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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Chapter 1)By: Mark Twain1) How does the author show that Tom is really a very clever boy? A)Tom hides in the closet to eat jam.B)Tom plays hookey but gets home before supper.C)Tom outsmarts Aunt Polly and escapes punishment.D)Tom lies to Aunt Polly about eating jam in the closet.Explanation:Tom is very clever when he quickly diverts Aunt Polly’s attention to make his escape. 2) Which word would BEST describe Tom’s character as portrayed in this passage? A)mischievousB)patientC)respectfulD)uncaringExplanation:He is definitely mischievous. Aunt Polly mentions that he played tricks on her.Tom is not respectful because he disobeys Aunt Polly. There is nothing to indicate that he is uncaring or patient. 3) What is Aunt Polly's conflict in the last section (after Tom scrambled up the high board-fence, and disappeared over it.)? A)an external conflict with her church over raising Tom by the BibleB)an internal conflict with her conscience over doing what is best for TomC)a conflict dealing with her advancing age and her ability to physically punish TomD)a conflict concerning her love for her sister and the demands of raising a young boyExplanation:An internal conflict with her conscience over doing what is best for Tom is the correct answer. She talks to herself in this section, explaining how her heart breaks when she hits Tom, and yet she believes Spare the rod and spile the child, as the Good Book says. 4) What does Aunt Polly's gentle laugh in line (7) reveal about her character and her attitude toward her nephew, Tom? A)Tom has clearly driven her insane.B)She is never going to be able to understand Tom.C)Though she gets angry with him, she truly loves Tom.D)She needs to be more serious about disciplining Tom.Explanation:Though she gets angry with him, she truly loves Tom.. She laughs even though she's been tricked (which shows a healthy spirit and sense of humor) and the fact that the laugh is "gentle" shows her great affection for Tom. 5) What does the fact that Tom has been eating jam against his Aunt's wishes reveal about his character? A)Tom has a weight problem and eats too many sweet foods.B)Tom likes getting caught when he's doing something wrong.C)Tom does whatever he can to drive his aunt completely crazy.D)Tom is full of mischief and trouble with a weakness for sweets.Explanation:Tom is full of mischief and trouble with a weakness for sweets. He's your typical, trouble-making boy. 6) The author uses detailed descriptions of Aunt Polly’s actions A)to help the reader to form mental pictures.B)to help the reader to understand the dialect.C)to help the reader to know about the setting.D)to help the reader to determine the point of view.Explanation:to help the reader to form mental pictures. The detailed descriptions of Aunt Polly’s actions help the reader to imagine what Aunt Polly looks like and what she is doing. 7) How does Mark Twain portray Aunt Polly as a realistic, believable character? A)Twain makes her a cruel, unforgiving, and unmerciful tyrant of Tom's home life.B)Aunt Polly is clearly a shallow, judgmental, unkind woman who hates Tom and his antics.C)Twain gives her a stern but compassionate personality and a distinctive dialectal voice.D)Aunt Polly is portrayed as a secretive, paranoid woman who worries too much about everything in her life.Explanation:Aunt Polly is made into a realistic character by Twain giving her a stern but compassionate personality and a distinctive dialectal voice. Aunt Polly is a well-rounded character with many facets (a stern, but kindly heart; funny Southern expressions). 8)Our father bought new bicycles for my sister and __________.Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. A)IB)herC)meD)sheExplanation:Me is the correct answer because the objective case is used for the object of a preposition. Me is the object of the preposition for. 9)Since Tom and __________ missed the test because of a track meet, Mr. Evans will let us take it on Thursday after school.Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. A)IB)herC)himD)meExplanation:I is the correct answer because a subjective pronoun is needed for the subject of the dependent clause. 10) When he stood side by side with Tom, I noticed that Arturo was shorter than ______.Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence? A)TomB)heC)himD)hisExplanation:he is correct. In the example, the pronoun is in the nominative case. The understood portion of the sentence is Arturo is shorter than he is. 11)We didn’t expect that ___________ would win first prize in the talent show.Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. A)he and IB)he and meC)him and ID)him and meExplanation:He and I is the correct answer because subjective forms of the pronouns are used as the compound subject of the dependent clause. 12)The lady __________ he sat on the bus got off at Elm Street.Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. A)with whoB)to whichC)with whomD)with whatExplanation:With whom is the correct answer because it uses the objective case and is used to refer to a person. 13)The pop quiz surprised Natasha more than __________.Read the sentence and choose the correct pronoun. A)IB)meC)theyD)usExplanation:B is correct. In this example, the pronoun is in the objective case. The pop quiz surprised Natasha more than it surprised me. 14)_________ willing to help us with the project on Wednesday.Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. A)TheirB)ThereC)They'llD)They'reExplanation:They're is the correct answer because the sentence needs a subject and a helping verb. Since they're is a contraction for they are, it is the only choice that makes sense. 15)I cannot believe someone scratched my new car on the first day of school.Which of the underlined words in the sentence is a possessive case pronoun? A)IB)myC)firstD)someoneExplanation:The correct answer is my. The pronoun my indicates ownership. 16)Obviously, we will arrive at the movie theater before the others.Which of the underlined words in the sentence is a nominative case pronoun? A)atB)othersC)theaterD)weExplanation:The correct answer is we. We is a nominative case pronoun serving as the subject of the sentence. 17)All of the football players will be in ___________ uniforms and on the field in twenty minutes.Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence? A)itsB)themC)theirD)his or herExplanation:Their is the correct answer. Their is a plural indefinite pronoun; therefore, the plural form their agrees with the antecedent. 18)One of the girls left _________ jacket in the cafeteria.Choose the pronoun that agrees with the italicized antecedent in number and gender. A)hisB)herC)hersD)theirExplanation:Her is the correct answer. One is a singular indefinite pronoun antecedent and the gender is revealed as female. 19) Which contains a shift in person? A)He ran the fifty yard dash in 5.1 seconds. You have to train hard to make that time.B)If we had known about the deadline, you could have helped her finish the applications.C)Athletes enjoy competition; they derive great satisfaction if their performances are superior.D)One must apply for scholarships by May 15, so Avilon is meeting with Ms. Dixon in guidance on Tuesday.Explanation:He ran the fifty yard dash in 5.2 seconds. You have to train hard to make that time. The writer inappropriately shifts from third person (He) to second person (you). 20)Against strenuous and vocal opposition from Student Council and the Loachapoka student body at large, the school board has instituted a policy banning and prohibiting the use of all mp3 players, ipods, and all type of cell phones in an effort to make the Loachapoka High School as free from technological distraction as possible, believing that this is a valid and excellent way to help students improve their concentration efforts and avoid being unable to focus upon the different tasks they need to do each day at school.Which is the BEST revision of this sentence? A)Against loud and vocal opposition from the student council and student body, the school board of Loachapoka High School voted to ban the use of all mp3 players, ipods, and cell phones in an attempt to help students concentrate more fully upon their studies rather than entertaining distractions.B)Against strenuous and vocal opposition from student council and the Loachapoka student body at large, the school board has instituted a policy banning the use of all mp3 players, ipods, and cell phones in an effort to make the School as free from technological distraction as possible, believing that this is a valid and excellent way to help students improve their concentration.C)The Loachapoka School Board has instituted a policy banning and prohibiting the use of all mp3 players, ipods, and all type of cell phones in an effort to make the Loachapoka High School as free from technological distraction as possible, believing that this is a valid and excellent way to help students improve their concentration efforts and avoid being unable to focus upon the different tasks they need to do each day at school.D)Against strenuous and vocal opposition from student council and the Loachapoka student body at large, the school board has instituted a policy banning and prohibiting the use of all mp3 players, ipods, and all type of cell phones in an effort to make the Loachapoka High School as free from technological distraction as possible, believing that this is a valid and excellent way to help students improve their concentration efforts and avoid being unable to focus upon the different tasks they need to do each day at school.Explanation:The best revision of this sentence is the following one: Against loud and vocal opposition from the Student Council and student body, the school board of Loachapoka High School voted to ban the use of all mp3 players, ipods, and cell phones in an attempt to help students concentrate more fully upon their studies rather than entertaining distractions. This sentence is written in a more direct and accessible manner--and it does not lose any of the vital information found in the original sentence. 21)Anna and Paul both brought _________ hamsters to class for pet day.Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence? A)herB)hisC)theirD)theyExplanation:The correct answer is their. Anna and Paul are the antecedents; therefore, a plural pronoun is required for agreement. 22) Choose the sentence in which the underlined pronoun is correct. A)Some of the bread had mold on their bottom.B)One of the coaches left their clipboard on the bus.C)One of the girls brought her pictures from the trip.D)Most of the players placed his pads on top of the cart.Explanation:The pronoun must agree in number and gender with its antecedent. One of the girls brought her pictures from the trip. is correct. 23) Which sentence uses the pronoun correctly? A)Whom is your dentist?B)To who are you speaking?C)Who are you going to the prom with?D)Through whom did you arrange your vacation?Explanation:Who is an subjective case pronoun (acts like a subject), and whom is an objective case pronoun (serves as an object). In this case, whom is used correctly as the object in the phrase "through whom" in the sentence Through whom did you arrange your vacation? 24)Neither of the boys made it on the baseball team of _______ choice.Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence? A)itsB)themC)hisD)theirExplanation:His is the correct answer. Neither is a singular indefinite pronoun; therefore, the singular form his agrees with the antecedent. 25)In the top of the maple tree, the sparrow was busy building ________ nest.Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence? A)itsB)hisC)theirD)theyExplanation:The correct answer is its. Sparrow, the antecedent, is a bird and requires a non-gender pronoun. 26) Select the pronoun that correctly completes this sentence:Katherine wants to go into politics; she finds ____________ so exciting. A)itB)itsC)theirD)themExplanation:It correctly completes the sentence. 27)Everyone on the girls' volleyball team needs to bring in a permission slip signed by ___ parent or guardian.Supply the proper pronoun. A)herB)itsC)theirD)thereExplanation:The correct answer is her. The antecedent is "everyone," which is singular, and since we know everyone on the girls' team is female, "her" is the correct possessive pronoun. 28) Select the pronoun that correctly completes this sentence:Both of the students have made _____________ preferences known to the teacher. A)itsB)theC)theirD)they'reExplanation:Their correctly completes the sentence.Both of the students have made their preferences known to the teacher. 29) Select the pronoun that correctly completes this sentence:Neither Brent nor Graham can give _________ report today. A)himB)hisC)theirD)they'reExplanation:His correctly completes the sentence. 30) Select the pronoun that correctly completes this sentence:One of my aunts lost __________ hospital identification badge last week. A)herB)itsC)ourD)theirExplanation:Her correctly completes this sentence: One of my aunts lost her hospital identification badge last week. ................

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