A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario


A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario

Premier of Ontario - Premi?re ministre de l'Ontario


On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am delighted to extend warm greetings to everyone consulting -- A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario.

Ontario's senior citizens -- a vital part of our society -- have wideranging needs. In response to that diversity of needs, this guide provides information on programs and services aimed at helping older adults in our province to stay healthy, safe, active and engaged.

I commend Ontario's seniors for the significant role they continue to play in helping to build our communities, and in contributing to our growth and prosperity. I also wish to thank all the family members, friends and caregivers who provide our seniors with support.

I am confident that, by working with our community partners and in consultation with older adults themselves, we can continue to ensure that Ontario remains the best place in North America to grow old.

To everyone reading this valuable resource -- please accept my sincere best wishes.

Kathleen Wynne Premier

Minister of Seniors Affairs - Ministre des Affaires des personnes ?g?es


Dear Friends,

I am pleased to share with you this important publication. It's a clear and concise guide for seniors, their caregivers and family to the programs and services available in Ontario.

The Ontario government has a clear and comprehensive plan to respond to the growing needs of seniors. A key element of this plan includes making it easier for seniors to find and access programs and services offered by the provincial and federal governments, and service providers. We want to ensure that there is a one window access point for Ontarians looking for information related to seniors, their caregivers and family.

A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario is that key resource to encourage and assist Ontarians to achieve a future that is healthy, active and safe. It's why we put this guide together; to provide a summary of programs and services that are uniquely beneficial and of interest to seniors everywhere.

You'll find there are many supports offered in particular, by the Ontario government, and many ways to find out more about them. In addition to this guide, you can also access information online at ontario.ca/seniors, by email at Infoseniors@ontario.ca, or by phone at 1-888-910-1999.

Our goal is to help seniors stay engaged in their communities for as long as possible. It is more important than ever that we continue working hard, together, to make this province the best place in the world to age.

Dipika Damerla Minister of Seniors Affairs





Seniors' INFOline 1-888-910-1999 -- TTY: 1-800-387-5559

A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario is your resource for information about programs and services available to Ontario's seniors. It is produced by the Ministry of Seniors Affairs and distributed by ServiceOntario Publications.

Additional copies may be ordered through ServiceOntario Publications by calling 1-800-668-9938 or online at ontario.ca/publications.

If you have suggestions about how to improve this publication, please fill out the enclosed postage-paid business reply card and drop it in a mail box.

Information is current as of August 2016.

Regular updates to this guide will be posted on the Ministry of Seniors Affairs website at ontario.ca/seniors.

?galement disponible en fran?ais sous le titre Guide des programmes et services pour les personnes ?g?es de l'Ontario.

? Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2017 ISBN 978-1-4606-8733-8 (Print) ISBN 978-1-4606-8734-5 (HTML) ISBN 978-1-4606-8735-2 (PDF) 50M/17


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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