Individual Life Cycle

Individual Life Cycle

I. Individual Life Cycle is a description of _____________________ people experience throughout life. The stages are ______________. Although exact ages for a specific person may vary, average ages are given.

A. _________________: begins at conception and ends at about 9 mos. of age. The rate of growth is the fastest it will ever be in life. A single cell grows into a complete organism.

B. Neonatal Stage: from ____________________________________. The baby physically adapts to life outside of the mother’s body.

C. Infancy Stage: begins at __________ and ends about _________ birthday (______ mos.) The infant develops the foundation for motor, thinking, language and social skills.

D. Toddler Stage: ____ mos. and ends at _____ mos. (___ birthday). During this stage the child develops thinking, motor and language skills. They also begin to test their ______________________.

E. ___________________: begins at ____ years and ends at the _____ birthday. During this time the child becomes more self-sufficient, spends many hours in play exploring the physical and social world, and develops a rather stable self-concept.

F. ____________________: 6 years to 12 years. The child masters ______________________________________________.

Two main factors that influence growth and development are __________________ and _____________________.

The ___________ are passed to a child from blood relatives. Some traits are constant throughout life like eye-color. Other traits affect growth and development like facial features, mental ability and emotional traits. Sometimes, heredity provides potential. An individual must work to achieve, have the proper nourishment, or be a rich environment to achieve their potential.

___________________ is determined by food and rest, relationships with others and everything the child hears or sees. Babies’ brains develop at a slower rate if no one holds or talks to them, conversely children that receive attention and many chances to learn, develop mentally to their fullest potential.

Neither environment nor heredity is ____________________ than the other. The two factors are ________________ and _____________________ on each other.

II. Growth and Development

Stages are __________________________________. People enter stages at _____________________________, but follow a ______________________.

1. Development occurs in four areas of our life. The areas are: ________________________________________________


2. _______________________________ is when a child performs like an older child, for ex. extensive language development

3. ___________________________ is when a child performs like a younger child. For ex. a 3 year old who uses 2 word sentences only.

Questions for you!

Can people catch up with support and encouragement? ____________

Does professional help help? _________________

Do all people develop at the same rate? _______________

Can a person be accelerated in one area and delayed in another? _________

4. Growth and Development _______________. Many aspects of a person’s growth and development are unchanging due to heredity and constant environment. Conversely a major change in environment can cause a change in growth and development.

5. Growth and Development are __________________________. Lots of small steps or achievements lead up to a big one. A baby learning to walk must master several other skills first.

6. Growth and Development happen in ______________________. In order for growth and development to be continuous, things must build upon what a child already knows. Writing skills happen after random marks are scribbled on paper. Words are formed after babbling. This is known as ____________________________.

7. A ________________________ is when a person can learn a new task. The learner has to be physically ready. The teacher must be _______________________________________________.

8. Growth and Development happen at _________________. All 14 y.o. are not the same height.

9. Touchpoints – just before a rapid surge in development or master of a new task there is a regression or a “falling apart” that occurs. It is as if the brain is focusing all of its energy wiring itself for the new task. For ex. the weeks prior to a baby’s first steps he might eat less but stand in the high chair more; sleep less but stand in the crib and cry. During this time the child shows and develops their particular strengths, vulnerabilities, temperament and coping style. Growth and development does not occur in a straight upward line pattern but rather in a jagged upward line pattern.

10. Growth and Development have interrelated parts.

Improves motor skills

Children grow can play a more complex sport improves social skills

Improves mental growth learns new ideas

III. Parenting

It is hard to be a good parent. There are many responsibilities. As a parent you must provide for and socialize your child into your culture, guide and discipline, and nurture them simultaneously.

You must provide ____________________________________ _______________________________________________. You must _______________________________________________________; use safe carseat or financial support to the single parent/guardian that cares for your child.

As a parent you have financial obligations that start with __________________. ________________________________ vary depending upon the type and place of birth, and the condition or needs of both the child and mother. Through the years of the child’s life you will be responsible for health and other forms of _________, _______________________________________________________.

The current U.S Government statistics estimate that the cost of raising a child for 18 years has risen from $_________ in 1960 to $______________ in 2007. Cost for a four year education at a public university is between ____________ and ______________ a year!!

1. Socialization: training children to live in a group, _____ __________, ________________________, ____________ and learn societal expectations. Your goal is to rear a child that becomes a responsible and contributing member of society. Teaching of family & culture history, ___________________, ___________, ________, _____________________, _____________________, ___________ ______________, ____________________, ____________, ______, ____________________, and arts/crafts/home interiors to children continues our society.

2. Nurturance: Feeding, ___________, ____________ are all actions that allow you to nurture your child. These actions help a child to ____________________________. The nurture you provide plays an important part in the development of the child’s self esteem and their ability to form healthy relationships. Children are born not knowing ____________________. Self-image and self-concept are molded by _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________.

“Each day of our lives we make deposits into the memory banks of our children” -Chuck Swindoll

3. Intellectual development of the child is gained through learning. A child’s intelligence is a product of heredity and environment. Parents have the responsibility to help ensure that children make the most of their intellectual potential.

4. Guidance and Discipline: parent use ________________ to influence their behavior. ____________ is methods and techniques to teach children ________________. Guidance and Discipline teach children to think and act in a safe and acceptable way.

IV. Various Methods of Discipline:

1. _________________________________: Parents practice authority, expect obedience and enforce strict discipline to achieve desired behavior from a child. This method teaches children to fear adults, as there is no negotiation or flexibility. As children grow fear their fear lessens and rebellion often occurs. As young adults they may have difficulty thinking for themselves or making decisions. Sometimes there is a double standard: spanking a child for fighting! This method is often this method is used by the parent in anger.

2. Love withdrawal: ______________________________


3. Permissive parents are the opposite of _______________ parents. They allow _________________. The child often feels insecure and lost without any direction or guidance.

4. Induction or Democratic: _________________________ _______________________. Clear limits are set and explained. _______________________ is used to promote good behavior. Children disciplined with this technique show better _________ __________, ________________________________________


“The hardest part of raising children is teaching them to ride bicycles. A shaky child on a bicycle for the first time needs both support and freedom. The realization that this is what the child will always need, can hit hard.” – Sloan Wilson

V. Characteristics of a Healthy Family:

*Parents have shared personal values and priorities


*Flexibility and adjustable to new circumstances


*Good communication


“Kids spell love T-I-M-E.” - John Crudele

VI. Two major Child Development researchers are Robert Havinghurst and Abraham Maslow.

1. Robert Havighurst: ______________________________ – each child masters skills and activities that fit his or her level of growth and development. Achieving developmental tasks leads to _____________________, thus pursuit of new developmental tasks. Failure leads to __________________ with later tasks.

A. 3 areas of development are:

*__________________________: as the body matures, the child is able to learn many new skills, such as walking and reading.

*__________________________: through rewards and penalties, society pressures the child to master the tasks seen as important. Developmental tasks differ from culture to culture. Hopi Indian children are taught there is no value in winning a contest or game.

*__________________________: the actual push to achieve (motivation) comes from within the child; he must desire to achieve success. Children will work harder to learn task they like.

Example: A child needs body strength and coordination to learn to hit a baseball with a bat. He realizes that skillful players are rewarded with praise and less skillful are teased and overlooked. He desires to be admired & have success. He sees older and other children that are successful batters. He then thinks “I can do this!” He must weigh the risks of failure to the desired outcome of success. So he chooses to spend hours practicing batting to master the skill. When he achieves success, he has the confidence to move onto another skill.


Rolls over and sits up


Cruises and walks


2. Abraham Maslow: ______________________________ – human development is a result of meeting personal needs. Everyone must need the basic needs first before progressing to further development. The diagram depicting his theory is shaped liked a _______________. The needs at the bottom of the pyramid are the _______________. Moving up the pyramid to the next level, the needs become increasing _______________________ – but indicate further development as a person.

A. The lowest level indicates physical needs (_______________________________________________)

B. The next level (2nd) indicates the need for safety and security.

C. The 3rd level up is the psychological needs (___________, __________________________________________)

C. The 4th level represents ____________________ of respect and honor from others

D. The top level is self actualization. This level is where __________________________________________________ then become a lifelong pursuit.

Example: A well-fed child that has a home to live in can turn their attention from eating to psychological needs. These needs can be met by building relationships with friends and family.

A person who has suffered a traumatic loss (like a home fire) is bumped back down the pyramid to the base level. This shift can be _________________________________________.

Draw and Label the Pyramid of Human Needs in the space below.


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