'career level guide project managers.doc'

|Criteria |Definition |Competency Level I |Competency Level II |Competency Level II |

| | |Developing Project Manager |Seasoned Project Manager |Career Project Manager |

|Summary |Brief explanation of the essence of |Directs the activities of assigned |Directly responsible for the management |An expert in most aspects of |

| |the job |construction projects, typically smaller in|of assigned construction projects |construction management |

| | |scope and scale |Makes independent contributions to |Oversees engineering and |

| | | |projects based on professional training |architectural services by directing,|

| | | |or functional experience |managing, planning and implementing |

| | | | |new construction and renovation |

| | | | |projects |

|“Short Test” |Key job characteristics that |Degreed/certified in profession or |Works independently on whole |Recognized mentor and technically |

|for Classification |significantly differentiate one level |equivalent level of knowledge |projects/problems |credible role model to junior staff |

| |from another |Shows ability to learn |Contributes effectively to the collective|Lead resource for dealing with |

| | |Works independently on smaller less complex|team effort (e.g., offers ideas, |challenging technical issues |

| | |projects |solutions, resources) |Directly responsible for the |

| | |Works on assigned projects | |administrative and fiscal control of|

| | | | |several functions |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Basis for Progress Through This |Requisite capabilities that must be |Demonstrates increasing independence and |Demonstrates increased professional |Demonstrates ability to lead and |

|Level |demonstrated consistently before |decreasing need for work direction |capabilities |oversee highly complex and high |

| |advancement can be considered |Succeeds in an ever widening range of |Successfully manages increasingly more |profile projects |

| | |projects |complex projects that require seasoned |Demonstrates expert professional |

| | | |technical skills |capabilities and project leadership |

| | | |Develops and completes projects/programs |Possesses a compelling “track |

| | | |in a timely manner and with in budget |record” of successful , highly |

| | | | |complex high profile assignments, |

| | | | |accomplished with independence and |

| | | | |creativity |

| | | | |Effectively provides formal |

| | | | |technical and/or functional |

| | | | |direction to other professionals |

| |Characteristics that describe the |Possesses fundamental knowledge of project|Possesses a proficient knowledge of |Possesses an expert and broad |

|Knowledge/ |nature of the knowledge and experience|management |project management |knowledge of project management |

|Experience |required to perform the job |Demonstrates entry level experience in |Uses professional judgement to assist |Applies expertise to assist with the|

| |successfully |project management and working with others |with the management of projects or |management of highly complex/high |

| | |to complete projects |resolve problems |profile projects |

| |Skills needed to manage projects |Manages budget control, contract |Responsible for the administrative and |Provides project consulting |

|Project Management Skills | |negotiation and execution of material |fiscal control of several functions: |regarding capital improvement and |

| | |procurement |Responsible for contract construction and|renovation projects including |

| | |Provides field supervision, construction |design for major construction and |project review, planning, cost |

| | |management, contract compliance and client |renovation projects delegated to outside |assessment, design, bid award |

| | |and contractor project coordination |designers |process, scheduling and construction|

| | |Reviews and analyzes project cost data and |Responsible for special projects |Responsible for contract design and |

| | |other numeric data |performed by assigned staff. |construction, capital improvements, |

| | |Might plan and administer capital |Plans and administers major capital |and special projects, and policies |

| | |improvement projects of modest scope and |improvement projects and renovations |and procedure development for major |

| | |scale |Participates in the development of |projects |

| | | |University & Department wide policies and| |

| | | |procedures for major projects through a | |

| | | |complex decision process involving | |

| | | |research, coordination & cooperation with| |

| | | |other University Departments | |

| |Key interpersonal and communication |Knows how to communicate technical concepts|Effectively communicates and provides |Works with senior management to |

|Communication Skills |skills needed to accomplish work |to others in a way that builds |feedback to upper management on issues |discuss highly complex/high profile |

| | |understanding |that impact projects |project recommendations and issues |

| | |Knows how to communicate in verbal and | |Ensures communication is understood |

| | |written form with all levels |Effectively communicates and provides |and accomplishes intended objectives|

| | | |feedback to clients, outside agencies, | |

| | | |design professionals and contractors on |Effectively communicates and |

| | | |issues that impact projects. |provides feedback to clients, |

| | | | |outside agencies, design |

| | | | |professionals and contractors on |

| | | | |issues that impact projects |

| | | | | |

|Interaction with Others |Key skills needed to transmit |Manages members of assigned project team |Manages members of assigned project team |Manages members of assigned project |

| |information to others directly or |Responsible for the timeliness and quality |Interfaces well with other professionals |team |

| |indirectly |of own work assignments and the timeliness |on projects | |

| | |and quality of team work | | |

|Impact/ |Accountability parameters of the job |Responsible for successfully completing |Accomplishes assigned results for |Ensures timeliness, achieves results|

|Consequences | |assigned tasks |projects, or for significant aspects of |and integrity of all projects |

| | | |larger, complex assignments | |

|Work Complexity |Characteristics that define the |Performs a broad range of work with minimal|Performs a broad range of work with |Makes critical contributions to |

| |demands of the job |supervision |minimal supervision |managing and solving highly complex |

| | |Meets assigned deadlines |Successfully manages the interdependency |and or large technical challenges |

| | |Independently identifies and solves routine|of deadlines on multiple projects and |Takes a comprehensive approach to |

| | |problems; consults others about solutions |preserves integrity of others’ deadlines |identifying problems, understanding |

| | |to more complex issues |and overall project progress and success |implications, and creating solutions|

| | | |Independently identifies problems and |that support overall project |

| | | |solves problems relying on own resources |progress and success |

| | | |to resolve them | |

|Guidance/ |The degree of oversight and |Performs work independently with limited |Performs work independently with limited|Works independently; supervision |

|Supervision Received |instruction required or received from |technical guidance |technical guidance |received is for routine department |

| |others | | |management/process tasks (e.g. |

| | | | |performance reviews) |

| | | | |Independently performs assignments |

| | | | |based on general guidance from upper|

| | | | |level management. |

| | | | |Confers with management on unusual |

| | | | |matters |

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