Foil


Directions: Write your words on foil using the markers Ms.Veach provides for you. You need to write them three times and stable your work to this paper.

Spelling Scrabble


Directions: Use the scrabble tiles to show how many points each of your spelling words is worth. You need to write the letters and the point number in each box and then add up the total number of points at the end of the word. You will need two sheets to complete this activity. Please stable them together.

= ___ points

= ___ points

= ___ points

= ___ points

= ___ points

= ___ points

= ___ points

= ___ points

= ___ points

= ___ points

Alphabet Fun!


Directions: Use the alphabet to write your words in alphabetical order.

A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o

p q r s t u v w x y z

1)_____________________ 11)___________________

2)_____________________ 12)___________________

3)_____________________ 13)___________________

4)_____________________ 14)___________________

5)_____________________ 15)___________________

6)_____________________ 16)___________________

7)_____________________ 17)___________________

8)_____________________ 18)___________________

9)_____________________ 19)___________________

10)____________________ 20)___________________

Rhyme Right!


Directions: Write each spelling word in the left hand column. Across from each spelling word write a word that rhymes.

|Spelling Word |Rhyming Word |

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Cartoon Creator

Name: _____________

Directions: Create your own entertaining cartoon. As characters talk to one another, or you tell what is happening, underline your spelling words.

Stamp It!


Directions: Stamp your spelling words!

1)_____________________ 11)___________________

2)_____________________ 12)___________________

3)_____________________ 13)___________________

4)_____________________ 14)___________________

5)_____________________ 15)___________________

6)_____________________ 16)___________________

7)_____________________ 17)___________________

8)_____________________ 18)___________________

9)_____________________ 19)___________________

10)____________________ 20)___________________

Partner Pair!

Your Name:______________ Your Partner’s Name:________________

Directions: Take time practicing and then give each other a practice spelling tests using your word list. Make sure you check your work when finished.

1)_____________________ 11)___________________

2)_____________________ 12)___________________

3)_____________________ 13)___________________

4)_____________________ 14)___________________

5)_____________________ 15)___________________

6)_____________________ 16)___________________

7)_____________________ 17)___________________

8)_____________________ 18)___________________

9)_____________________ 19)___________________

10)____________________ 20)___________________

Creative Writing


Directions: Using your spelling words, write an entertaining, creative story. Make sure to underline all of your words.


Parts of Speech


Directions: Sort your words into the parts of speech they belong to.

|Nouns |Verbs |Adjectives |Adverbs |

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Stencil It!


Directions: Using stencils, trace your spelling words.

1.___________________ 11.__________________

2.___________________ 12.__________________

3.___________________ 13.__________________

4.___________________ 14.__________________

5.___________________ 15.__________________

6.___________________ 16.__________________

7.___________________ 17.__________________

8.___________________ 18.__________________

9.___________________ 19.__________________

10.__________________ 20.__________________

*Silly Synonyms*


Directions: Using your spelling words, find a synonym (word that means the same, or has a similar meaning to your spelling word) that you can pair with each word. (You can use a thesaurus to help you!)

|Spelling Word |Synonym |

|1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|4. | |

|5. | |

|6. | |

|7. | |

|8. | |

|9. | |

|10. | |

|11. | |

|12. | |

|13. | |

|14. | |

|15. | |

|16. | |

|17. | |

|18. | |

|19. | |

|20. | |

Share It!


Directions: With a partner, help each other write each spelling word by alternating who writes the letters. For example, you are spelling the word “shop.” Partner A writes “S”, partner B writes “h”, partner A writes “o”, partner B writes “p.”

1.___________________ 11.__________________

2.___________________ 12.__________________

3.___________________ 13.__________________

4.___________________ 14.__________________

5.___________________ 15.__________________

6.___________________ 16.__________________

7.___________________ 17.__________________

8.___________________ 18.__________________

9.___________________ 19.__________________

10.__________________ 20.__________________

*Amazing Antonyms*


Directions: Find an antonym (word that means the opposite) for each of your spelling words.

|Spelling Word |Antonym |

|1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|4. | |

|5. | |

|6. | |

|7. | |

|8. | |

|9. | |

|10. | |

|11. | |

|12. | |

|13. | |

|14. | |

|15. | |

|16. | |

|17. | |

|18. | |

|19. | |

|20. | |

Word Search


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Play Practice


Directions: Write a play using all of your spelling words. Be sure to underline your words and use a lot of dialogue between characters.

List the characters, setting, and plot:




Character Dialogue















Syllable Clap


Directions: After writing all of your spelling words, write down how many syllables are in each word.

|Spelling Word |Number of Syllables |

|1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|4. | |

|5. | |

|6. | |

|7. | |

|8. | |

|9. | |

|10. | |

|11. | |

|12. | |

|13. | |

|14. | |

|15. | |

|16. | |

|17. | |

|18. | |

|19. | |

|20. | |

Word Web


Directions: Put each word in the middle of the web and follow the prompts to fill out a graphic organizer about each of your spelling words.





Used in a sentence

Part of Speech

Spelling Word

Used in a sentence

Part of Speech

Spelling Word

Used in a sentence

Part of Speech

Spelling Word


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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