
Application: HRMS

Module: Human Resources

Business Process: Hire Workforce

Requirement Number: HR103

Requirement Title: Ability to Monitor Expiration Dates of Professional Licenses

Module Leads: Lina Simonu, Lisa Lagus

1. Requirement Description

Describe the requirement (gap). Include a description of the delivered PeopleSoft functionality.

The State employs staff who are required to maintain professional licensure as a condition of employment, e.g. if their license goes unrenewed, they cannot be continued as employees as they are legally unable to perform the essential functions of their job. In addition, the State of Connecticut receives federal reimbursements for participating in certification programs for residential facilities and is required to hire only licensed personnel in specified jobs. It is important that agencies be able to monitor the expiration dates of the licenses of their personnel. PeopleSoft maintains the professional licensure information however; they do not provide a report to review the information. The State of Connecticut is inconsistent in the manner it currently tracks the information – some agencies have systems that keep this data and they are able to draw reports. In others, they have developed database software systems through which they track the data.

2. Business Need

Provide a justification for the requirement. Include information about frequency, volume, number of users impacted, etc.

State agencies would be able to forecast when licenses for their personnel are due to expire and to proactively seek copies of renewed licenses for federal certification, continued employment or disciplinary purposes. Further, agencies would be able to predict financial liability to those employees who by contract are reimbursed for license renewal fees. Examples of these employees are trades people, vocational teachers, nursing, medical and psychiatric personnel, and transportation workers.

3. Required By: (Y/N)

Federal _Y___ Agency __ __ Bargaining Unit ____

State Statutory _Y___ State Regulatory ____ State Procedural ____

4. Requirement Priority

High (High, Medium, Low – please see “Requirements Prioritization Criteria”)

5. Recommended Solution

Enter an “X” next to the appropriate category

___X___ Process Solution

_1_ Option Number

______ Application Modification

___ Option Number

6. Explanation for Recommendation

Provide reasons for recommendation. Please do not re-state the description of the solution itself.

This query would be an easy way for individual agencies to identify when a professional license is expiring. This would assist agencies to remain in compliance with State Statutory and Federal mandates.

7. Organizational Impact of Recommendation

Describe the changes to the organization that result from the recommended solution. Include a description of any role, process, statute, or bargaining unit agreement affected.

Currently, most agencies do not have this ability and the information is maintained outside of the APS system. Agency and Central HR Specialist will need to be aware of the availability of this query and be trained how to execute it.

8. Process Solutions

Describe the possible Process Solutions. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1. Create a query to select employees within an agency with licenses expiring as of a specified date. Train agency employees on how to execute the query.

Option 2. APS currently has a single digit field for professional license information, though some of the agencies are able to track through their own systems or through database software. Dual entry at the agency into their own software could be continued, each time a person with a professional license is hired at an agency.

Option 3.

9. Application Modifications

Describe the possible Application Modifications. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1.

Modification Type (On-line, Batch, Interface, Report, Workflow): None Identified

Complexity (Easy, Medium, Difficult):





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