All Souls Elementary School

Hello Parents,This is all you need to know about AR. If you still have questions after reading this over be sure to email me so I can clarify anything. 1. Can my child log in to AR at home?No, you may not log in outside of the school network. Your child will be taking the quizzes for the books they are reading in class. They will be learning how to use the kindles to sign in and take the quizzes. As soon as your child has finished reading a book they need to bring it to school so I can help assist finding the quiz online.2. How many books does my child need to read?I have a 4 book minimum requirement for each quarter. Every book has a certain amount of points and those points fill up a flower. This keeps students motivated to read because they want to see their flower filled. Your child can always read more than 4 books and their will be prizes for the students who read the most books. At the 4th quarter Principal Awards students that have read more than a million words are give recognition. I have not had a 2nd Grader meet this goal yet but this could be the year!3.Who keeps track of how many books my child reads?I have access through my account to see how many books each child reads at the end of the quarter. I recommend keeping a list in your child’s agenda. I will be passing out a 3 by 5 card to each student to keep in the pocket of his or her agenda for this purpose. 4. How do I choose books for my child?You will want to find books for your child through or on Scholastic’s book wizard. Scholastic Reading Club where you can purchase books also has AR levels listed for books. These links are located at the bottom of this sheet. Books are considered an “AR book” if there is a quiz through this program. You can check to see if there is a quiz by checking the AR Book Finder website.5. When does my child take a quiz?Your child will take a quiz at school when they have finished a book. There is no rush and this program is completely self-paced. 6. When should my child be reading these books?They should be reading these books for homework and logging minutes in their agenda’s. They can bring these books to school and read them in class. They can choose books in class to be reading and taking a quiz on as well. Most students will exceed the 4 book minimum if they are motivated to read. In class they go to the library once a week during reading centers to pick books at their levels. They have many opportunities to be reading in class. Many books they probably want to read “for fun” end up being AR books as well. 7. How do I know what my child’s level is?On the sheet of paper I send home quarterly, you will want to pay attention to the number in the box labeled “ZPD”. This is their zone that tells you a range of what books to be looking for. For the last week students received their zone and have been “book shopping” in the classroom. Their zone should change as they become stronger readers. Sometimes they may get such a high zone that it doesn’t change and that is okay. GE means grade equivalent and that number will tell you where in their range they are classified as. Example: If your child has a zone of 2.5 – 3.5 this means that according to AR they are reading between a year two and five month level to a year three and five month level. I recommend starting to look at books that are at a 2.5 level and then they can work their way up to 3.5 throughout the quarter. They have learned that a book is too hard if they don’t know how to read 5 or more words on a single page (5 finger rule of reading). 8. What is Lexile? is a resource to help you find books in your child’s Lexile’s range and interest. None of the websites provided have books to read online, this program is not similar to Raz Kids in that regard. You must go to a library, buy books at a bookstore, or buy books on . In the future I will be sending home AR ranges and Lexile scores that will be equivalent. Libraries are more Lexile based and you’ll be able to find books more easily with that range. I have attached a conversion chart so you can go to the library and find books at your child’s level.Links:To check book levels and if a book is considered AR use this link: To find available books for purchase or as a reference to find books at your child’s level use this link at Scholastic Books: Online: readingclubOne-Time Class Activation Code:?MFT7QIf This Is Your First Time Ordering Online:?REGISTER at?readingclub?ENTER?the Class Activation Code at the top of this post?CHOOSE?from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks?SUBMIT?the order to me by the due date listed on the website ................

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