
Copyright Licensing Agreement – Individual Person


By means hereof, ………………………………….............................................................................

......................................................................................................................................................... (insert full name of the individual person), bearer of ID number ..................................................... (insert identity number), hereby identified and signed, declares himself/herself entitled to the copyright of the works associated below, and licenses the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), for an indefinite period and at no charge, the rights to divulge, utilize, exhibit, publish, transmit, emit, re-emit, communicate to the public, distribute, reproduce and share, in Brazil as well as abroad, by any means, media or existing format or that may be invented in the future, being graphic, magnetic, in the form of data banks, Internet, multimedia or within the BNDES Digital Library, the integrality of said works, prohibiting its commercial use.

The authorization above includes the rights to make modifications that are technically necessary to exert the rights in other media, means and formats, prohibiting, however, the right to make derived works.

The individual also declares that he/she renounces the receiving of any type of remuneration stemming from this Licensing Agreement.


Description of the licensed work(s) is attached.




_________________________, ____ of ______________ of ______.



Full Name

Copyright Licensing Agreement Attachment


Description of the licensed work(s):

1. XXX

2. XXX

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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