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A simple astrological guide to understanding men

The Sun, Moon and Venus: A Simple Guide on How to Get the Most Out of Your Man

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Our "Sun Sign" means the zodiac sign in which the sun was present at the moment of our birth, in our place of birth. It represents what we want to be, not necessarily who we are. It can be best described as our Ego self. It represents characteristics of our personality. By knowing a man's Sun sign, you can discover how to deal with his Ego self.


The Sun, Moon and Venus

THE RAM March 21 ? April 19 THE ARIES MAN Most Compatible: Libra, Leo & Sagittarius Least Compatible: Cancer (too moody)


A Simple Guide on How to Get the Most Out of Your Man

Fire Sign: This man is primarily energetic, enthusiastic and

impulsive (fiery).


This guy likes to be in charge, but he also needs a lot of confirmation with just enough balance. The Aries man doesn't want you to tell him how great he is all the time; he wants approval periodically.

He is usually attracted to computers and sports and he likes to use his hands.

Remember, he's the "baby" of the zodiac which means he likes to be first.

His personality has energy, a bit of ego and he is a flirt.

He will look you straight in the eye and not be afraid to tell you what he feels. You're his friend, aren't you? You like him, don't you? If your answer is no, he won't show it outwardly, but be sure he will be crying on the inside. He can't stand it if you don't like him. He'll never show his emotions on the surface if he can help it. If you see him openly weeping, you can be certain that he's been cut to the very soul in some way. Aries would rather be caught dead than be caught weak and some of them literally risk the former, to avoid the latter.


The Sun, Moon and Venus

When you want to get something done, the best way to accomplish this is to barter. The Aries man will respond better when you do something for him first; then he feels the need to outdo you.

If you keep him happy intimately, you will have his undivided attention. Problems can arise when you get frustrated because you feel that sex is all he thinks about. Where imbalance comes into play in a relationship with Aries, is when the partner starts to feel overwhelmed with being an "object of desire" and not an emotional partner. It is important to not let the relationship start off all physical. Balance it from the beginning and things will go smoothly in the long term.

Aries likes you to rub his ears. This will calm him down.

Don't worry about having to get too close to his family members, as he would rather you put him first at all times.

If you are with an Aries man who has a child with someone else, you may run into problems. He has a lot of issues with letting go of the mother of his children...unless, of course, you have a child with him. It's all about competition in this relationship.

Seduce Aries by surprising him with a most adventurous and physical workout. For him, sex is a physical workout, too.



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