Lev Vygotsky – Social Cultural TheoryLev Vygotsky was born Lev Semyonovich Vygodsky but he changed his name to Vygotsky in the 1920’s. Vygotsky was born November 17th 1896. He attended Moscow State University. “His most significant work was written during a 10 year period. A member of the former Soviet Union, his work was suppressed by the Soviet Union government for a long time and was not translated into English until the early 1960s. He was most known for his theory on social cultural development of children. He died at age 38 in 1934 of tuberculosis. Vygotsky stance on children development he believes 1. Children construct their own knowledge through action and 2. He puts greater emphasis on outside influences like, language, social interaction, and the larger society. Vygotsky believes that developmental outcomes are continuous because the learning that takes place is through proximal development. In the zone of proximal development a child can try to solve a problem that is slightly above their level and need help. Adults then help scaffold to get the child to complete understanding independently. Thus meaning the child will build on its knowledge from before as well as learn new concepts that they may still need help with. Vygotsky believes that environment plays a major role in a child’s development. A child constructs their knowledge by social interaction, language, and through scaffolding.Vygotsky believes that children play a role in shaping their development. They are more active then passive as they learn to construct their knowledge through the people and things around them. Vygotsky believes that different domains are connected because he believes in engaging with a child through action. He also believes that language and thinking are connected with the cognitive domain. Social interaction as a child constructs their knowledge connects the emotional and social aspects of the different domains. Vygotsky is so important to early childhood education because he is one of the few theorists that “appreciate the influence of culture on development”(Towick-smith pg.55) He introduces the first ideas of zone of proximal development which is basically transaction between adults and children influence one another. He believes thinking and learning are influenced by social interaction, language, and culture.Tiffany Brown2-29-12ECE 214Mon/Wed (12:30-1:45)Dr. BaiyeeReferences:Trawick-Smith, Jeffery: Early Childhood Development: AMulticultural Perspective 5th edition. Eastern Connecticut State University 2010 Chapter 3 pgs. 51-55Gallagher, Christina: Lev Semenovich Vygotsky; 1999 ................

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