Robert F. McDermott

Post # 309

11844 Bandera Road # 417

Helotes, Texas 78023

Commander: Willis E Gray III 1st Vice-Commander: Mike Gilmour 2nd Vice-Commander: Carlos Vela Adjutant: Jaime Caratini Finance Office: N’De Narvaez Sgt At Arms: Mark Ochoa Jr. Chaplain: David Kottwitz Hub Master: Jaime F. Caratini Jr. Historian Jaime F. Caratini Jr Executive 1: Karen Stark

Executive Meeting Minutes

7 August 2019

Call to Order: Commander Willis Gray called meeting to order at 7:05 PM at Casa Helotes 12070 Leslie Rd.,

Helotes, TX

Advance Colors: Colors in place

Invocation: Commander read the invocation.

POW/MIA Empty Chair Ceremony: Mark Ochoa placed POW/MIA flag on chair.

Pledge of Allegiance: Members recited pledge of allegiance in unison

Preamble of the Constitution of The American Legion: Members recited Preamble in unison

Roll Call of Post Officers: Quorum established/officers present.

Willis Gray III (Commander)

Jaime F. Caratini (Adjutant)

Mike Gilmour (1st vice)

Carlos Vela (2nd Vice)

N’De Narvaez (Finc. Officer)

Vacant (Service Officer)

Mark Ochoa Jr. (Sgt-at-Arms)

David Kottwitz (Chaplain) Excused

Vacant (Judge Advocate)

Karen Stark (Executive Member 1)

Jaime Cartini Jr. (Historian/Hubmaster) Excused

Vacant Executive Member

Welcome Remarks: Commander Willis Gray III welcomed all executive members present.

Reading of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Karen Stark moved to not to read the minutes from the previous meeting and approve them as written. Carlos Vela 2nd the motion and unanimously approved.

Committees Reports:

Sgt-at-Arms/Welcome Committee: Mark Ochoa Jr. welcomed all in attendance and reminded everyone to make sure their cell phones are set to the silent mode or turn them off as to not interfere with the meeting.


1. Totals as of 08/05/19

a. Goal: 65

b. New: 1

c. PUFL: 7

d. Renew online: 6

e. Trad Renew: 13

f. Paid 2020: 27

g. Hq Transfers: 0

h. 2020 total: 27

i. % Goal: 41.54% as of 5 August 2019

2. Post will have a WAA and membership booth at the Helotes Market day 7 September from 9AM to 5PM.

3. Comander spoke of the membership awards the post received including $150 award received for achieving 100% membership by December 2018.

Adjutant/Public Relations/Resolutions:

1. Reminded officers to encourage members to sign-up for and the legion life insurance included in their membership.

2. Need to remind members of the $10 discount for those members who renew 2yrs. Members renewing 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 will pay $72 instead of $82. They will also be entered in the respesctive early bird drawings. This incentive is scheduled to be discontinued at the September membership meeting.

Finance Report: N’De Narvaez reported that IRS form 990 was finally filed online. N’De Narvaez gave the following financial report:


Beginning Balance: $1213.09


July 22: 3 Membership Renewals (Stan Fritz, Kurt Bergestedt, $184.00

Norberto Fiero ) 2 Donations ($25.00 & $13.00) 50/50

July 23: Compass For Your Cause $ 2.22

July 25 3 Membership Renewals (Gary Webb, James Scott, $273.00

Luis Camacho) American Legion Award

Total: $ 459.22


July 5: Membership Renewals – David Kottwitz, Daniel $93.00

Gordon, Louis Cardenas

July 11: Membership Renewals – Jose Chavarria, Norberto $93.00

Fiero, Luis Lopez

July 22: OOMA, INC $17.93

Total: $ 203.93

Ending Balance: $1468.38


N’De Narvaez moved to approve the finance report. Mike Gilmour 2nd the motion and passed unanimously.

Service/VA&R/ROTC: Department Service Officer James Pospisil continues to work on 4 VA cases on behalf of Post 309. Commander is contacting school representatives for Oratory contest and ROTC awards.

Historian/Hubmaster: Adjutant reported on behalf of the Hubmaster. Reminded officers of the Post email address, facebook and webpage urls. Invitations to follow the website have been sent and still waiting for more members to follow the website. Work still needs to be done on the webpage specially on how to archive the agendas and minutes.

Legion Riders: New director informed that recycling effort is still going on and to bring cans for recycle to the meetings. Riders plan at least two fundraisers this year probably at Fuddruckers and Panda Express. Two ALR 309 riders participated in the 2019 Texas Lonestar Legacy Run. The new director joined them for part of the first day’s ride and also attended the State ALR Rally at Elm Mott. The 2020 Texas Lonestar Legacy Run will be at Post 241 in Lake Texoma. Eventhough this is mainly a Riders event Post members are invited to participate in both the Legacy Run and the ALR Rally.

Auxiliary Unit: Commander spoke with Auxiliary president and they are working on getting everything rolling (bank account, events, etc.)

Sons of The American Legion: Will be asking post members to sign-up for dual membership and once the Squadron is up and running concentrate in looking for more members. Dues were at $10 for members 18 years or older and free for younger than 18 but may have to be adjusted since Deparment and/or National might increase their dues. Carlos Vela and commander will be talking with school representatives to do a 5 – 10 minute presentation about the Legion Youth programs. Also to see how to get the youngsters involved in community service projects. Still need to submit the 11 members to get the Squadron started.

Unfinished Business:

a. Bill West has copy of the letter where David McDermott authorizes the Post to use his father’s name. Commander Gray is having problems contacting him for the Post dedication. He is also going to contact Ms. Martinez at USAA to be our liaison.

b. Commander Gray will start working on the Suzuki first and then on the Harley so we can decide on what will be done with them.

c. Certificates for sponsored Boys to Boys State are ready to be presented to them at the next membership meeting.

d. Commander and adjutant presented Luby’s assistant manager with a certificate of appreciation for a successful fundraiser. Luby’s donation to Post 309 was $524.11

e. N’De Narvaez has already collected some hygene items for the homeless female veterans but more is needed. Need to remind members to bring their donations to the membership meeting or contact N’De.

New Business:

a. WAA/Membership booth will be at Helotes Market Day 7 September. Commander Gray will be in charge of the booth. Mike Gilmour, Mark Ochoa and Karen Stark volunteered to help at the booth.

b. Adjutant to request 11 September for another Luby’s fundraiser.

c. Commander Gray will check if HEB paperwork was submitted properly.

d. Commander still working on a food plate sale for September.

e. There will be a WAA/membership booth at Walmart 1604 and Culebra on 21 and 22 September

f. There will be a WAA/membership booth at Walmart on Leslie Rd. Helotes on 12 and 13 October

g. We need to put more effort doing the buddy check and start contacting all post members.

h. Adjutant will amend the Post constitution and by-law to incorporate the Legion Act and mail it to Department of Texas. The amendment will read as follows:

“Article IV – Eligibility and Membership, Section 1”

“Section 1. An individual is eligible for membership in the American Legion only if the individual – (1) has served in the Armed Forces of (A) the United States at any time during – (i)the period of April 6, 1917, through November 11, 1918; or (ii) any time after December7, 1941; or (B) a government associated with the United States Government during a period of time referred to in the subsection (A) of this section and was a citizen of the United States when the individual entered that service; and (2) was honorably discharged or separated from that service or continues to serve honorably during or after that period or time; provided, however, that such service shall have been terminated by honorable discharge or honorable separation, or continued honorably during or after any of said periods; provided, further, that no person shall be entitled to membership who, being in such service during any of said periods, refused on conscientious, political or other grounds to subject themselves to military discipline or unqualified service.”

i. Carlos vela suggested doing a bingo like lottery and draw the winning number three months later. Unsold numbers belong to the post and could make the post a winner.

Announcement and Upcoming Events: Commander Gray went over the important dates coming up as follows:

a. 2 Sept – Labor Day

b. 7 Sept – SCTX ALR Quarterly meeting in Schulenberg, TX

c. 11 Sep – Patriot Day organize a fundraiser at Luby’s

d. 18 Sep – Membership meeting also plan to do a POW/MIA ceremony and possibly the Post dedication.

e. 21 Sep – POW/MIA Recognition Day

f. 14 Oct -Columbus Day

g. 31 Oct – Halloween possibly do a trunk or treat. Location TBD

h. 5 Nov – Election Day

i. 11 Nov – Veterans Day plan to participate in the Helotes concert that evening.

j. 23 Nov – Probably participate in Turkey for the Troop at the Toyota Boerne

k. 28 Nov – Thanksgiving considering serving Lackland service members at Casa Helotes or join forces with Post 300

l. 7 Dec – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

m. 25 Dec – Christmas Day check with Post membership to select a day for the Post Christmas party. Also planning on participating in the Helotes Christmas parade date TBD.

n. 31 Dec – New Year’s Eve

o. Next membership meeting will be 21 August 2019.

p. Next 20th District meeting at Gunsmoke Post will be 14 August

q. Next executive meeting will be 4 September 2019.

Benediction: Commander Gray read the benediction.

Retire POW/MIA Flag: Mark Ochoa retrieved POW/MIA flag from the empty chair.

Retire Colors: Colors being in place.

Meeting Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM



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