KS 2 - MEDIUM TERM PLANNING - Primary Resources



|Year 4 |History – WW2 |Autumn 1 |Jo Taylor |


|To understand when WW2 took place in history. |Introduce topic to children |

|To understand which countries were involved. |Watch Power Point showing key details about the war. |

|To place events in chronological order. |Place key events in British history since 1930 to 2007 on a |

| |time line. |

|To understand what rationing was and how it affected people |Recap main facts about WW2 from previous lesson. |

|living on the home front. |Make children aware of why there was a shortage due to cargo |

| |boats being bombed. |

| |What food do we think was rationed? Why was it those foods? |

| |Bring in ‘rationed’ amounts of food people were allowed in WW2.|

| |Show ration book and posters |

| |Complete ration book and 1940’s shopping list. |

|To understand what rationing was and how it affected people |Recap previous lesson. |

|living on the home front. |Look at ‘War time’ fruitcake recipe and compare it to recipe |

|To use ingredients available in 1940’s to make ‘war time’ |we’d used today – what is different? Why did they use |

|fruitcake. |different ingredients? Do you think they minded? |

| |Split class in half (USE TA) and make war time fruitcake. |

| |Complete w/sheet whilst it cooks. |

| |Taste cake and compare it fruitcake we’d eat today. |

|To understand what the blitz was and how it affected people. |Discuss with class that there were bombs dropping on England |

| |during WW2 – find sound effects/video to play to them. |

|(LINK TO LITERACY) |Why did they do that? Where do you think they targeted? |

| |Watch clips of cities that were targeted in England and |

| |Germany. |

| |Look at pictures of bombed London and write descriptions. |

|To understand how people stayed safe during the blitz. |Look at different posters, pictures and governments leaflets |

| |describing how people should be kept safe. |

| |Listen to clips of people’s experiences (primary resources |

| |blog) |

| |Draw and label the different shelters people used. |


|To research information about evacuation. |Show map where the bombs struck – where do you think people |

|To know what evacuation was. |were evacuated to? WHO was evacuated? Why wasn’t everyone? |

| |Show BBC video clip of evacuation and selected scenes from |

|(LINK TO LITERACY) |‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ |

| |Listen to audio experiences of evacuation. |

| |Use the information to write a letter/postcard home to family |

| |telling them about your experiences. |



|Year 4 |History – WW2 |Autumn 2 |Jo Taylor |


|To recap knowledge and info on evacuation. |Recap lesson from previous term on evacuation – what can we |

|To know what evacuation was. |remember? |

|To understand the term propaganda. |How did the children feel? Why did the government send them |

| |away? |

| |Show the children propaganda posters – what are they trying to |

| |do? |

| |Observe how the pictures show you how the government wanted to |

| |see evacuation – look how happy the children are. |

| |Children to design a government poster reassuring parents why |

| |it’s good to send their child away. |

|To prepare for our WW2 day. |Write invitations asking parents to come in for our WW2 day. |

| |Practise songs & music. |

| |Artwork |

| |Shelters |

| |Writing – class book/individual books? |

| |Make cakes again to be tasted by parents. |

| |Discuss costumes. |

| | |

| | |


|To understand what daily life was like during WW2. |Watch 1940’s house video – take notes. |

| |Use notes to write a diary extract about what everyday life was|

| |like. |

|To understand the role of women during the war. |If possible – invite a guest in to talk about experiences |

|To use sources to find out about the war. |during the war. If not – use primary resources blog. |

| |Draw a picture of a typical WW2 women and around her – write a |

| |list of jobs and activities she had to do on a daily basis. |

|To understand how the war ended. |Watch a video and listen to audio clips of when the war ended. |

| |Discuss and watch clips of street parties. |

| |Show a picture of the certificate for children by King George |

| |VI for victory celebrations. |

| |Design their own certificates and plan a VE day party! |


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