Life Expectancy at Birth - Males - …

Life Expectancy at BirthThis information is sourced from the Department of Health - The Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Inequalities Monitoring System (HSCIMS) Sub-Regional Report 2017.The information in this report relates to people that are resident within the council area.Life Expectancy at Birth - MalesBetween 2012-14 within LCCC; Males born can expect to live on average to 79.7 years old Male life expectancy has increased by 1.3 years from 2008-10 (78.4 years)Male life expectancy is 3.7 years lower in the most deprived areas within LCCC (76.0 years)Male life expectancy ranges from 77.8 years in Lisburn South DEA to 81.6 years in Killutagh DEAMales can expect to live on average 3.6 years less than femalesMale life expectancy is 1.4 years higher than Northern Ireland overallMale life expectancy is the highest across all councils (at council level)Table 1: Male Life Expectancy at Birth LCCC and NI (2008-10 to 2012-14)?2008-102009-112010-122011-132012-14Northern Ireland77.077.477.778.078.3LCCC78.478.879.179.379.7LCCC Deprived74.775.275.476.176.0LCCC-NI Gap-1.4-1.4-1.4-1.3-1.4LCCC Deprivation Gap3. East76.978.379.679.579.1Castlereagh South79.379.781.181.181.4Downshire East80.081.781.481.080.4Downshire West78.979.979.679.480.4Killultagh80.479.979.980.181.6Lisburn North78.378.678.779.179.0Lisburn South76.576.275.977.077.8Life Expectancy at Birth - FemalesBetween 2012-14 within LCCC; Females born can expect to live on average to 83.3 years old Female life expectancy has increased by 1.1 years from 2008-10 (82.2 years)Female life expectancy is 2.2 years lower in the most deprived areas within LCCC (81.1 years)The deprivation gap for female life expectancy is the third highest (along with Derry City and Strabane 2.2 years) across all councils behind Mid & East Antrim (3.2 years) and Belfast (3.0 years).Female life expectancy ranges from 81.7 years in Castlereagh East DEA to 86.9 years in Downshire East DEAFemales can expect to live on average 3.6 years longer than malesFemale life expectancy is 1.0 years higher than Northern Ireland overallFemale life expectancy is the highest along with Mid Ulster across all councilsTable 2: Female Life Expectancy at Birth LCCC and NI (2008-10 to 2012-14)?2008-102009-112010-122011-132012-14Northern Ireland81.481.982.182.382.3LCCC82.282.382.683.283.3LCCC Deprived80.580.881.481.081.1LCCC-NI Gap-0.8-0.4-0.5-0.9-1.0LCCC Deprivation Gap1. East81.081.482.182.681.7Castlereagh South83.283.283.584.184.5Downshire East84.786.185.786.186.9Downshire West81.082.383.584.083.5Killultagh84.383.883.083.784.8Lisburn North81.581.281.581.982.2Lisburn South81.381.682.382.081.9Date of Last Update: 04/04/17 ................

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