
Technology-Embedded Lesson Plan

Roger Gray

Liberty University

EDUC 630-B01

Multiplying 2 digit factors using array models and partial products

|Topic/Grade Level: Grade 5 / Multiplying 2 digit factors using array models and Partial Products |

|Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) and Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Standards: |

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|BVSD & CDE Mathematics Curriculum Standard 1.2.b.ii - Illustrate and explain calculations by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.|

|(CCSS: 5.NBT.6) |

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|BVSD & CDE Mathematics Curriculum Standard 1.2.c.i - Use concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, |

|and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. (CCSS: 5.NBT.7) |

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|BVSD & CDE Mathematics Curriculum Standard 1.1.a.i - Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of |

|10. (CCSS: 5.NBT.2) |

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|BVSD & CDE Mathematics Curriculum Standards Prepared Graduate Competencies in Matematics; Patterns, Functions, and Algebraic Structures Standard - |

|Use critical thinking to recognize problematic aspects of situations, create mathematical models, and present and defend solutions |

|Goals and Student Learning Outcomes (Objectives): |

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|Goal 1: Students will build area models to solve 2 digit muliplicaiton problems |

|Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will make an array, break it apart, and transfer |

|that knowledge to the window pane strategy to solve multi-digit multiplication problems. |

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|Goal 2: Students will calculate the product of multiplying each place value of multi-digit factors. |

|Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will discuss the calculation of multi-digit factors |

|as they evaluate the products of each place value |

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|Goal 3: Students will investigate the use of multi-digit multiplication by solving word problems. |

|Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will use word problems to construct multi-digit |

|calculations and construct area arrays to solve them. |

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|Goal 4: Students will demonstrate the use of area models / window pane arrays. |

|Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will calculate the product of muti-digit factors |

|utilizing area models / window pane arrays. |

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|Goal 5: Students will discuss and explain the use of area models / window pane arrays to solve muli-digit multiplication problems. |

|Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will present results and describe the procedure |

|they used in calculating the product of multi-digit factors using area models / window |

|pane arrays. |

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|Goal 6: Students will show understanding of area models / window pane arrays. |

|Student Learning Outcome 1: Students will reproduce area models / window pane arrays |

|individually by completing assessment calculations independently. |

|Learning Environment(s): |

|Flipped Classroom Model - Students will participate in online learning off-site in place of traditional homework and then attend the brick-and-mortar|

|school for face-to-face, teacher-guided practice and projects in a cooperative learning setting. |

|Resources: |

|Computer, Chromebook, or tablet |

|Internet Access |

|Textbook – Math Expressions |

|Two regular dice |

|Pre-Made multiplication problems to post around the classroom |

|Paper and Pencil |

|Document Camera |

|Vocabulary & explanation video - |

|Video 1; Khan Academy - |


|area-models |

|Video 2; Ten Marks - |

|Screencast - |

|Screencastify App on Chromebooks |

|Three word problems for group work |

|Three word problems for individual assessment |

|Exit ticket 2 digit multiplication problem |

|Diversity / Differentiation: |

|Higher-level learners will be encouraged to take it a step further and see if they can use the same steps to multiply 2 digit by 3 digit problem |

|using the window pane strategy. The teacher can also show them the lattice way of multiplying 2 digit numbers for fun. |

|Visuals, extended thinking time, small group instruction, and extra modeling will be provided for students with special needs and ELLs. Tutorials |

|will be provided as well before school once a week for review of current and past concepts learners who are struggling. |

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|Technology Inclusion: |

|Online learning off-site will utilize comuter, chromebook, and/or tablet to access videos for review, instruction, and practice. |

|In class use of Screencastify App on Chromebooks for cooperative learning exercise. |

|Technology Projector/Document Camera for presenting group work. |

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|Prior Knowledge: |

|Prior to this lesson, students have: reviewed single-digit multiplication, use of dot arrays for multiplication, and multiplication vocabulary as |

|well as learned new vocablulary for utilizing area/window arrays. Students also have prior ecperience using Screencastify on Chromebooks. |

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|Lesson Placement in the Unit: This is lesson 1 of 6. |

|Procedures: |

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|Lesson Introduction / Anticipatory Set: |

|At home: |

|This lesson and links will be available to students through their Schoology account in the Math folder. Students will view a review vocabulary & |

|example video to activate prior knowledge. They will then watch video 1 from Khan Academy that will explain how to multiply 2 digits by 2 digit |

|factors using an area model array and has practice available. Then the students will watch video 2 from Ten Marks which will shows students step by |

|step procedures for breaking an array apart to make it easier to multiply big numbers. Finally the students will watch a short screencast of Mrs. Ali|

|explaining the window pane method of solving 2 digit factors connecting it to the array. After the students have viewed everything they will complete|

|five problems which will be assigned updated into the screencast on their own using the window pane strategy.  These completed problems will be the |

|student’s entrance ticket the next day. |

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|At school: |

|Students will compare the work they did on the 5 problems with other students who are sitting in their table group. If they have different answers |

|then they will see if they can help each other find the correct solution.  The teacher will give assistance if it is needed.  All students should |

|have correct examples of the 5 homework problems on their desk. |

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|Direct Instruction: |

|The teacher will circulate through the room and use a formative assessment checklist to verify if students understand the steps thoroughly. The |

|teacher will pull small groups for those students struggling and observe them to see what exactly they need clarification in. Additional small groups|

|will be organized for direct instruction using simplified calculations with students who are struggling with basic math skills. |

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|Student Interaction with lesson content / Guided Practice: |

|Cooperative learning: Students pair up with two dice and come up with two, two digit problems. One problem for partner A and one for partner B. They |

|both solve their problems using the Screencastify App on their Chromebook and the window pane strategy. Their process will be recorded as a video. |

|Once both students have completed their problem, they trade Chromebooks and watch and review their partner’s work.  If there are no questions then |

|they continue so they complete 5 problems each.  Students are encouraged to try a 3 digit by 2 digit and 3 digit by 3 digit. |

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|Presentations: |

|Each pair of students will get to present the problem they are most proud of solving and it will be projected for the class to review. |

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|Independent Practice: |

|The students are given 3 word problems to solve in groups (triads recommended).  Once the teacher has seen that they are completed correctly, each |

|child must work 3 more problems individually to turn in for a grade. |

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|Review / Closure: |

|Each student will be given an exit ticket question in which they will have to solve a 2 digit multiplication problem using the window pane strategy |

|and get it checked by their shoulder partner who will inform their partner to leave after the answer is correct. |

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| Evaluation/Assessment: |

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|Formative assessment checklist; |

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|Student name________________________ Date:______________ |

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|______ Entrance ticket completed |

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|______ On task and participating. |

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|______ Basic math skills exhibited |

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|______ Understands Concept being practiced (Area Model) |

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|______ Work is neat and complete |

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|______ Showing leadership in group |

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|Notes:_______________________________________________________ |

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|____________________________________________________________ |

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|Summative Assessment; |

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|Item |

|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

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|Prepared with entrance ticket |

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|No entrance ticket or no work completed. |

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|Incomplete entrance ticket or less than 3 correct. |

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|Complete with most answers correct. (3 or 4) |

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|Complete with all answers correct. (5 correct) |

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|Class activity participation |

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|Did not participate or cooperate with group. |

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|Participated with group and completed class work. |

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|Participated with group and completed class work. |

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|Participated with group and completed class work. |

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|Individual calculations |

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|Individual class work not completed. |

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|Most answers incorrect to individual work. (0 or 1 correct) |

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|Most answers correct to individual work. (2-3 correct) |

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|Most answers correct to individual work. (3 correct) |

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|Notes; |

|(not scored) |

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|Observations, Extension Activities, etc. |

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|Total score:____________ Activity score (Total score / 3):__________ |

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| Risk Analysis: |

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|The greatest areas of risk in this lesson are technology issues in accessing the preparation links the night before and students not having the basic|

|math skills to correctly calculate products. To address these, it should be made clear that the links can be accessed using mobile technology as |

|well as computers, tablets, and chromebooks. To aid in group work, pairs and groups should be mixed ability. Small groups will be formed for those |

|needed higher levels of direct instruction and accommodations, at which time other students are encouraged to pursue higher level extension with 3 |

|digit factors or larger. |

|References: |

| |

|Boulder Valley School District. (2012). 5th grade mathematic curriculum essentials document. |

|Retrieved from |

|5th%20Grade%20Mathematics.pdf |

|Chritensen Institute. (n.d.). Blended learning definitions. Retrieved from |

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|Colorado Department of Education. (2010). Colorado academic standards in mathematics and the |

|common core standards for mathematics. Retrieved from |

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|Flipping the Classroom. (n.d.). Flipped K-12 sample lessons. Retrieved from |

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|-setting.html |

|Fuson, K. (2013). Math expressions: Common core. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. |


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