Research Portfolio – Year 9 HistoryResearching a soldier’s ...

Research Portfolio – Year 9 HistoryResearching a soldier’s story for the Virtual War MemorialYou will research the journey of a serviceman or woman who served through World War One. You will then upload your research to the Virtual War Memorial where it will be published.3601085274320000 Your research will focus on the following four areas: Life before the warEnlistment, training and embarkationLife at the frontDeath during the war or life after the warYour task has three stages:Develop questions. Some are provided; you need to create more.Locate and evaluate 5-10 primary and secondary sources.Use the sources to answer your questions from Stage 1.For help, see the Research Guides at UsedAccuracy and Depth5All 8 websites used. Comprehensive and relevant use of sources. Extensive use of Unit Diaries. Bibliography complete, all sources referenced correctly.Highly detailed picture of soldier’s life and service. Perceptive reflection on sources and method; fully annotated.4All 8 websites used to some extent. All sources referenced.Rounded picture of soldier’s life and service, based on fully annotated sources. Some reflection on sources and method.35-7 websites used, most relevantly. Most sources rmed understanding of soldier’s life and service. Partially annotated sources. Some reflection on sources.23-5 websites used. Some relevance and/or some referencing of sources.Some disconnected information on soldier’s life and sources. Some annotation.12 or fewer websites used. Minimal or no referencing of sources.Limited information on soldier’s life and service.0Nothing submitted.Nothing submitted.Stage 1Develop questions to provide a focus for your research.Some areas of research have been provided for you, as have some questions. Write down areas of research and additional questions that will help tell your person’s story.Research AreaResearch QuestionsYour serviceperson’s background before going to war.Age?Occupation?Are they a migrant? Where from?Married or Single?Did they have children? How many? How old?Prior military service?What other questions will you add here?Enlistment and embarkationWhat was his/her reasons for wanting to go to war?How did he/she sign up? Where? How did he/she get there?Where did he train? What was it like?What other questions will you add here?Life at the frontWhat was his/her role in the army?What was his/her title and responsibilities?Where was he/she located? On the Western Front? Egypt?What was happening politically at this time?Why was Australia fighting in this battle?What Battalion did he/she serve in? What battles did he fight in?What weapons did he carry?Were there any major injuries or wounds suffered?Any interesting or terrifying stories your soldier was involved in?Did your soldier win any medals? Describe.What other questions will you add here?Death during the war or life after the warWas your soldier killed in action? How?What happened with his/her body?When did your soldier return to Australia?What was his/her family life like in Australia after the war?When did he/she die? Where is he/she buried?What other questions will you add here?Other area of researchOther area of researchOther area of researchStage 2Locate at least 5-10 historical sources (primary and secondary). Identify and evaluate each in the table below. Use the questions in Stage 1 to help you draw conclusions about the usefulness of the sources.Remember to use a range of sources which may include photos, maps, artefacts, diary entries and archival material.Name of source (book/website)Details for bibliographyType of source (primary/secondary)Which question(s) will this source help you answer? How will this source help you answer the question(s)?Mode of source (written/visual/spoken)History textbookAIF ProjectService Record (NAA)Map of battle / training locationDiary entryPhotographLetterUnit Diary (AWM)TroveAdd more rows as neededStage 3Use the sources to respond to your research questions from Stage 1. Research questionAnswer to the research question. Quotes and evidence from the sources you found to support that answer.This space should have detailed information about what you discovered.Age?Occupation?Are they a migrant? Where from?Married or Single?Did they have children? How many? How old?Add more rows as needed ................

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