National LGBT Cancer Network

 For Immediate Release[Dear community organizations: once you’ve filled out the yellow sections, put this whole thing on your letterhead and send to local media. Edit at will to make your own!]March 11, 2020Contact: [your press contact name, cell, email] orDr. Scout, National LGBT Cancer Network, 401-267-8337, scout@cancer-.[YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] PARTICIPATES IN OPEN LETTER ABOUT LGBTQ+ & COVID-19Over 100 Organizations Ask Media & Health Officials to Weigh Added Risk[your city, state] - [your organization name] joined over 100 other organizations as signatories of a national open letter about coronavirus and the LGBTQ+ communities.The letter, organized by the National LGBT Cancer Network and GLMA, addresses the LGBTQ+ communities’ increased vulnerability for coronavirus 19 as a direct result of three factors:The LGBTQ+ population uses tobacco at rates that are 50% higher than the general population. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that has proven particularly harmful to smokers.The LGBTQ+ population has higher rates of HIV and cancer, which means a greater number of us may have compromised immune systems, leaving us more vulnerable to COVID-19 infections.LGBTQ+ people continue to experience discrimination, unwelcoming attitudes, and lack of understanding from providers and staff in many health care settings, and as a result, many are reluctant to seek medical care except in situations that feel urgent – and perhaps not even then.Further, the letter outlines a series of strategies for all parties handling COVID-19 surveillance, response, treatment, and media coverage to reduce further stigmatization of vulnerable groups in their future actions. “[insert quote from your ED here, talking points can include the following: our communities are concerned and need accurate information, ] said [insert your ED and title here]. “Information and responses about COVID-19 are changing extremely fast. As the media and health communities are pushed into overdrive, we need to make sure the most vulnerable among us are not forgotten. Our smoking rates alone make us extremely vulnerable, our access to care barriers only make a bad situation worse,” notes Dr. Scout, the Deputy Director for the National LGBT Cancer Network, “but this letter outlines simple steps to ensure no population is further stigmatized by a virus.”The open letter with the full list of signatories is available here: [if your organization has done anything to respond or share information, might wanna close with a short para about what you’ve done and where to find info.]###About [your organization name + web address. Then follow with a few lines on what you do.] ................

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