
Icelandic guidelinesFolic acid. Prevention in pregnancy, 2004Hormone replacement therapy at the menopause, 2004Guidelines for selecting appropriate place for delivery, 2007Air ambulance transport of pregnant women and newborns., 2007Diagnosis and treatment of urinary infections in pregnancy, 2008Chlamydia infections, 2009Antenatal care, 2010Gestational diabetes, 2012Finish guidelinesEctopic pregnancy, October 2014Preterm delivery, January 2011Post coital contraception, November 2010 (will be taken off our webpages, as topic is covered in new guideline Pregnancy contraception, which will be out later this year) Cellular changes in the cervix, vagina and outer genitalia (i.e. "PAP-smear guideline"), June 2010 Corticosteroid treatment in imminent preterm birth, May 2009 (this is an old small guideline and will be included in Preterm delivery once that is updated for the next time) Exercise, June 2012 Ovarian cancer, April 2012 Termination of pregnancy, February 2013 Gestational diabetes, June 2013 Polymenorrhagia, November 2009 Sexually transmitted disease, June 2010 Female urinary incontinence, December 2011 Danish guidelines - obstetricsAir travel and pregnancy, 2006Amnioinfusion, 2008Anal sphincter lacerations – treatment and follow up, 2011Anal sphincter lacerations, prevention, 2015Antibiotics, 2012Asphyxia/acidosis during labor, 2010Assisted vaginal delivery, 2015Augmentation of labor contractions, 2005Bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy – risk of spontaneous preterm birth, 2015Biochemical reference intervals during pregnancy, 2010Bowel disease in pregnancy, 2004Breach presentation, 2011Breach presentation - external version, 2003Maternal bariatric surgery, 2012Cancer and pregnancy, 2015Cesarean section, acute, 2009Cesarean section, prior, 2013Cesarean section, maternal request, 2006Cesarean section, operative techniques, 2015Cerclage, 2012Cervix scanning in singleton pregnancies, 2014Doppler flow in the uterine artery, 2013Diabetes - gestational: screening and diagnosis, 2014Diabetes - gestational: treatment, 2017Diabetes – gestational: Danish Health and Medicines AuthorityDiabetes – pregestational: Danish Health and Medicines AuthorityVitamin D deficiency, 2013Dystocia, 2015Epidural analgesia, 2011Epilepsy and pregnancy, 2010Electro-surgery and pregnancy, 2014Exercise and pregnancy, 2008Exposed pregnant women, 2014Fever during labor, 2003Fetal-maternal hemorrhage, 2010Fetal macrosomia, 2008GBS, group B streptococcus syndrome, 2012Infections – puerperal, 2007Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, 2008Hearth disease in pregnancy, 2011Herpes – pregnancy and birth, 2001Kidney disease in pregnancy, 2011Hyperemesis gravidarum, 2013Fetal death, 2014Fetal growth restriction – prognosis, 2000Fetal growth restriction, 2014Fetal movements, 2006Multiple sclerosis, 2007Nitrous oxide during labor – status document, 2015NSAID and pregnancy, 2009Oligohydramnios, 2012Oronasopharyngeal suction, 2013Overweight in pregnancy, 2012Oxytocin, 2013Parvovirus B19 in pregnancy, 2008PCOS and pregnancy, 2014Placental pathology, 2013Placenta previa, 2008Polyhydramnios, 2003Preterm delivery, 2010Preterm delivery, 2001Preterm delivery, how to deliver, 2007Preterm delivery, information, 2007Progesterone and preterm delivery, 2013PROM, 2009PPROM, 2009Preeclampsia and gestational hypertension, 2012Previous traumatic birth, 2013Postterm pregnancy, 2011Retained products after delivery, 2014Resuscitation of the obstetrical patient, 2013Scalp pH/lactate, 2010Spinal analgesia – blood pressure, 2003STAN, 2008SSRI in pregnancy, 2009Term of pregnancy – definition, 2009Thrombocytopenia, 2011Thrombocytopenia, neonatal alloimmune, 2006Thrombophilia and antiphospholipid syndrome, 2006/2014Thyroid disease in pregnancy, 2008Tocolysis, 2013Twin pregnancy, 2010Ultrasound examination during labor – status document, 2011Umbilical cord clamping, 2010Danish guidelines – urogynecologyStress incontinence – surgical treatment, 2012Urethral diverticula, 2014Urinary incontinence – advanced diagnosing, 2011Urinary incontinence – nonsurgical treatment, 2010Urinary incontinence – medical treatment, 2010Danish guidelines – contraceptionBarrier method, 2009 & 2015Gestagen – parenteral, 2009 & 2015IUD - cobber, 2009 & 2015IUD – gestagen, 2009 & 2015IUD – mislocated, 2014Sterilization, 2009 & 2015Emergency contraception, 2009 & 2015Natural contraception, 2015Oral contraceptive – general, 2015Oral contraceptives and cancer, 2009 & 2015Oral contraceptives and thrombosis, 2012 & 2015Oral contraceptives, adverse effects, 2013Vaginal ring, 2009 & 2015Transdermal contraceptive patch, 2009 & 2015Danish guidelines – endocrinologyPCOS, 2014 & 2015Hyperprolactinemia, 2007 and 2015Local hormone therapy – systemic effects, 2012Tamoxifen, Raloxifen Letrozol, 2011Hormonal replacement therapy, 2013Premature ovarian insufficiency, 2013Osteoporosis, 2014Danish guidelines - Early pregnancyMiscarriages – recurrent, 2009Medical abortion, 2014Surgical abortion, 2013Miscarriage, first trimester, 2013Miscarriage, second trimester, 2012Asherman?s syndrome – prevention, 2012Ectopic pregnancy, 2010Trophoblastic disease, 2014Danish guidelines - VulvaVulvodynia. 2009Lichen sclerosus, 2012Labia reduction, 2011Lichen planus,2012Danish guidelines – cervixHPV vaccination, 2014Cervical neoplasia – low grade, 2012Cervical neoplasia – national screening program, 2012 Danish guidelines – SalpinxSalpingectomy in case og hysterectomy for benign condition (2014)Danish guidelines – OvariesTubo-ovarian abscesses – treatment (2009)Ovarian cysts – management (2009)Adnexal torsion (2012)Oophorectomy in case of hysterectomy for benign condition (2015)Danish guidelines – EndometriosisEndometriosis - diagnosing (2013)Endometriosis – treatment of peritoneal endometriosis (2013)Endometrioma in women with actual wish of becoming pregnant (2009)Endometrioma in women without actual wish of becoming pregnant (2009)Danish guidelines – Hysterectomy, hysteroscopy, fibroma, endometrium, polypsHysterectomy – benign indication (2011)Hysterectomy – complications (2008)Mini-hysteroscopy (2011)Endometrial ablation – 1. G methods (2011)Endometrial ablation – 2. G methods (2013)Fibromyoma – treatment (2014)HNPCC risk patients (2008)Lynch syndrome and gynecological cancer (2015)Danish guidelines – Gynecological surgeryOutpatient surgery - identification of candidates (2009)Outpatient surgery – anesthesia and pain relief (2009)Outpatient surgery – prophylaxis against thromboembolism (2009)Coagulation disorders I gynecological patients (2005)Infections in gynecology (2015)Adhesions – prevention (2014)Laparoscopy – clinical practical guidelineDanish guidelines – Sexology and rapeSexology in gynecology (2009)Rape (2012)Danish guidelines – FertilityAndrology (2014)Male infertility – treatment (2007)BMI and fertility (2013)Endometriosis and fertility (2011)cryopreserved embryos (2007)Preservation of fertility in female cancer (2015)HIV, Hepatitis B & C – fertility treatment (2010)Indication for IVF and ICSI (2006)Infertility – tubal surgery (2009)Infertility – polyps and fibromyoma (2009)Infertility – tubal and uterine causesIUI-H (2007)IUI-D (2008)IVF and ICSI (2006)Infertility – surgeryCryopreservation of ovarian tissue (2013)Oocyte – donor (2014)OHSS (2013)Infertility – psychosocial aspects (2006)Infertility – diagnosis of tubal and uterine causes (2009)Infertility – male factor (2007) Danish guidelines – Fetal medicineTwins – MCMA (2015)Fetal arrhythmiasFetal gender determination (2015)Gastroschisis (2014)Prenatal counseling (2014)Cervical length – screening in singleton pregnancies (2013)Prenatal array-CGH (2013)Danish guidelines – Gynecological oncologyCervical cancer (2013)Endometrial cancer (2010)Ovarean cancer (2014)Trophoblas1c tumor (2014)Vulvar cancer (2015)Norwegian guidelines – obstetrics - 2014These chapters are in Norwegian. About half of these chapters has recently been translated into English.Chapter 1 Prenatal care ( Svangerskapsomsorg)Chapter 2 Vaccination and Pregnancy (Vaksinasjon og graviditet)Chapter 3 A Drug, alcohol and tobaccoabuse in pregnancy (Rus-, r?yk- og legemiddelmisbruk i svangerskapet)Chapter 3 B Drug use in pregnancy and lactation (Legemiddelbruk i svangerskapet og ammeperioden)Chapter 4 Ultrasound in prenatal care (Ultralydunders?kelser i den alminnelige svangerskapsomsorgen)Chapter 5 Prenatal screening anddiagnostic testing (Prenatal diagnostikk)Chapter 6 Female genital mutilation (Kvinnelig omskj?ring (kj?nnslemlestelse)Chapter 7 Emesis and hyperemesisgravidarum Emesis og hyperemesis gravidarumChapter 8 A Pregestational diabetes type 1 and 2 (Pregestasjonell diabetes (type 1 og type 2))Chapter 8 B Gestational diabetes (Svangerskapsdiabetes)Chapter 9Epilepsy in pregnancy ( Epilepsi og svangerskap)Chapter 10 Bacterialinfection in pregnancy (Bakterielle infeksjoner hos gravid)Chapter 11 Group B StreptococcusInfection in Pregnancy (Gruppe B streptokokker hos gravide og f?dende)Chapter 12Viralinfections and Pregnancy (Virale infeksjoner hos gravide)Chapter 13 Thyroiddisease in pregnancy (Tyreoideasykdommer under graviditet og f?dsel)Chapter 14 Anemia inpregnancy (Anemi og graviditet)Chapter 15 Obesity and pregnancy (Adipositas og svangerskap/f?dsel)Chapter 16 inflammatoryrheumaticdisease and collagenosis (Inflammatoriske revmatiske sykdommer og kollagenoser)Chapter 17 Premalignant and malignantchanges in the pregnant cervix (Premaligne og maligne forandringer i cervix i graviditet)Chapter 18 Pelvicgirdlepain (Bekkenleddsmerter (symptomgivende bekkenl?sning, bekkenleddsyndrom))Chapter 19 Thrombosis, anticoagulanttherapy and pregnancy (Trombose, antikoagulasjon og svangerskap)Chapter 20 Immunisation (Immunisering)Chapter 21 Cholestasis of pregnancy (Intrahepatisksvangerskapskolestase)Chapter 22 Preterm and premature ruptur of membranes (Preterm vannavgang (PPROM) og prim?r vannavgang ved/n?r termin (PROM))Chapter 23 Premature labour (Truende for tidlig f?dsel)Chapter 24 Intrapartumfever and chorioamnionitis (Feber under f?dsel og chorioamnionitt)Chapter 25 Antepartum fetal surveillance (CTG f?r f?dsel og innkomst-CTG)Chapter 26 Intrapartum fetal surveillance, cord clamping and Umbilical cord blood acid-base analysis at delivery ( Fosteroverv?kning under f?dsel, avnavling og syre-basepr?ver fra navlesnor)Chapter 27 Intrauterine growth restriction (Intrauterinveksthemming)Chapter 28 Hypertension and eclampsia in pregnancy (Hypertensive svangerskapskomplikasjoner og eklampsi)Chapter 29 Acute, rare and lifethreatening diseases in pregnancy and delivery (Akutte, sjeldne, alvorlige tilstander i graviditet og f?dsel)Chapter 30 Depression in pregnancy and during lactation (Depresjoner i svangerskapet og ammeperioden)Chapter 31 Heart disease in pregnancy and labour (Hjertesykdom og graviditet/f?dsel)Chapter 32 Intrauterine death ( Intrauterinfosterd?d)Chapter 33 Cervical ripening/induction of labour (Cervixmodning/induksjonavf?dsel)Chapter 34 Augmentation (Stimulering av rier)Chapter 35 Postterm Pregnancy (Overtidig svangerskap)Chapter 36 Management of pain during labour and delivery ( Smertelindring)Chapter 37 Breach(Seteleie)Chapter 38 Twins (Tvillinger)Chapter 39 Forceps and vacumdelivery ( Forl?sning med tang eller vakuum)Chapter 40 Caesaran delivery (Keisersnitt)Chapter 41 Shoulderdystocia (Skulderdystoci)Chapter 43Perineal rupture (Perinealruptur)Chapter 43 Post partumhemorrhage (Postpartumbl?dning)Chapter 44 PlacentaChapter 45 Perinatalasphyxia and Neonatal resuscitation (Perinatal asfyksi og resuscitering av nyf?dte)Chapter 46 Postpartum anemia (Barselpleie - anemi etter f?dsel)Chapter 47 Postpartum urinary retention (Barselpleie - urinretensjon etter f?dsel)Chapter 48 Lactation (Amming/laktasjon/morsmelkproduksjon)Swedish guidelines - not yet available… ................

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