Chapter 31 Homework

Chapter 31 Homework

Friday 4/18/13

Pgs. 1027-1034

1. Identify one event that would be associated with the “re-Stalinization” of the USSR between 1964 and 1982.

2. Why is Aleksander Solzhenitsyn mentioned in your book?

3. For which country did Stalin say introducing Communism was like putting a saddle on a cow?

A. What did Gomulka do in that country in 1956?

4. According to your book, what was the “real Polish miracle”?

5. What happened at the Lenin shipyards in Gdansk?

6. Which workers demands were accepted by the Polish government in Gdansk agreement?

7. Lech Walesa became the leader of the democratic free trade union called ______________________.

A. What year was this?

8. What happened to the Solidarity Union in December 1981?

9. “Mikhail Gorbachev’s initiatives brought _________________ and _______________ liberalization and they permitted ______________________ and _________________________________ to triumph spectacularly in the old _________________ empire and eventually in the ________________ itself.”

10. What policy changes came with the restructuring or Perestroika of the Soviet economy?:



11. In what ways did the Gorbachev policy of Glasnost go “too far”?

12. What did Gorbachev’s policy of democratization lead to?

13. What did Gorbachev do to “repudiate the Brezhnev doctrine”?

Monday 4/22/13


1. What was the political/social situation in Poland in 1988?

2. Who became Poland’s first noncommunist leader in August 1989?

3. How was Poland’s new government’s economic program different from its political program?

4. When did the Berlin Wall “come down”?

5. Which of the Soviet republics was the first to declare itself an independent state?

6. Gorbachev asked Soviet citizens for a new constitution which formally abolished the ____________________ party’s monopoly of political control.

7. Under the leadership of _________________________ Russia also declared its independence from the Soviet Union.

8. Who kidnapped Gorbachev in August 1991?

9. What three factors were important in the absorption of East Germany into West Germany?




10. How does your book describe the Paris Accord?

Tuesday 4/23/13


1. Why did Russia’s rapid economic liberalization work so poorly?

2. What happened to the life expectancy of the average Russian male between 1991 and 1996?

3. Yeltsin’s economic reforms became viewed by the Russian public to be synonymous with corruption. This led to the “managed democracy” of)________________________.

a. What did managed democracy look like?

4. What happened ion Chechnya?

5. What was the “velvet revolution”?

6. What was the “velvet divorce”?

7. Which three eastern bloc countries joined NATO in 1997?

8. What was Slobodan Milosevic trying to accomplish after 1989?

9. In June 1991 both ________________________ and _____________________ declared independence from Yugoslavia.

10. What led to the conflict in Bosnia?

11. what happened at Srebrenica in July 1995?

12. What happened in Kosovo?

Wednesday 4/24/13


Thursday 4/25/13


Friday 4/26/13

Quiz on Chapter 31

Monday 4/29/13 Begin Review week one

Monday 5/6/13 Begin Review week two

Monday 5/13/13 Begin Review week three

Wednesday 5/15/13 AP EXAM


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