Technology Integration - Virtual Field Trip Lesson Plan 1

Technology Integration: Virtual Field Trip

Linda S. Davis

Liberty University Online

Technology Integration: Virtual Field Trip

|Grade & Topic: |

|8th Grade |

|History & Social Studies: The Renaissance Era and Leonardo da Vinci |

|Standards: |

|“History and Social Science Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools. Grade K12. |

|World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.): Era IV: Regional Interactions, 1000 to 1500 A.D. (C.E.) WHI.13.c. Standard.” Retrieved from |

| |

|Students examine historical and artistic material relating to the Renaissance Era involving the artist, Leonardo da Vinci and his impact on Western civilization |

|through his art, philosophy, and futuristic inventions. |

|Students study Leonardo da Vinci’s biography and art by viewing his images describing what, where, and when he painted them. |

|Students study Leonardo da Vinci’s philosophical views of the world through art while exploring Renaissance techniques of linear perspective, gadget anatomy, |

|aerial perspective as well as size and distance used to represent a 3D World on 2D surfaces. |

|Students examine, gather, analyze, and interpret information to use in their research paper on Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance Era. |

|Students investigate Leonardo da Vinci’s futuristic inventions, such as the elements of machines to determine how the elements work together to present new |

|functions. |

|Students explore Leonardo da Vinci’s habit of writing in reverse to determine their view of why he did so. |

|Objective: Students explore Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance Era to gain knowledge of |

|Renaissance philosophical views and techniques to explain their impact on Western civilization. |

|To explore the importance of philosophies and techniques used in artistry during the Renaissance Era and its impact on other societies. |

|To gain knowledge of different perspectives and their causes in use during the Renaissance Era. |

|To realize history shows that men used some of the same machines and techniques used today. |

|To investigate whether Leonardo da Vinci was an engineer, artist, inventor, scientist, or all of the above. |

|To acknowledge that Leonardo da Vinci drew schematic sketches of machinery that could be use to create replicas today. |

|Materials: Students will need the following items: |

|Computer and Internet access |

|Pen and notebook |

|Lesson instructions |

|Diversity / Differentiation for Exceptionalities: |

|18 Students (8 Girls, 10 Boys) |

|4 LEP |

|3 ADD |

|3 ADHD |

|6 Gifted |

|2 ED |

|Learning Styles (modalities / multiple intelligences) - Planning this lesson entails a design allowing individual learner to understand the information in a way |

|best suiting his or her personal learning style. Visual learners perform best using visual aids, such as images with descriptions or presentations. Kinesthetic |

|learners perform best by using structural themes like hands-on learning experiences, observations, or note taking. Audio learners perform best from guided |

|questions or question and answer sessions. These students enjoy group activities, such as discussion groups. |

|Gifted - The segment of the lesson allowing self-discovery will not hinder the gifted student. The gifted student will easily explore the four required links and |

|more making in-depth observations. The gifted student very likely already knows the most about the Renaissance Era and Leonardo da Vinci. |

|LEP – The LEP student struggles with limited skills in English and benefits from group activities. This student performs best using visual aids and information. |

|LD, ED, ADD/ADHD – These learning disabled students perform best when focusing on the visual aspects of the Website and will appreciate the artwork of the |

|Renaissance Era and Leonardo da Vinci. These students can benefit from the partnering of students and with supportive staff. These students should receive |

|encouragement to participate in group discussions helping them to remain focused and on task. |

|Multicultural Connections – The multicultural student performs best through past historical culture learning comparing one culture to another as well as past and |

|present history. |

|Socioeconomic Diversities – These students may lack materials as minor as pen and paper if they come from a low socioeconomic background. |

|Technology Inclusion: Most youngsters enjoy going on field trips. Most teachers dread them because of the work that is associated with them. The teacher must |

|ensure all of the following: |

|Receive school approval |

|Receive parental approval |

|Determine how much money each student needs |

|Make sure insurance information is on file |

|Arrange for transportation |

|Hope and pray for good weather |

|Secure enough chaperones |

|Know where the restrooms are located |

|Ask students to bring or provide snacks, drinks, or anything else they may need on the trip |

| |

|When we consider a virtual field trip most if not all of the above are eliminated. The following details describe the inclusion of technology in our assignment: |

|The instructor determines the topic and Website to be used for the virtual field trip. |

|The instructor determines there is no cost to visit the Website. |

|The instructor determines the assignment will be a virtual field trip involving technology integration of the “Exploring Leonardo” Website. |

|Students will use a computer and the Internet for a 90 minute lesson. |

|Students will have Internet access using the Computer Lab to investigate the “Exploring Leonardo” Website: |

| |

|The instructor will use a SmartBoard to demonstrate navigation of the Website. |

|Procedures: A description of the instructional elements and techniques for the virtual field trip |

|Instructional Set: |

|This lesson for the 8th grade World History class takes place in the computer lab. |

|The lesson will start by having the students go to the computer lab at the beginning of their class. Each student will have an assigned computer to login to |

|access the “Exploring Leonardo” Website home page. |

|Developmental Activities: |

|Instruction: |

|Introduction - The instructor provides written instructions for a 12 page research paper due during their next class time. The instructor introduces the topic as |

|the Renaissance Era and Leonardo da Vinci and shows pictures of the famous artist’s work. |

|Media - This instruction consists of using technology for taking a virtual field trip into the “Exploring Leonardo” Website. Students will spend the majority of |

|their time using independent practices. However, the least amount of time used on guided practices shapes and defines their gathering of data during their |

|explorations. Students main objective consists of exploration of the four links on the Website collecting and gathering the data they will need to write their |

|research paper. |

|Required content – |

|Linear perspective |

|Gadget anatomy |

|Aerial perspective |

|Evidence Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, engineer, inventor, or scientist. |

|A section on information learned from the “Exploring Leonardo” Website regarding Leonardo da Vinci that they were unaware of. |

|Explicit knowledge – The guided discussion starts. |

|What do the students know or read about Leonardo da Vinci. |

|Where and when he lived? |

|Why he was famous? |

|What do the students know or read about the Renaissance Era? |

|Students investigate the “Exploring Leonardo” Website collecting and taking notes for the research paper. |

|The instructor presents questions to the students for navigational purposes of the Website. The questions are designed for the purpose of encouraging the students|

|to explore further for additional information. |

|Guided Practice: The instructor previews the instructions explaining the expectations to the students to explore and collect data for the research paper due the |

|following week listing the specifics of the assignment. The guided practice consists of the following: |

|Explanation of and passing out the written instructions to the students. |

|Explanation of the goal of the virtual field trip. |

|The instructor uses a SmartBoard to perform a navigational demonstration of the Website. |

|Instructor questions used prior to guiding the students to the Website consist of the following: |

|What do the students know about Leonardo da Vinci? |

|What do the students know about the Renaissance Era? |

|When did Leonardo da Vinci live? |

|Where did Leonardo da Vinci live? |

|What years in history reflect the Renaissance Era? |

|These questions represent measures of the lesson assessment. The instructor will provide correct answers when wrong answers are presented. |

|The instructor guides the students to the home page. |

|The instructor demonstrates how to collect data. |

|The instructor guides a question and answer session after the 65 minutes of Website exploration. This session gives the students’ time to ask questions, receive |

|clarification and feedback on the specifics of the assignment. |

|The instructor ends the 90 minutes of class encouraging the students to keep up their good work by starting their research paper while the information is fresh in |

|their minds. In addition, the instructor reminds the students of the submission deadline. |

|Independent Practice: The independent practice consists of the following: |

|Students will visit and explore the following four links on the “Exploring Leonardo” Website: |

|The Inventor's Workshop |

|Leonardo's Perspective |

|Leonardo Left and Right |

|What, Where, When? |

|Students will explore the “Exploring Leonardo” Website for 65 minutes. Students may use their pens and notebooks to take notes and collect data. |

|Students may ask to be partnered to better understand the assignment. |

|Students have one week to assemble their data and submit their research project. |

|Closure: |

|This lesson describes a virtual field trip as an extended class session; therefore, closure of what the students learned occurs during class the following week. |

|The instructor reviews in class after returning the graded assignment what the students learned about the Renaissance Era and Leonardo da Vinci. |

|The instructor encourages the students to share with each other. |

|This field trip could work into a future virtual field trip on the Middle Ages Era or the geographical regions of the Renaissance Era. |

|Evaluation: Progress and assessment tools. |

|The instructor will indirectly evaluate the answers students present during the guided questions as well as the question/answer session. The instructor will be |

|careful not to blatantly present student answers as wrong but gently emphasize the need to double check for correctness of information. |

|During independent practice the instructor will walk around observing the students as they explore the Website. The instructor should assist any student that |

|demonstrates he or she is struggling and prompt students to move from link to link to complete the assignment in a timely fashion. |

|The instructor will continue to reassess student progress during the virtual field trip. |

|The instructor will use guided questions and discussion time to assess student learning experiences during the virtual field trip. |

|The instructor will never correct a student in a derogatory manner but will offer encouragement and praise for correct answers and gently guide him or her to |

|correct wrong thinking and revise the work. |

|The instructor gives praise to his or her students in completing the virtual field trip asking questions to assess student satisfaction level. |

|Risk Analysis: |

|Make sure all the computers in the lab are available and in working order to ensure enough computers are available. |

|Ensure that the computer lab support staff have the correct date and time scheduled for the virtual field trip. |

|Ensure the computer lab support staff will be available during the time the virtual field trip is occurring to assist with any irregularities in the computers or |

|Internet access. |

|Check the Website is functional during the morning before time for the virtual field trip to begin. |

|Prepare handouts in advance of the scheduled virtual field trip. |

|References: Sources and Websites |

|History and Social Science Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools. (2008). Retrieved |

|from |

| |

|Museum of Science. (1997). Exploring Leonardo. Retrieved from |

| |


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