NiMH Toyota / Lexus high voltage batteries

All Toyota / Lexus high voltage batteries (HVB) are recyclable and should be returned to a recovery / recycling center at end of life. Toyota has established specific procedures to ensure that HVB are recovered. These procedures are intended to support safe handling, appropriate preparation for transportation, use of prescribed packaging, and compliant shipping practices.


(1) Wear at all times insulated gloves, goggles and safety shoes

Before wearing insulated gloves, make sure that they are not cracked, ruptured, torn or damaged

in any way. Do not wear wet insulated gloves.

(2) For the removal of the HVB from the Toyota / Lexus hybrid vehicle, carefully follow the

instructions given in the: - Repair manual,

- Dismantling (= only removal) manual

(3) Before removing the HVB, disconnect the service plug grip(s) and wait for at least 10 minutes

before touching any high-voltage connector or terminals (for detailed instructions, please see the repair manual and / or dismantling (= only removal) manual)

(4) After removing the HVB, keep it away from water, as the water may heat the battery and result in a fire

(5) All high-voltage wire harness connectors are colored orange.

The HVB and other high-voltage components have ‘high-voltage’ caution labels

( Do not carelessly touch the high-voltage wire harness and components

( Insulate all bare high-voltage cables using vinyl tape

Before touching a bare high-voltage cable or component, use an electrical tester to ensure that it is not charged with electricity (approximately 0 V)

(6) If the hybrid vehicle or the HVB catches on fire, use an ABC fire extinguisher (effective against both oil

and electrical flames) to extinguish the fire. Trying to extinguish a fire using only a small amount of

water can be more dangerous than effective.


(1) Battery owner: anyone in the possession of a HVB from a Toyota / Lexus hybrid vehicle:

( Toyota / Lexus retailer / repairer

( Toyota logistics centre

( Toyota EU manufacturing company

( car dismantler or any other ELV authorized treatment facility

( Non-authorized Toyota / Lexus retailer / repairer

(2) SNAM: company authorized to collect and recycle Toyota / Lexus NiMH HVB and with which Toyota Motor Europe (TME) and the respective National Sales and Marketing Company (NMSC = importer) has signed a contract

(3) Carrier: authorized logistics partner to transport and store HVB within a certain territory,

bound by a contract to SNAM


1. Inspection of the HVB

(a) Physically inspect the HVB for signs of physical damage and / or leakage:

( physical damage includes, but is not limited to dents and / or deformation to internal

battery modules, missing or loose bus bar covers, damaged high voltage wiring / cables

including exposed wire, and any signs of arcing or burning

( if you are in doubt about whether a battery shall be classified as damaged, take the worst

case and indicate the HVB as such, requiring for a special packaging from the carrier

(b) If the battery owner notices the HVB is leaking, do not touch the leaked electrolyte:

( apply red litmus paper to the leak

( if the paper turns blue, the alkaline liquid must be neutralized before wiping, applying

saturated boric acid solution (20L: dissolve 800g of boric acid powder into water) to the liquid

( reapply red litmus paper and repeat if necessary the above indicated steps until the paper

does not turn blue

( wipe the neutralized electrolyte using a shop rag

(c) If the electrolyte adheres to the skin, wash the skin immediately using saturated boric acid

solution or a large amount of water.

If the electrolyte adheres to an article of clothing, take it off immediately.

(d) If the electrolyte comes into contact with your eyes, do not rub your eyes, but wash them with a

large amount of water and seek medical care immediately.

2. Requesting the HVB to be collected / recycled

When a battery owner is in the possession of a waste HVB coming from a Toyota / Lexus hybrid

vehicle, he needs to contact SNAM for the proper collection and recycling.

The communication with SNAM can happen:

(a) by sending an e-mail at the following address: batterie.hybride@

(b) by sending a fax at the following number: +33-5-65430395

(c) by calling the following telephone number: +33-5-65437730

Remarks: In case of verbally (telephone) requesting the HVB to be collected and recycled, a

written confirmation (fax, e-mail) remains necessary in order to have the order carried


When sending an e-mail or fax, please use the standard ‘ORDER REQUEST’ (see attachment 1).

The standard ‘ORDER REQUEST’ can also be downloaded from:


The standard ‘ORDER REQUEST’ provides SNAM with information on:

a) the details (company name, contact person, address, telephone, fax, e-mail) of the company where the HVB needs to be picked-up

b) the preferred pick-up time

c) the quantities and the state (damaged or not) of the HVB to be picked-up

In addition, the battery owner is requested to record for each of the HVB stored at the facility:

← the assembly or service part number

← the serial number (unique number for each HVB)

Both numbers can be found on the HVB at the following locations:

3. Confirmation of the ‘ORDER REQUEST’ by SNAM

1. SNAM will acknowledge the receipt of the ‘ORDER REQUEST’ by sending an e-mail or fax to

the battery owner, confirming that the request has been taken into account.

2. In addition SNAM sends to the battery owner:

( SNAM’s reference number related to the ‘ORDER REQUEST’ to be picked up

(to be indicated on the label)

( A label that needs to be attached in a visible way on the packaging (see attachment 2)

The label can also be downloaded from:


4. Preparation of the HVB for transportation

4.1. By following the instructions in the repair - and / or dismantling (removal) manual the HVB has

been discharged.

4.2. The waste HVB must be properly packed by the battery owner:

a) in case the original packaging is available (replacement as a service part), use this packaging for the waste HVB

(b) in case the original packaging is not available:

( put the waste HVB on a wooden pallet

( cover it with polyethylene film

( seal the packaging with iron strapping

(c) in case the HVB is damaged, SNAM - through the carrier - will provide the battery owner

with appropriate packaging material according to national legislative requirements

The battery owner remains responsible for placing the HVB in the appropriate packaging


4.3. Once packed, please attach the label to the packed HVB at a visible position.

4. Store the HVB according to national legislative requirements, considering as a minimum:

a) to store the HVB in a dry, covered area, not exposed to high temperatures

b) to protect the HVB from damage

c) to store the HVB by battery type

example: don’t store NiMH HVB together with Li-ion or lead acid batteries

5. Collection of the HVB

1. SNAM contacts the carrier by e-mail, informing him of the ‘ORDER REQUEST’ that is placed by the battery owner.

2. The carrier confirms to SNAM and to the battery owner when the HVB will be picked-up, mentioning clearly the date and time of pick-up.

The time period between placing the ‘ORDER REQUEST’ and picking-up the HVB will be as short as possible, and not exceeding the maximum period of 70 calendar days.

3. After the HVB has been picked-up by the carrier, the HVB is temporary stored at the carrier’s

warehouse, before having it transported to SNAM for final treatment.

6. Transportation’s regulation of the HVB

6.1 The HVB are submitted to the Waste regulation.

6.2 The HVB aren’t submitted to the ADR regulation since the January 1st, 2011.

6.3 It may possible to see for the transportation the following indications:

- UN 3496 class 9: this code is used by the IMDG Regulation (transportation by ship)

- UN 2800 class 8: this code is used into the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

The ADR code indicated is referring to the Regulation that was applicable before

January 1st, 2011.

7. Recycling of the HVB

1. SNAM will recycle the collected HVB within 365 calendar days (between entering SNAM facilities

and finalizing the recycling process)

2. SNAM will send to the battery owner, the NMSC and / or TME a recycling certificate.


Toyota / Lexus DO NOT APPROVE THE RE-USE of the HVB in any other applications than the use in a hybrid vehicle.

The re-use of the HVB in other applications than the ones for which it is intended to, can result in property damage, serious injury, or even death

When removing and inspecting a HVB, DO NOT, under any circumstances DISASSEMBLE the HVB


EXPOSE any electrical connections beyond that required by the repair manual for service part replacement


assembly or service part number

serial number





In case of the HVB not being present when being picked-up by one of SNAM’s sub-contracted carriers the logistics costs will be charged to the battery owner

In case of any additional questions, please contact:


Avenue Jean Jaurès 12 - 110 VIVIEZ - France

Tel: +33-5-65437730

Fax: +33-5-65430395

E-mail: batterie.hybride@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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