St.Lucie County Tribune. (Fort Pierce, Florida) 1905-07-28 ...






rMrrwuIJU6Tf TEA lEAV ESi d- r



Warp That In tile Puwarfnl- The Spectacle ThgyPreMont Under One of Ancient Human Make Ha the

fplder Mortal Foe




IUlcr ilooJle

Distinctive Hilt

irnntula killer has n bright blue Have a look said the histologist Some curious one has collected a-



Investigate Before InvestingI-

irly two Inches long and writs And he rose from the beautiful deli- ? mass of interesting facts concerning


lea hue As it tlkd here mid cate mliTOKope and his companion metallic pens Some of those refer- ?

lithe uuullght glittering like a kfife ono uiouiout resting on u

next ou n gruulto bowlder It


nil liicodsnut Inmlng which by the vibration oi Its wlugs

took his place

There was a little flddllu and ad-? justing of tiny screws Daeu tbe tyro said

Ugh Ghastly What have we hero

ences lull back us till as the four tecntb and even the thirteenth century and curiously enough In tin

case of thu mauuscilpt of Robert dIr

toU the forger scribe is said tu him

f you are thinking of buying Florida

Lands of any description or wish to grow




ler does the tarantula hear tills I trembles with fear for well-

a railroad wreck 7

used a bronze pen In order to disguise

You are looking answered the his- his writing and make his deception



s the fate In store for him ee his mortal foe percelvlM his

tologist at u part of the remains of a Oylonuae caterpillar

more safe A Itoman metal pen is said to have been found at Aosta not

or want to buy town property of any

outs This It soon does and He withdrew that slide and put an

I to the attack st It Is content with flying in

other lu Its plnce Another tragedy 7 the tyro asked

a move stylus but u bronzy pun slit and there Is some evidence of u pOll or reed of bronze nearly us early as

kind you should see my list of improvedand unimproved properties situated in


t yt ii



over Its Intended victim Onid approaches nearer u ul uuuier when It Is within a tow Indies satins rises upon his bind legs eUlpts to grapple with bis foe

tout success Like a flash the

map Is ou Its back The dead have been avoided Tile next

a tearful sting penetrates deepe spiders body Its struggles

cease A sudden paralysis over It and it staggers help ice a drunken man first to one leu to the other-

symptoms however ore only rt duration While they last the but a few inches away awaits null Xor does It have to yraitI1 A few seconds and all sign of s disappeared from the tnrautu be once powerful legs curl up h the body and it rolls over Chambers Journal


In the Olden flay War Thought to Prolong Life ey has been known from tho t times The Scriptures maken of It and pagan writers cole

Its virtues It was called the

of the aged aud was thought to g life Honey was also used In nualuilug of the body after death food as useful us It Is delicious esteemed most highly by the-

The remnants of a beetle the histologist replied

A third slide was placed beneath the leus

This said the tyro should be a


It Is only returned the scientist a cointulugllug of the desiccated frag- ? ments of a fly a ceutlped a moth and a slug

The tyro yatledH-

istology Is Interesting ho said In

a bored voice Where did you got these specimens-

Out of a packet of tea A packet of tea What kind of tea 7 Ordinary tea

Heavens Inm a tea drinker Ex ?

plain yourself The histologist smiling said Tea grows ou bushes The leaves

are plucked by hand Imagine your- ? self stripping rosebush after rosebush miles on uille of t r leaves Well that Is what uv i Is like

The natuo 1 h i work fast They pick as many as twentylive pounds of

leaves a daya bundle bigger than a

manNow the tea plant Is the prey of a hundred insects and the picker In his haste doesnt pause to brush off each

leaf or to wash it for he works as we

say by piece work The picked leaves are dried on char- ?

coal fires They shrivel under the beat and the Insect larvae and cbrysallds

the invention of printing lu the fifteenth century More than u hun- ? dred years ago some steel pens were trade In Birmingham for Dr Priestly and some of these placed into the

bands of Sir Joslah Mason In his early days with MA Harrison but all seem to have been lost The first pen of metal

of a definite date beyond all question Is oue In u Dutch patent book of 1717

At about the same time a polite ode of Popes refers to a steel and golden pen but those were evidently lux- ?

uries only and It was uot until about the end of the first quarter of tho last century that metallic puns became more generally In use In the II Local

Notes and Queries in the Birming-? ham Weekly Post definite evidence

has been given of steel pens as early us

1800 and more commonly In 1817 but It was about 1823 aud 1824 that the great revolution came by which pens were made by n cheaper process the hand screw press which pierced the pens from steel rolled into tube fash? ion aud the joint formed the slit but these required considerable labor to shape theta Into pen form The use of the screw press belongs to the pe- ? riod of John Mitchell Joseph Glllot

and Josiah Mason but ou a careful review of the facts It seems to be

clear that John Mitchell has the best claim to be considered as the original Introducer of press made pens Buffa- ?

lo Times

and near Fort Pierce White City and Jensen You should make it a point to see

Austins Lists

before deciding definitely If you can not

see me personally write and I will serve you to the best of my ability




Building Lots-

I have sixtyfive very desirable lots located near the center of town on the high dry healthy ridge overlooking the Indian river in the best residence part of the town Terms and prices reasonable-

s who celebrated Its virtues among them change to dust This dust In prose and verse so that the looks to the ordinary eye like leaf frag?


Let me show you these lots before buying

of Attic honey has been trans ments but under the microscope It

unimpaired to our own day looks as you remarked like au Insect

In ull kinds of pastry cake aud- railroad wreck or u pygmy battlefield

Its it was also esteemed as a It tastes like but you know as well as

Pythagoras In the latter

I do what It tastes like

life was a vegetarian and uredl Tomorrow said the other III am

y on bread and honey a diet going to bring some of my wifes tea

Being worthless pays no dividends

Keeping a diary Is nearly as hard work us keeping a dairy

Being favorably Impressed Is the cheapest way we know of being a good




Andrews Office Over the Bank j Fort Pierce Florida


Expert Builder and FinisherO- he recommended to his disciples here to examine with youII

this geutle philosopher reached Herald

Now York

Nothing makes us quite so mad as to have people say What wade you

Ipe age of ninety years before he

do Itt

ted from life

true source from which honey rived was only discovered In later

Virgil supposed bat Its de-

s sweetness fell from heaven up >veers In the shape of gentle lu

Autluulty of Cheating False weights were found In the rums of the oldest city that has yet been exhumed And false weights will

probably be consumed when the earth drops Into the sun and the heavens are

It is terribly hard to impress peo- ? ple with tbe importance of aiding lu a good cause

Every oue realizes when be goes to-

n photographers he Is not look

Ing his prettiest

nly High Grade Work Solicited

and Satisfaction Guaranteed-

It Costs More

e dew a belief which he sharer Pliny and even Galen It waso modern observers to study with

Dsfasui plant life and bee life audfrom them some of tho most wont I lessons of nature

fey was often served by the au- ? nt the beginning of a banquet lu that the uucloyed palate might-

rolled together like a scroll Ancient records and ancient statute books are

full evidence that every modern

practical device down to adulterations und crooked scales was familiar to our

ancestors of the plateau of Iran before

the migrations Vice Is the old In ? habitant virtue Is the newcomer the Immigrant received with reluctance

It Is all right to do things for your town but first do things for your home and family-

We are all pretty easily pleased when we consider that three or four times a day we see exactly how wo look lu the looking glass Atchlsou





But its Worth Mor-


Ricou Fish Co

to the full exquisite flavor


Monkey and the Looking Glass monkey lu a wood somehow got a tag glass unit went about showing

aud compelled to fight for every inch of grouud he gains Header Magazine

A Great Lack Love There Is pleasant story being told

Baltimore Crab The price of a deviled crab in Balti- ? more runs down quite a scale Begin- ?

ning with 1C cents In the fashionable hotels It drops to 10 at tbe ordinary

WholesaleFish Dealers-

the animals around him The bear ted Into It uud said he was very

he had such an ugly face the

just now of an Irish priest who tak ?

lug leave of congregation gave his

reasons for going First you do not

gating bar and then to D when bought from tbe greasy basket of the good ua-

tured crab man In tbe tiny Italian

We have excellent facilities for icing and shipping fish to all points


said he would fair have the face foe stag with its beautiful horns

love me for you have contributed noth-? ing to my support second you do not

cook shops deviled crabs cau be en- ? joyed at the rate of 3 cents each and


kvery beast felt sad that It had uot love each other for I have not cele ? lu the saloons along the water front

face of some other lu the wood fmcukey then took It Ito aji owl thut

witnessed the whole scene I ot

A the owl tI would not look Into I-

t10m sure lu this case as lu many

brated a marriage since I arrived third the good God does uot love you for lie hive not taken one of you to himself I have not had a single funer ?

alLondon Telegraph-

Practicable Servicable WeilBuilt era knowledge is but a source of

a You are quite right said the

ilts and broke the glass to pieces

WAGONTh- Maiming Ignorance Is blissr

Why She Loved Her

Mrs Cummins So you love your

graudmamina sdo your Oracle And

why doyou love


ats Guilty or Not Guilty

war veteran lu the customs service this In 1804 sonic one stole horse nkets from the troops stationed at Wadsworth and sold them to au

cause she used to punish mamma whe-



a little girl minima

41 bope be

as b atLas

mamma spanks line Bo- to

scrjptJ W

n II


THE MIMS SHOPS hmnii who lived lu the vicinity

en they were traced aud he was ar tit the judge tald jVhy did you-

The Flight of Illr

One of the few men to recover sight

aftrkbelug I r w thetilrthof rec

Sample Copiesa- I these bl nkets x01 daldutiete l-

va reporta to ha wonder


re I



hgnarji they bougs Olyj-

reply But continued the

red aniothlngrBo

the birds Why


as the fllgtit of not people make


they are branded

United States

U S which No sort yer

pr they be my name because U

more fuss about them don Outlook

be snidLouu ?

lids for Michael an S for McCar

Faulty Theory


Gus de SmytLkrThose now boots of


They Commenced Irishman ou being made foreman

tf pang of laborers wished to shot

authority to those under him on

fret morning his promotion

yours squeak awfull


notpaid for yet lobnntTblits all

nonsense If there H anything in that

wh dont my coat and vest and my-

trbnsersattd my hat squeak too

they are often stacked up In a huge dish on the free lunch counter With all these opportunities for feasting on the well seasoned debbll It is little wonder that Baltlmoreaus are considered the crab connoisseurs of the na- ? tion New York Herald

Honest netrleveinent Let the touch of assistance offered to those who stumble be freighted with such buoyancy strength and encour- ? agement that it will prove au impetus It ale often lu the establishing of ones tooting that the balance Is lost for the tuck of prose or some Indefinable something There is infinitely more credit iu honest retrlcvemeut than in the even rut of moral being and co- ? uthwouceNew Orleans Titues Demo ? crat

Perfectly Safe Bridget I have to go out this even-? ing and I want you to see that your mistress gets this note without fail as

soon ns she comes In

Ylss sor Ill just leave It in the pocket of tho trousers ycve taken off

She be sure to go through them London Tatler

what the people of this country want Built of the best

material light in weight wide tire easy running and nicely fin-

ished THE MIMS WAGONS are THE BEST for all uses

R rMPrIoMp SJr


being sent to a number of our friends this week We hope you will like the paper and will favor us with a sub? scription Please use the following blank

ST a


t Now look here boys told he

Old EJnaagh to Notice

Honest About

Fort Pierce Fla

hen I say Commluco you have all to-

rl1lneeaud them that donf com

when I say commiuce wont

Are your papa and mamma at What is the difference between his-

home u iso

asked tbe caller replied little1 i Marguerite

tory and fiction one Well answered the unbelieving

mince So commlnce Uadard-





r tyitpioli4 <

ka o

roc acfflling-

n Ory lessons asked Mr Dobbs

i4 his friend explained says London

tbAem Society the reason why Jones

ess waBnotABUCce-


t M 4 wrati

M forgot





of them may be here but they never

pare both at home it the same

rrqr time ng

r1 II



l t l1




rtI Some men say remarked tho beau

person one great difference Is that

fiction frankly owns up to being large- ?

ly untrue Wellington Star


f1 tM tn i Earaings-


Omce Boy Wy c

want more

that tlful heiress

have no heart

Qh that doesnt matter replied


pay Im only getting tourUn week and glvo my mother all I earn Pro


nfo prlt

I tliree


t4 >r O




GENTLEMEN Please send THE TRIBUNE to the following address beginning with issue of

Name Town or City Counly

t jI l r <

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tl i<

M Enclosed

fin d1 L

amount due for same

J 3-

JlY D-






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